Then the next second, the arrogant man lay on the ground like a dead dog, twitching constantly.

"Such a young man, he is actually a strong man in the five realms of Hualing!"

Some people around see Jiang Ting's attack, showing a very surprised light.

No wonder the other party is fearless. If they reach this level, what are they afraid of?!

There are some people who can't cross this gap in their whole life.

In the killing City, half of the people in Kaixuan jiuzhong realm want to find a chance to be promoted in the killing city.

The strong in the realm of spiritual transformation is the existence of the middle end in the city of killing, and the quintuple of spiritual transformation is the high level among the strong in the realm of spiritual transformation.

At least in their peripheral area, they can hardly meet the five strong ones.

And the other side so young has been promoted to this point, the future into the God is just around the corner.

How many people can't reach the strong one in the realm of communicating with God.

If you can reach the realm of communicating with God, you can become a overlord in a small place.

At that time, we can live a happy life.

It's really irritating. Some people are only 40 or 50 years old when they arrive at Kaixuan Jiuchong. It seems that the other person is already in his twenties.

"It's really interesting that you can increase your points."

Jiang Ting found that his hand at this time suddenly more than a ray of light, the previous iron card suddenly put that ray into Jiang Ting's mind.

At the moment, Jiang Ting finds that he has a lot of information in his mind that he didn't have before.

For example, there are more than 1500 points in the current iron card of killing. If you reach 2000 points, you will be promoted to bronze medal, 10000 points will be promoted to silver medal, and 100000 points will be promoted to gold medal.

100000 points, that is a terrible existence.

If you want to kill people like this, you need to kill at least 100000 people to get to the gold medal!!

One hundred thousand people, I'm afraid it's a whole small city.

If it's really called the city of killing, it's terrifying.

And that's just silver.

If you reach the level of killing gold medal, what kind of terror should exist.

It's a thrill to think about it.

If you don't have enough mood in this place, you may go crazy directly.

In this way, Jiang Ting entered the Tieling mountain and became the last one to enter.

Just now in the fight, other people did not want to go in, but did not dare to go in.

If you go in, you will get the treasure and die.

Because this is the only exit from this place.

Three days at most. You have to leave Tieling mountain in three days.

If not, no one will be able to survive in Tieling mountain.

Even if it's a strong one in the realm of God, it's impossible.

Only have experienced, then can realize Tieling mountain to take place to change after all how terrible!!

The powerful who once communicated with God did not believe in evil, and it took more than time for them to come out.

Later, however, he experienced the change of Tieling mountain and stayed in it for a whole month.

When the door opens again in the next month, only one of the powerful people in the realm of divinity survived, and the one who survived almost went crazy.

Then, after going out for more than a month, the strong one in the same realm of God also died.

Before death, the other side's mouth has been saying some strange words.

Since then, no one has dared to touch the bottom line of Tieling mountain.

After all, no one wants to make fun of his own life.

"This is iron ore? In this mountain, there is the smell of top grade xuantieshi! "

At this time, the sound of the Dragon began to ring.

"You still have the ability to find treasure?"

After hearing this sentence, Jiang Ting looked at each other with a little surprise.

I found a treasure by myself.

Not only has he reached the realm of communicating with God, but also he has the ability to search for treasure. He has made a lot of money.

"If we can't find out this, we'll call it a dragon of resentment."

Long Mianmian said, rolling his eyes.

In principle, they can also be regarded as supernatural objects of heaven and earth. They are more sensitive to some treasures, minerals and other natural things.

And most of them also need to use these things when they practice.

"Where can you find the ore? Is the purest year the longest? "

Jiang Ting asks to long Mianmian.

"Are you looking down on me?"

Long mianmianmian looks slightly angry and looks at Jiang ting.

It turns out that the other party's ability to find minerals is almost innate.Jiang Ting's words just now are almost like saying to a normal person, can you see things? So ridiculous.

"Then it's up to you."

Only the corner of Jiang Ting's mouth raised slightly.

Then he took a completely different road from others.

After about two or three hours' journey, Jiang Ting faintly noticed that some people were arguing in front of him.

"It seems that the place you are looking for is one step ahead of others."

Jiang Ting said something pitifully.

"You look down on me too much. The most ore in this place is the ore at the bottom, which we can't use in our cultivation at ordinary times."

long mianmianmian said contemptuously.

"Oh, this kind of ore or the bottom ore?"

Hearing long Mianmian's words, Jiang Ting looks more surprised.

He Jiangting is not Xiaobai who doesn't know anything. On the contrary, as a practitioner, he knows a lot of minerals.

Like the iron ore just now, although it's not top grade, it's also middle and upper grade. I didn't expect that it was devalued by long Mianmian.

Tieling mountain is a big mountain with an area of more than ten kilometers.

A small part of it is in the city of killing, and a large part is outside the gate.

Although outside the gate, no one ever wanted to leave the killing city through Tieling mountain.

Because even those who are strong in the realm of God have no way to go out.

The whole Tieling mountain seems to be sealed by an inexplicable barrier. Except for this entrance in the killing City, no other place can get out.

"Miss Chou lung, we've been walking for a whole day!"

From day to night, they still did not come to the place where the ore was.

Although he believed that long mianmianmian would not cheat himself, in principle, they were grasshoppers on a rope.

But after walking for such a long time, I didn't get to a definite place. When I came in, the guard said that it was only three days.

If it's over time, there may be unexpected disasters.

Rare ore is important, but small life is also very important!!

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