Now that you're here, how can you come back empty handed!

Compared with the rich reward, what is the danger!

"Well, I'll tell you that this place is now..."

Feng didn't know how to explain this place to Jiang ting and Jiang ran.

It turned out that about three months ago, Aofeng auction house found a place in the Kunlong mountains where there was a change.

In such a dangerous place, there are changes, in addition to the great danger, there is a kind of strange treasure born!

No matter the former or the latter, they can't be indifferent to this change in places like Kunlong mountains!

Businessmen pursue profits.

Not to mention the falling place of the dragon in the trapped dragon mountains.

At that time, one of their strong men got a crystal dragon pith here, so that he crossed the last pass of alchemy and ascended to the top of the thunder temple.

You know, Aofeng is just a branch of the thunder god temple.

It can be seen that the inside information of the thunder temple is really amazing!

Therefore, even if Aofeng's various investments are at a loss, they still don't care.

They just look at the end result.

However, this does not mean that they can accept endless losses.

So, in the case of no harvest for one month after another, they gathered all the people to prepare to attack this place to see what the mystery is.

"Because the vein of trapped dragon mountain is formed by the fall of a dragon, so many things It's hard to say, I'm not sure! "

Feng said to Jiang ting and Jiang ran, "many places can't be judged by common sense For example, the position we are exploring now has a special magnetic field. Those who are beyond the realm of opening up the mysteries can't enter. These days, we have invited many young people to enter the realm of opening up the mysteries, and the results are not satisfactory. "

"Either dead or seriously injured?"

Jiang Ting blinked and said.

Such a result is not hard to imagine.

If you die, it means that you are in unknown danger.

if you return from a serious injury, it means that although it is dangerous here, you may not be dead for ten years.

Ten dead without life, this business is also not to do, Ao Feng they have long given up.

They didn't give up, which shows that these dangers can be controlled and tolerated.

"Yes However, we have also found out some things. Among them, there is a crystal dragon pith similar to that obtained by a big man at the beginning. Although it is only a glimpse from a distance, we have determined that it will never leave ten. "

I don't know the wind. Take a deep breath and say.

At that time, they were already exploring here, but before there was no definite evidence, many things were empty talk, true or false, still unknown.

It's impossible for them to come out of the nest without knowing what treasures they have.

A businessman is a businessman. He won't be so reckless.

However, when the auction in Daming mansion was about to be held, Feng did not know that he had received the news from this side and found something suspected of crystallizing dragon marrow!

"If the dragon's pith hadn't crystallized, it would have turned into a tonic to nourish yuanjiao over the years. However, among the yuanjiao that were born, there were many intelligent beings who knew how to protect these treasures and wait until the day when they came into being..."

Feng doesn't know what's going on here.

"And the Chiu with intelligence?"

Jiang ran was surprised.

Isn't it?

It's really amazing!

"What's so strange about this? The powerful yuanjiao, even at the level of communication with gods, are the best. The trapped dragon mountain is not a land without owners."

The wind said mysteriously.

"If so, you proud wind and so aboveboard come in?"

Jiang Ting asked curiously.

According to them, they are not easy to deal with.

Even if the proud people come, there is no face to give.

So the question is, how does Aofeng make it into its own back garden?

"Well, it's thanks to the big people above us In a word, although there is a land of God here, as long as we do not involve some core areas, we are allowed to toss as long as we do not go too far. "

Feng didn't know to smile and said: "there are three statements about the outer, inner and core of the Kunlong mountain range. We can step on the outer, inner and enter the conceit of life and death! The land of the core, there is no amnesty for killing! "

Jiang Ting is thoughtful.

"Is there anyone else to take over the task besides us? Such as Tianyue mansion and wanlei city. "

Jiang Ting's eyes turned and he said.

Tianyue mansion and wanlei city are powerful forces in the surrounding areas.

Compared with Daming Prefecture, it is stronger by more than one level.

Now that they are all invited here, I want to come to Tianyue mansion, wanlei city and other places. Some people come here."You think it's true that people like Tianyue mansion and wanlei city have come, but they are different from us. It's our other steward who invited them..."

The wind doesn't know what to say.

Even if it is Ao Feng, it is not monolithic. There are still many entanglements between them.

Therefore, the person who took the lead to win the crystal dragon marrow is the greatest credit.

"We are in charge of Daming mansion. They are in charge of Tianyue mansion and wanlei city. Although we are colleagues, we have different interests. If they make the greatest contribution, we will get less benefits. Do you understand what I say?"

The wind does not know to look at the river court, ponder not language, way.

He could see that although Jiang ran was the most famous son of the Jiang family, it was Jiang Ting who could really make up his mind!

"Before you go in, do you have to advance something? Otherwise we won't be able to get out, or we'll die if we go in, but it's all in vain. "

Jiang Ting said.

For Jiang Ting will take the initiative to ask, the wind I do not know no surprise!

"Of course, we will not be stingy if you have any requirements that we can meet, because this matter has been delayed for more than a month. Tianyue mansion and wanlei city feel that they can't afford to lose face and have sent out real Tianjiao."

Feng didn't know to think about it and said, "although there are some restrictions here, if you are willing to pay, it's not that you can't let people temporarily lower the level and enter the exploration."

"And such a treasure?"

Jiang ran opened his eyes wide.

"Of course, there are. There are so many strange things in the thunderous sky."

Feng didn't know how to explain patiently.

After all, the candidates they are looking for have been consumed.

Although Jiang ting and Jiang ran were not their targets, he knew Mr. canglan.

He decided to follow up on Mr. canglan's bet!

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