Bai Qi is very angry. He comes to Jiangting in order to improve his realm and contribute a little to the Bai family. For this reason, his father even gives them the unique attic to practice for a month.

However, this man didn't help himself to improve. Instead, he beat himself for no reason. He put up with it, but he didn't expect that this man would dare to humiliate himself.

The body of the practitioner can be destroyed countless times, but the heart can never be destroyed. If you continue to destroy, the heart of martial arts will be hindered. It is even more impossible to improve the realm.

At this time, he looked at the man in front of him, just like the enemy of life and death. He picked up the very common sword on the ground and rushed up. He poured all his aura into the sword and tried his best to stab it out. Although he couldn't kill Jiang Ting, he was very confident that he would make Jiang Ting seriously injured!

However, he found that he was wrong. The sword was easily blocked by Jiang ting. Although it completely broke the vigorous Qi of body protection, he was lucky. But when he saw that Jiang Ting just pinched the point of the sword with two fingers, the confidence on his face immediately disappeared, and then came unprecedented despair.

Then Jiang Ting just slightly broke the front part of the sword. Then Jiang Ting waved it. Bai Qi was expelled and hit the wall. It took quite a long time for him to slide down from the wall.

Although he is not hurt now, his internal organs and hands are bleeding from the seven orifices. Now he feels that his whole body is like a burst. Every cell is breaking away from himself. All the auras in his whole body are flowing away from his acupoints and Dantian.

He was hopeless. This feeling was unprecedented. He was more terrible than the falling of the realm. The falling of the realm could at least make up for it. Later, he could practice more or less, but all his auras were losing. This was the most terrible point.

The body can't store Reiki. What's the difference between this and waste?

He looked at Jiang ting in horror. In his eyes, Jiang Ting at this moment was no different from the devil: "you devil, what did you do to my body? Why can't I store my Aura now? I feel like I can't catch it and keep flowing away? "

Jiang Ting said with a smile: "do you feel that your whole body's blood is flowing against the current, that your body's acupoints are opening, that your body is breaking down involuntarily, that the aura in the elixir field, and that all the aura in the eight meridians are losing at the same time?"

"Yes, that's the feeling. What's the situation?" White starting point nodded, he was afraid, really afraid, this feeling is really unprecedented, if in this world, to become a waste, what is the difference between this and garbage?

At least the garbage can be filled, but he can't do anything. He wastes land when he dies and air when he lives. From then on, the Bai family has no place for him, and he can't go anywhere except the Bai family. This is the reality.

A man without any accomplishments will suffer a lot if he stays in Bai's home. When he goes outside, no one will accept him. He just becomes the food for those monsters outside.

Whether it's to stay in Baijia and suffer humiliation, or to go outside and become a monster's ration, none of this is what we want now.

At the same time, Bai Qi feels that his aura has dried up, and there is no more Aura to flow away. At the same time, he feels very tired, his body is very heavy, and his eyes are almost closed.

He said weakly, "what have you done to me?"

As soon as Bai Qi finished, he saw Jiang Ting sitting cross legged and began to absorb aura. All those auras were his Aura!

Seeing this scene, Bai Qi said incredulously: "what?! How can you I didn't expect that you wanted to absorb my aura. This devil, aren't you afraid of the Revenge of the white family? "

Jiang Ting didn't reply at all. He just used the elixir field and couldn't absorb the aura, which made Bai Qi very unhappy. He quickly said, "I tell you, although I'm a waste now, my Bai family is a big family. In this place, no matter you escape to the ends of the earth, we will catch you and kill you!"

To tell you the truth, the gap between each realm can be said to be a gap. All the aura lost in Baiqi's body is only absorbed by Jiangting for two or three minutes. The rest is the aura in Tianzi attic.

However, these auras are not as rich as those lost from the body of human friars. They are so loved and loved by people.

Jiang Ting's enjoyment made Bai Qi angry. He decided to take Jiang ting to be buried with him even if he died!

He rushed to the door and kept patting the door: "help! Is there anyone! Help! Kill

However, no matter how Baiqi yelled, there was no movement outside. At this time, Jiang Ting said with a smile: "don't you know? The boundary of this place can completely separate the inside from the outside. The array master of your Bai family is really powerful.

Even a strong man like your father didn't find the situation inside. That is to say, when dealing with mortal you, I just need to invade your brain with divine sense, modify your memory, and make you feel that all this is your fault. You are willing. Then no one can organize my grand plan and hegemony from now on! "At this time, Jiang Ting looked more like a devil in Bai Qi's eyes. He retreated in fear, but there was nothing behind him, only a door that could not be opened. Now he was so scared that tears were about to flow out. He cried and kept saying, "don't come here!"

But Jiang Ting just walked up to him with a ferocious smile, and then slapped him in the face. The white rise of the fan didn't slow down for a while, and when it came back, it was another slap.

After more than ten slaps in this way, Bai Qi, a mortal now, feels that his whole body is dying. His whole body is limp and powerless, and he has no motivation at all.

His cheek is also very red and swollen, just like a pig's head,

now he is in a daze, and he doesn't even know why Jiang Ting gave up his bright future to capture the spirit of a monk who can't transform his spirit?

However, Jiang Ting didn't give any explanation. He just sat cross legged, absorbed aura and felt the mood. But he also said: "from now on, every other day, I will drill you for an hour. Every time is more serious than the last time. Whether you can survive depends on your destiny."

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