Therefore, we must not work hard with the Bai family now. When the whole family's foundation will be damaged, the problem will be big.

Isn't it just a small hyena mercenary team? They can still release this mercenary team.

As for the boy who hurt them, we can deal with it according to the situation.

After all, for them now, the relationship is still unclear.

If that boy has something to do with the Bai family, the problem will be serious.

Although the former general is the strong one of the Bai family, and Zhao Si is also the ancestor, the peace between the two families is more important.

If the peace of the two families is destroyed by this incident, the two families will really have a dispute, and it is estimated that there will be more damage.

Moreover, Zhao Si is already an outsider, so it's not worth it for him.

The other side is the youngest ancestor in the family, and they are alone outside, with the so-called white clothes. To be exact, they are the moths of their family.

If something happens to the other party, it happens.

Before I didn't know the details of my opponent, they had to fight for a breath.

Now I heard that the Bai family was involved in it, so I have to reevaluate it.

"Well, since that's the case, it's hard work for Mr. Zhao."

Bai Lingyun said with a smile.

At this time, he looks more gentle than before.

"Nothing, this is what we should do, and in this blue sky who dares not to give the white family face."

Only see Zhao batian said smilingly.

"How can we have such a big face in the Bai family? Brother Zhao praised us. Then you can send the Tulan mercenaries to our Bai house."

Only see white Ling cloud light say.

"Well, well, I'll send them there."

After hearing this sentence, Zhao batian nodded slightly.

"Let's go. We'll go back first and wait for them to come."

In this way, the white family turned around, only to see their whole team go back.

Red cloud's eyes full of incredible light, he thought this time a war, but did not expect, unexpectedly so easy to solve.

You know, it's the Zhao family. It's one of the top families in the whole blue sky.

The other side was so polite and compromised.

"Jiang Xiaoyou, how about having dinner at our Bai's house today and having a banquet for you?"

Only see this time, see that white white Ling cloud to say to.

"Of course it can."

After hearing this sentence, Jiang Ting nodded slightly.

I also happened to say goodbye to the hyenas transportation team.

After coming here, he would go to Daming mansion.

Although there is still a long time to go, there is basically no intersection with the hyena transportation team.

"Boss Jiang, this time I will treat you to drink the old wine that is precious in our family."

Bai Qi smiles at Jiang ting.

But the other looks silly.

But this silly but with honest.

So they went to the White House.

And there's a party in there.


Zhao family.

"Shall we just let it go?"

Only to see an elder at this time came to Zhao batian asked.

The elder had a better relationship with Zhao Si.

"What else can we do?"

Only heard this time, Zhao batian voice slightly some helpless said.

"Although we can't do it openly, we can do it secretly?"

The man's voice is a little cold.

If it involves two families' affairs, will the other party insist on investigating as long as the raw rice is cooked?

Now they catch each other's people. It's estimated that the Bai family must come here for the sake of face.

After all, the four families have delicate relationships.

There are some things that are not open to provocation.

But if they do it in secret, it's much easier to say.

I believe that the other side will not let the two families fall into a dispute for such a small transportation team.

"Your idea is quite good, but the hyenas transport team, as the transport team designated by the Bai family, will certainly cause unrest in the two families if they directly start."

Zhao batian's voice was a little flat.

"Oh, what can you do?"

After hearing each other's words, I only saw the man asking.

Since the other side said so, I believe there should be a way to deal with it."It's very simple. Since anyone has offended the Zhao family, you can find them!"

Zhao batian's voice also began to become cold.

It's true that Bai family is better than them, and much better.

But also can't let the other side so unbridled to their Zhao family pressure.

He couldn't swallow that breath for a long time.

He didn't believe it. He directly attacked that guy. Could the other party still start a dispute with their Zhao family?

It's just a guy, not the whole hyenas transportation team.

I saw Zhao batian summoned the elder, and then whispered in each other's ears. I didn't know what to say.

After a few breaths, the elder left the hall of the Zhao family with a look of understanding.

Their Zhao family has always been so flawed.

If others offend them, but they dare not fight back because they are blind, then when the news gets out, how can their Zhao family face be.

On the other side, the hyenas have been released.

"Dad, do you still know the Bai family?"

Zhang Xiangxiang had a puzzled look in her eyes.

They are now on their way to Bai's house.

For the people who were released, they were all inexplicable.

To be honest, this time they are ready to die.

After all, into the Zhao family, this is a frightening family, can live out is simply an incredible thing.

There used to be a lot of transport teams that were engulfed by Zhao's white clothes.

Those in the transport team, if they obey, will become part of the white clothes. If they don't, they will be killed directly.

So their eyes today are filled with wonder.

He ran out of the Zhao family.

What's more, it was the Bai family who helped them.

It's incredible.

"Yes, Captain, this time thanks to you know the Bai family, otherwise we will be miserable!"

Several guys in the team also look grateful.

Only Zhang Qiang was puzzled.

"I don't seem to have any contact with the Bai family, do I?"

Zhang qiangsi came to think that he had never seen the door of the Bai family, so he should not know the talents of the Bai family.

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