If the owner of the lone wolf mercenary regiment is really a secret society this time, it will be a bit of trouble.

At least, it's not practical to destroy them.

"The secret society?"

Yu Chenglei was also stunned.

He is different from Jiang ting. He knows the secret society.

This is a force that likes to study everything in the world.

In a sense, it is equivalent to the thunder god temple.

However, different from the development of Raytheon temple, the secret order is really mysterious!

Therefore, the members of the secret order, the name of the secret order, have more gold than the temple of thunder!

If the other party is really invited to work by the secret society, and they attack the lone wolf mercenary regiment, then the secret society will probably retaliate against them.

You know, what the world preaches to the secret order is not only their research, but also their revenge terror!

There was once a family similar to Yu's family, which hindered the study of the secret society. As a result, the other side came to the existence of a supernatural being, directly killed the five supernatural beings of the other side's family, and went away!

Although we didn't kill the old, the weak, the women and the children, and other strong people, we lost five Tongshen in one breath. Who can stand it!

Since then, the family has gradually disappeared in the eyes of the world.

Because I lost the five Tongshen in one breath, except myself, I'm waiting to be destroyed.

Although helpless, the family can only retire from the mountains.

But, sometimes, retiring is not necessarily safe.

In case of the previous enemy's pursuit, it will inevitably be extinct.

At the thought of this, Yu Chenglei did not dare to be impulsive.

He didn't dare to cause such a disaster for his family!

If he is really in trouble, even if he is the future star of the family, I'm afraid he will die.

Just to calm the wrath of the conclave!

At this moment, not only Yu Chenglei, but also the following worshippers are frowning.

The secret society is a hard nut to crack. They don't play cards according to common sense.

In short, it's full of lunatics!

Also powerful lunatic!

If you mess with them, you'll have to wait to die.

"How do I know what you said must be true?"

Yu Haiwen.

On hearing this, everyone in the family was bright.

Yes, you say it's a secret society. Is it a secret society?

Maybe it's a fake!

Chu Lang gave a cold smile.

He knew for a long time that there would be a result.

Then he took out an object, on which was an old pattern, shining.

"This is the sign of the conclave..."

Yu Zhouhai's eyes are fixed!

The symbols of the conclaves, and their symbols, cannot be imitated.

If something is lost, they will send someone to take it back. They will not be left out.

All in all, no matter how you look at it, Chu Lang's identity is probably true.

"He's really a secret order man."

Yu Zhouhai's mind turns, constantly thinking about what to do.

No matter what the purpose of the secret order is, whether it conflicts with them or not, it's not their style to let go of the lone wolf mercenary regiment.

"What is the secret society?"

Jiang Ting took the opportunity to ask Jiang ran.

"It's a force that studies everything in the world. To some extent, it's similar to the thunder temple, but they are more mysterious, more eccentric and even older than the thunder temple Of course, this is not what I said. It's the inference of the world. From some traces, it can be inferred that the appearance of the secret order was probably earlier than that of the thunder temple. It's just the style of the secret order. It's always mysterious. So no one knew about the secret order before they knew about the thunder temple. "

"Besides, if the temple of thunder is the only orthodox, why is there a war against the secret order? If the secret order is false and not called, how can they resist the attack of the temple of thunder? "

"These things, as well as the struggle between them, have lasted for thousands of years. If one result could be separated, it would have been separated long ago. It can only be that both of them are true, and they were inspired by the ancient Thunder God."


Jiang ran finished and explained: "these are all rumors in the world, but I didn't say them."

"Well, I see."

Jiang Ting nodded.

At the same time, I felt that something flashed in my heart.

"Chief Chu Lang, you are hired by the secret order. We agree with that."

Yu Zhouhai suddenly spoke.

Chu Lang just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, and Yu Zhouhai continued: "but you are in conflict with our purpose. It's just that you don't interfere. How can I know if you have your own selfish intentions besides working for the secret society?"

"What do you want, little boy?"Ji Ling can't bear Zhou Hai's violent temper.

If you ask her if she is afraid of Zhou Hai, she must be afraid!

Who is not afraid of Yu Jia's son of heaven?

However, the other side is so aggressive that it is going to kill them. Can you bear it?

I can't bear it!

If you want to fight or kill, come on!

"Rude to my big brother Die

Yu Chenglei makes a sudden move.

What he respects most is his big brother!

I can't tolerate others being rude to my big brother!

Yu Zhouhai didn't mean to stop it.

It was not that he could not stop it, but that he was afraid of the relationship between the lone wolf mercenary regiment and the secret order.

He can't kill the lone wolf mercenary regiment even when he knows the other party's owner, but he can kill one or two, three or four, or even make Chu Lang a single commander.

Anyway, as long as we give them something at last and let the lone wolf mercenary regiment make a difference, I believe the secret society will not trouble them either.

The Conclave is such an existence.

Chu Lang and his disciples wanted to escape by the name of the secret society, but they were all spared. They thought it was too easy!


Chu Lang's eyes are ready to crack!

He did not expect to have reported the name of the secret society, the other side is still ruthless killer!

He is too clear about the strength of Yu Zhouhai and Yu Chenglei, who are completely above himself!

This is genius!

There are some gaps that they can't catch up with all their lives!

Now Yu Chenglei suddenly moves, with Chu Lang's strength, can't react at all.

Ji Ling is afraid to die.

However, the bloody scene didn't appear. Jiang Ting's body swayed for a moment, suddenly in front of Ji Ling and Jiang ran, and then split with a sword!


Yu Chenglei was surprised, but there was no way to avoid it. He could only turn his body by force!


The next moment, a blood line lies in Cheng Lei's appearance, blood gurgling!

"Brother Lei!"

Yu Zhouhai was stunned and his face changed greatly!

Yu Chenglei is his valued younger brother, a mother compatriot. Now he is suddenly hurt by a sword. How can he be indifferent!

Although he knew it was taboo to change his mood, he could not remain indifferent when something appeared in front of him!

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