After all, there have always been many young women in the aristocratic families, and so have their lineages.

If you can recruit a Tianjiao who is not inferior to Yu Zhouhai for their home use, not to mention one legitimate daughter, two or three are worth it.

In this world, strength is always respected!

Strong fresh blood is the cornerstone of the family's continued glory.

In order to get these cornerstones, they will not be stingy.

Therefore, the lone wolf mercenary regiment, there should be such a number one figure, they are really very surprised.

"Good strength."

After more than ten rounds of fighting, Yu Zhouhai said.

He is a man who seldom admits others.

Because there are too few people who can get into his eyes.

However, it has to be said that Jiang Ting got his approval.

This son is too strong, so terrible!

If this life is at home, the next helmsman will not say, but the strongest one must be born between him and the other. His younger brother Yu Chenglei is still a step behind him!

"Not bad, of course, because I'm me. "

Jiang Ting said lightly.


Jiang Ting's words are strange, which makes Yu Zhouhai frown, but he can't figure out what's wrong.

"Well, the warm-up is over. Next Take it seriously. "

Jiang Ting said so.


When this remark came out, everyone was stunned.

What's the point?

Did you just play?


"Your tone is too loud."

Yu Zhouhai is a little angry.

He looks up to Jiang Ting, but can he bear to be so despised?

I can't bear it!

"If I have a big voice, you will know when you try later."

Jiang Ting did not change his face.

"Jiang Ting..."

Jiang ran was very worried.

Because she has been watching Jiang ting and the other side.

This is very strong in Zhouhai!

Compared with Jiang Fangfang and Jiang Yang, they are even better!

If Jiang Fangfang, Jiang Yang, and Jiang ran are worthy of heaven's pride, then Yu Zhouhai is a complete evil!

Jiang Ting is so strong that he can even fight against such a monster. He just says that he is definitely better than Zhou Hai Really?

Jiang ran had no confidence of his own.

Jiang Ting didn't reply, but Chu Lang stopped Jiang ran from saying, "don't let him be distracted!"

Jiang ting and Yu Zhouhai have been fighting fiercely so far. He is also extremely surprised.

But he also knew that, even if it looked like a close match, the fight between demons and demons, a distraction, in an instant, could tell the outcome.

Jiang Ting is their all hope!

Jiang Ting must not lose!

Unfortunately, what he can do is limited.

He can't even understand Zhou Hai.

At that time, Chu Lang was defeated by this evil at home. He felt nothing more than strength.

This is a critical moment!

"Then I'll try your weight!"

At the end of the speech, Yu Zhouhai made a move!

He's quick.

However, this is an illusion, when others are trying to capture his track, a huge ghost claw suddenly magnifies infinitely behind Jiangting!

"Cool the ghost spirit!"

Yu Zhouhai blew out a blow beyond Kaixuan.

Although it's limited by the magnetic field here, it's just this kind of limitation. It's not that there are no loopholes to drill.

For example, didn't they just temporarily lower their accomplishments and then enter here?

Therefore, it is nothing to say that it is just a blow that breaks out beyond the realm of metaphysics.

Jiang Ting was indifferent.

He took a deep breath.


At the moment of exhalation, Jiang Ting turned around to be a sword!

"Thunder roars!"

This is the second sword of Jiutian Yulei sword!


Speaking late, then fast, Jiang Ting turned a sword speed, let people have no time to react, huge thunder light and ghost claw collided together.

"What What

Many people were caught off guard and were blown away by the hurricane. They couldn't even stand steadily.

When they barely stopped, a shadow flew by without warning.

"What is this?"

"Yes, people?"

"It's the young master!"


To see what was coming, everyone was numb.

They are not new kids, very clear what this scene means!Just now this battle, was defeated in Zhou Hai!

"No way!"

There was a loud shout.

He is Chen Wudao, the real leader this time, dinghaishen needle!

As the head of Yu's family, Yu Tianguan was a sworn brother when he was young. Although he was a worshipper on the surface, in fact, his status was too high to imagine!

Now seeing the defeat of Zhou Hai, he said that it would be false if he was not excited.

"Big brother, big brother..."

Yu Chenglei is crazy and pours on the unconscious Yu Zhouhai.

"Second young master, be careful of the wound!"

Some people can't help reminding.

Just now, Jiang Ting's sword is very cold. It almost cuts Yu Chenglei's belly!

Although they have done emergency treatment, it's just such a serious injury. If they want to come back, time is essential.

Sure enough, Yu Chenglei's action is a little violent, just the wound has been torn open.


Yu Chenglei's eyes darkened and he passed out.

"Quick, save the second young master!"

"No, the young master is serious. He seems to have been bitten by something!"

"The second young master's injury is equally terrible and serious!"


For a moment, Yu's family was busy.

Jiang Ting looked on coldly, as if everything had nothing to do with him. He was an outsider.

"This Jiang Ting, did he win? "

Jiang ran asked in disbelief.

To tell you the truth, Yu Zhouhai is as terrible as ghosts in her eyes!

But now this ghost like figure is defeated by Jiangting!

It's not a defeat, it's a rout!

"I won."

Jiang Ting answered in person.

After a pause, he added: "are you still evil?"

This sentence seems to refer to the air.

However, all the members of the lone wolf mercenary regiment ignored this and began to talk about it.

"So are we safe?"

"It should be I don't know either! "

"Boss, what are we going to do next?"


Although the lone wolf mercenary won, they didn't let down their heart, because they seriously injured two of Yu's best sons.

"None of you want to leave today!"

Chen Wudao said in a deep voice.

Will the two tomorrow's stars at home hurt to this point, still want to go?

It's ridiculous!

"Don't let us go Are you qualified for that? "

Jiang Ting asked.

He was very calm, as if Chen Wudao was farting just now.

"You're very strong, but you can beat dozens of us one by one? I know you have lone wolf mercenary regiment on your side, but will it be our opponent? "

Chen Wu Dao sneered.

Today's matter, does not have a result, he has no way to return to account!

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