"And that kind of thing?"

Jiang Ting was surprised.

Isn't that a bit of an exaggeration?

Although he was on the same side of the lower world, it was the first time he heard of such things!

"Well Do you know it's thunderous here? "

Jiang ran continued.


Jiang Ting nodded.

"Here, we believe in the spirit of thunder On top of this, however, there is a rumor that there is a god of thunder and lightning. "

"Since ancient times, many ancestors have received the response of the God of thunder when praying to God, and then created many forces."

"The temple of thunder is one of them The power behind the auction is the thunder god temple. "


Jiang ran explained carefully: "it's said that belief has spirit. When we talk about them, they can feel it!"

While Jiang Ting was silent, his heart beat faster This is really the world I want to pursue!

Higher, stronger!

"Although the thunder god temple is not the top force in thunder sky, it definitely belongs to one of them. This is a level we can't touch."

Jiang Fangfang sighed.

Yes, they can't tell exactly how many thoroughfares there are in Lei Shen temple.

What about Daming mansion?

None of them!

This is the gap!

It's really a mantis arm that offends them.

"In fact, is it possible to woo them?"

Jiang Ting asked.

If there is such a backer, I believe the Jiang family will be as stable as Mount Tai.

"This kind of thing, everyone wants to It's just that they don't take in oil and salt because they can't decide a lot of things. It's very strict for such forces to take over their younger brother. Moreover, we don't even have a God. Strictly speaking, we really can't be their younger brother. "

Jiang Fangfang joked.

That's right. I'm afraid the Jiang family doesn't even have the qualification to hold their thighs.

Just imagine, they have so much communication with gods. Now the highest level of the Jiang family are all half step communication with gods. They really don't have the qualification.

Jiang Yang doesn't like to talk about these topics.

Too realistic, let him feel heavy!

Even if it's true, Jiang Yang still doesn't like it.

So, Jiang Yang changed the topic: "Jiang Ting, why are your 1000 pieces of hualingdan sold in packages? I remember the appraisers here suggested that retail should bring more and greater benefits! "

That's right. According to the analysis of the other party, the price can be increased by at least 10% if sold in this way!

10% ah, according to the value of these elixirs, it is really a lot!

Why won't Jiang Ting agree?

How strange!

"Well, I understand, but my goal this time is still xuanxianguo..."

Jiang Ting explained.


When Jiang Ting said that, they were even more confused.

Since you want xuanxianguo, you must have enough money.

Although they were ready, they did not tell Jiang ting that Jiang Ting had not asked for it either, so in Jiang Ting's plan, the funds of the Jiang family would not be used.

So where does Jiang Ting have the confidence to fight with others?

Jiang Ting smiles but does not speak.

Jiang Fangfang thought of some.

Maybe Jiang Ting wants to win by cleverness!

However, can this gamble really succeed?

Jiang Fangfang expressed doubts!

Another box.

"Ha ha, I didn't expect you to come here on invitation!"

A bearded man laughed at the visitor.

But they didn't like it.

You know, this is just a young man, but he is not afraid of Qiu bearded man who has great strength in Hualing!

The reason for this is absolutely not that he came from wanlei city.

But he belongs to ten thousand families of wanlei City, the leader of the younger generation, known as the first person under Hualing!

"Well, well, what do you Wei family want to do, what do you want to do, how to do I have a clear idea, so I can talk less. "

The boy waved his hand and said impatiently.

Seeing this, Qiu bearded man didn't go on wordily either, and said, "well, I'll get to the point and help with boxing..."


The boy answered without hesitation.


Qiu bearded man was stunned for a moment.

The other party so readily agreed to come down, can not care about the expected ah!

"What's the matter? Won't it be all right if I promise directly? "Said the boy with a light smile.

"This It's a good thing, of course. "

Qiu bearded man grinned.

That's right. Do you want to make trouble for yourself?

"Isn't that it?"

The young man spread out his hand and said, "it's just that I promise directly. It's conditional."

"Easy to say, easy to say."

Qiu Beard said with a smile.

In fact, this kind of meeting is just for the purpose of negotiating terms?

Now that the other party is sincere, it is worthwhile to give more benefits.

"Don't be in a hurry to say yes or no Look at my conditions first, and then you can say whether it's easy or not. "

After that, the boy took out a list and put it on the table.

Qiu bearded man took a look, and then was stunned: "this, these..."

"Why do you think I want more?"

The boy squinted.

He just wanted to tell each other that there was a reason why he was so easy to talk.

If he can not achieve the conditions he wants, then it will become difficult to speak.

"Of course not It's just that I can't make up my mind. "

Qiu Beard said in embarrassment.

"If you can't make the decision, just find someone who can make the decision and tell me..."

The young man said slowly.

It's easy to say, but it's obvious that there's no doubt between the lines.


With that, the bearded man immediately went out to talk to a man.

"Young master, you ask for Will they agree? "

Someone asked hesitantly.

"Why don't they agree?"

The boy replied, "the number of people they can invite now is very limited. And I It's the strongest ones. Besides, I ask a high price, but I'm honest. As long as they're not stupid, they will choose me in the end. "

"I'll be a gold lettered signboard every day, and the old and the young will not be deceived Many of us don't like this business, but I'm different. I know what they need, and I can get more. "

After a pause, the boy said.

Wanlei City, wantiancheng!

He was born in a collateral line, so he didn't distribute as much resources as his direct line.

But his talent is well-known in the whole family, and he is the top ten seed player.

Although they are all in the top ten, there is a difference between the top ten of wanlei city and the top ten of Daming mansion!

This time, the people of the Wei family begged to come, but the people of the Wan family didn't care.

Wan family has a lot of work to do recently, which they don't like.

Wan Tiancheng is an exception.

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