To tell you the truth, this sword, in Jiang Ting's view, is really powerful. That woman's sword looks light, but it can smash the surrounding buildings with one sword. Even these houses are hard to escape, but this is enough to prove the real strength of this woman!

But after this sword, who knows what will happen next? Anyway, Jiangting doesn't know, and Jiangting doesn't know what to do next.

Although this sword, very easy to solve those people around, let those people around dare not close, also penetrated Bai Lingyun, but it is after this sword, Jiang Ting is understood, this may be the strength of the gap!

Because even though Bai Lingyun was penetrated by the powerful sword Qi, he didn't do any harm now. He frowned and sneered: "if this is your strength, you really let me down. Go away!"

"I'm not rubbish!"

Bai Ling is very unconvinced in her heart, but before she gets up, she is kicked by Bai Lingyun, whose position seems to be Jiang Ting's side.

At this time, Jiang Ting had guessed what he meant. He quickly hugged Bai Ling, and then Bai Lingyun said, "my daughter will be given to you for the time being. If you don't protect my daughter well, you'll die!"

With that, he ignored anyone and left.

The people behind see here, are deceived, because they don't understand, Bai Lingyun do this purpose, in the end is for why? This is to drive out bailing, but why is bailing talking like this? Is that too harsh?

At this time, many of the Bai family left, because in their view, it is useless to stay in this place now.

However, Bai Ling was also taken away by Jiang ting. Jiang Ting took Bai Ling and left Bai's home. Anyway, Bai's home can't stay any longer. Staying in this place will only make people feel very special and uncomfortable.

However, although it is said in this way, things are not done in this way, because the current situation may be more special than Jiang Ting imagined.

At this time, Jiang Ting saw Bai Ling wake up and said, "what are you going to do?"

Bai Ling opened his eyes and just asked, "I don't do anything. It's just what my father wants to do. I'm just a tramp now. What qualifications do I have to stay in this place?"

Bai Ling now looked like a lonely and nameless child. He turned and continued to lie down. He just said, "you go, don't disturb me, I want to rest."

Jiang Ting looked at it for a moment, but didn't say anything. With a sigh, he turned and left. He came outside and found a private room in an inn. Jiang Ting sat down and poured out two glasses of wine and said, "come out and have a drink together."

I don't know when, opposite Jiangting, a man appeared. He was wearing a black robe. He took off his hood, and his face was white Lingyun!

At this time, Bai Lingyun said: "I didn't expect that you would be here. It really surprised me."

Jiang Ting said with a smile: "I didn't expect that in order to get rid of Bai Ling, you dare to lay such a heavy hand, which also surprised me."

Bai Lingyun just said with a smile: "well, I won't talk to you now. You only need to do one thing now. After that, the world is free for you. I will give you a lot of spirit stones."

Jiang Ting just nodded with a smile: "of course, for the sake of money, I am willing to give my own everything, you see."

Then Jiang Ting asked, "why?"

After drinking a cup of tea, Bai Lingyun looked puzzled and asked, "what, why, what are you talking about?"

Just now, Jiang Ting was seriously looking at his appearance. At last, he shook his head and said, "well, since you have said that, there is no way. Don't worry. I will take care of Bai Ling, but I won't tell you why. I can take care of Bai Ling for three days at most."

Bai Lingyun said: "I will give you a lot of spirit stones!"

Jiang Ting said with a smile: "do you think I will lack Lingshi? As a person, I never lack of spirit stone. I just want to know why. For one thing, as long as I don't know why, I will feel uncomfortable all over. It seems that the whole person is as uncomfortable as eating flies. Now do you understand why? "

"This..." Bai Lingyun hesitated for a moment and said: "well, since you have said that, there is no way. Now let's start. After all, everything will start. If we continue to do this, maybe the person waiting will die!"

This sentence completely aroused Jiang Ting's interest. He quickly asked, "who is the person you are talking about? Are you afraid of him? It's also because of him that you let him stay here, right? "

Although that's true, it's really a fact. The current situation is just like this matter in front of you. You have to control it. If you control it, it's OK to say that if you don't control it, then the end will not be easily controlled by ordinary people.

The beginning at this time is now, because they really think it will be like this. When Bai Lingyun thought of that person, his whole body was shaking: "it's terrible! It's really terrible. I didn't expect that there are still such people in the world! "Jiang Ting was confused: "who are you talking about? Why does he sound so horrible to me now? "

Bai Lingyun said with a sneer: "you may not know that man, but I have to tell you that he is the top power in the world. With any move, he can destroy a huge city.

He is one of the top ten gods in the legend

Jiang Ting frowned and said, "top ten Heavenly masters?"

Bai Lingyun nodded: "that's right, the top ten gods! The top ten tianzuns are the top ten experts in the world. They almost check and balance the development of the world.

It is also because of them that the human world looks better like it is now. Otherwise, it is almost impossible to make the human world successful! "

It seems that Bai Lingyun was even more afraid: "it was many years ago that our ancestors of Bai family offended Tianzun apprentice, who vowed to destroy our family.

Our family tried every means to come back, but now it seems that our disaster may really come. Since that day, he seems to have known our position. "

Then he knelt directly in front of Jiang Ting: "please, help me, take care of my daughter, I really have no way now!"

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