"This is what happened Can the Wei family swallow this breath? "

Zhang hall, a young girl tut tut surprised asked.

This woman is not old, but in such a big hall, many Zhang's elders are present, but she can express her opinions at will, which shows her position.

"Ziyu, naturally, the Wei family can't swallow this breath But what? Jiang Tiandao is not dead yet. No matter how upset the Wei family is, they have to swallow this breath. Otherwise, they can still fight with the Jiang family? "

The elder on the theme laughs and says.

This man is broad-minded and fat, but when he talks, the whole room is quiet, and no one dares to disobey him!

This is the pillar of Zhang's family, the only half step communication with Zhang Qingfeng.

In fact, someone once said that Zhang's ancestors are the weakest, the oldest and the worst among the three families!

However, few people know that Zhang Qingfeng was the same when he was young.

However, Zhang Qingfeng lived to the end and now!

Even became one of the only three half step powers.

Zhang Ziyu is quite different from Zhang Qingfeng.

She has been a proud woman since she was a child.

Everything is different from Zhang Qingfeng.

Many people say that her achievements should be ahead of Zhang Qingfeng.

Zhang Qingfeng also agrees with this.

Zhang Qingfeng even asserts that although he is the younger generation of the three major families, the most successful one is not Wei Qianqian or Jiang Fangfang, but Zhang Ziyu!

Zhang Ziyu himself thinks the same.

"So granddad, what will they do after you say?"

Zhang Ziyu blinked and said.


Zhang Qingfeng stroked his beard and said, "who are you asking? Jiang family or Wei family? "

"Of course it's the Wei family What will happen to the Jiang family? The Jiang family won't care about this little thing. "

Zhang Ziyu shook his hand and said.

This is her view of the Jiang family.

Don't look at the rampancy of the Jiang family. In fact, the Jiang family has rampant capital.

As for Zhang Jia Thirty years of Hexi, thirty years of Hedong!

Now the Jiang family is the strongest, but who can make it clear?

Who can guarantee that?

"Wei family Now the Wei family has basically reached an alliance with us. According to our mutual agreement, of course, they will help each other. "

"But, you know, the Wei family is not very friendly to our Zhang family. They just want our Zhang family to be their dog."

"Do you think we should be dogs?"


Zhang Qingfeng asked with a smile.

They are obviously talking about the honor and disgrace of Zhang Jia, but they are talking about a trivial matter.

The rest of them bowed their heads.

They can't intervene in these things.

Although they don't understand that their ancestors let them watch, they still know what they can and can't do when they come back.

For example, what they say now is what they can't touch.

"Of course not In the past, our family was not very good, but we had our ancestors first, and now we have me, which is different from the past. "

Zhang Ziyu said angrily: "I dare say that within ten years, we will rise and let them look up to us!"

"Well That's a good idea. "

Zhang Qingfeng nodded with a smile: "in fact, there is another reason why I tell you this I'm afraid it's going to change in Daming Prefecture. At that time, it will be a time when there are no leaders. "

"Grandfather, what do you mean?"

Zhang Ziyu was shocked and said.

Others may not understand what this means, but she does!

What Zhang Qingfeng means is that maybe something big will happen.

By then, none of the three will survive!

It's a terrible thing to say that the sky has changed and that the dragons have no capital.

Zhang Ziyu is ambitious and does not lose to men. Of course, he wants to see such a future.

The problem is, not now!

This is not an era yet.

Today's Zhang Jia is still weak.

What really happened? Without Zhang Qingfeng, Zhang Jia would not be the rival of the Wei and Jiang families, plus Zhang Ziyu.

The gap between the inside information can not be made up in a day and a half.

"Ha ha, I'm just saying that it didn't happen so fast Just, I want you to be ready. I hope you can bear the burden of Zhang Jia when it comes to this day

Zhang Qingfeng said word by word.

Zhang Ziyu opened her mouth and finally nodded: "yes, grandfather!""Ha ha, this is my good grandson. Don't worry. On this day, my grandfather will give you something, a card that can turn our family around. But after that, it's up to you. This is the limit of my grandfather!"

Zhang Qingfeng said with a smile.

Zhang Ziyu pursed her mouth and did not speak.

Although she was scared, she was still looking forward to it.

Because this kind of situation is stable for Zhang Jia.

Just think about it. Originally, Zhang Jia, who was at the bottom of the list, suddenly had the capital to compete with the Wei and Jiang families. Isn't that a great thing?

Although there is a price to pay, it's just this price worth!

However, Zhang Ziyu can think of these words, but he can't say them.

Otherwise, her image will be damaged.



As Jiang Ting breathed out a long breath, his arms suddenly became more thunderous!

"Thunderbolt According to my analysis, the first step should be to master thunder! Although there is no problem with the description above, my intuition tells me that it is not so simple! "

Jiang Ting said to himself.

Yes, he not only practiced thunder strike these days, but also improved it!

To tell the truth, Jiang Ting was just on a whim.

Who knows, Jiang Ting really succeeded!

He tried according to one of his assumptions, and the result was that his cultivation was successful.

Although for the original thunder strike, it is not without the taste of Dogtail, but to be able to succeed, it is already very good.

At least, it took him only three days to master the thunder strike. This kind of thing is unique.

Because Jiang Tiandao's successful experience of cultivation is amazing!

Jiang Tiandao is directly from never understanding to understanding, one step in place.

But it takes a lot of time.

Jiangting is split into several steps!

Jiangting step by step, the opposite way!

This is unexpected to other people of the Jiang family.

Because it's a profound skill, there is no follow-up, more or less a bit of the taste of blind people feeling the elephant.

You make them mess, they can't mess!

But Jiang Ting did not take the usual road and made a bold attempt, but succeeded.

"Although I can't estimate it to the level of creation, it's only the ninth class power Steady

Jiang Ting thought with bright eyes.

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