Jiang Ting didn't care: "how did I do it? How can I do it? I am an ordinary person. How can I do that? "

After that, Jiang Ting was still indifferent.

"I command you, tell me!" Unconvinced Lan Wei takes out the slave jade pendant and orders Jiang Ting, but she finds that Jiang Ting doesn't respond at all. This is the most unexpected thing for her. She doesn't understand what's going on?

She looked at Jiang Ting's forehead and the slave's jade pendant. She asked, "the slave's mark and the jade pendant are real. Why can you resist my command?"

Jiang Ting said with a smile: "order? What order? What are you talking about? I don't know what you're talking about at all. I only know that if you don't be honest now, you'll feel better later! "

Lan said with a sneer: "you've heard all about last night on the road just now. You dare to steal things from the palace. If the emperor knows this, he will break you up!"

Jiang Ting said with a smile: "that person must be you."

Lan said with a sneer: "it must be you! You don't know what you're talking about at all. It seems that all the things you're going to do now are very common, but the purpose of all these things can't be considered by yourself. Do you understand what I mean? "

It seems that after saying that, Lan Wei feels unhappy and continues to say: "don't look at your majesty now, as long as I say in front of general Beidu that you did all this, general Beidu will catch you!"

Jiang Ting said with a smile: "do you think general Beidu will believe this kind of planting? Or do you think he's as stupid as you? First of all, first of all, I'm just an ordinary person. It's impossible for me to carry more than 3000 Jin pots and pans in the Imperial City in one night, not to mention forging this sword. How can I still refine and refine all night and make it so exquisite?

Second, you and I are grasshoppers now. If you are not honest, don't blame me for taking you out. Then I will say that it's all your arrangement, isn't it? "

"You Lan Wei bit her teeth and looked at Jiang ting. She was really angry and helpless now. She didn't have any way to deal with Jiang ting. She felt that Jiang Ting was a devil, a devil out of the blue. It turned out that Jiang Ting had made a budget in advance, this devil!

"Before you were so pitiful and helpless, you were all fake. You were so..." Just as Lan Wei was about to say something, Jiang Ting answered: "thank you for your praise."

Blue tiny hear this words, immediately put behind of a words suppress come out: "shameless!"

Jiang Ting just smile, suddenly disappeared, this also see the blue slightly very refreshing: "did not expect you have today! I will tell you, you are such a person, what can you do? Now don't look at me and you are a grasshopper on the same rope. I'm very sorry to tell you that it's impossible!

Because of the slave mark on you, and the second! No matter how you talk at that time, as long as I ask you to tell the truth, you will tell the truth bit by bit. At that time, you will be known when you stole last night. By the way, you will see that beautiful woman, who is also telling the truth, and you will certainly offend other people! "

"Ah?" Jiang Ting was scared for a moment: "so terrible? So what should I do? "

Seeing that Jiang Ting was afraid, Lan Wei was finally comfortable: "just be afraid, don't you come and beat my back soon? That'll make me feel at ease, won't it? "

"Oh..." Jiang Ting rushed to beat Lan Wei's back, but when he beat his back, he asked, "what's the second mark you said? Where is it? Why can't I find it?"

Lan Wei Wei is also a cool person, directly said: "are you really afraid of this?"

Jiang Ting nodded: "yes, I don't know, so I'm very afraid now. I need your help to tell me."

"Great!" Hearing that Jiang Ting didn't really know what to say, Lan Wei said with a smile: "if you don't know, I'll be relieved now. From now on, you'll follow me honestly. You can do whatever I ask you to do. Do you understand?"

Jiang Ting nodded and said, "I understand."

LAN Weiwei is also very happy now. As long as you let this person surrender to yourself, it is impossible for you to say that you are not happy.

It wasn't long before they arrived at Beidu general's house. Although it wasn't very big, it wasn't easy inside. Because today is Beidu general's daughter's birthday, so Beidu general stood at the door and welcomed the guests one by one.

After they got out of the carriage, Jiang Ting took a look at the general of Beidu. He had thick eyebrows and big eyes. He was very strong. At this point, his daughter should be the same as the rumor, very Big?

At least along the way, Jiang Ting heard some people on the street talking about the daughter of general Beidu, although many people have never seen the daughter of general Beidu, because before her 18th birthday, women can't step out of the attic, especially the royal family of these generals.

So many people haven't seen it, but some people are said to have met it. When they entered general Beidu's residence, they saw the figure of general Beidu's daughter from a distance. They heard that she was more than eight feet tall. This may be somewhat exaggerated, but it should be similar. I heard that she was covered with muscles, which is more in line with general Beidu.Although the general of Beidu looks smiling now, when he walked into him just now, Jiang Ting seemed to feel the breath of his body. It's not the breath that can be obtained casually, but the breath that can be obtained only after the war leader has killed countless people.

General Beidu, one of the four generals of ziyao Dynasty, can't be underestimated, especially his daughter!

At this time, Lan Wei has come to the general of Beidu. She salutes the general of Beidu and says: "the general has not seen you for a long time, and now he is quite strong. He must have killed countless enemies in the battlefield!"

When he heard someone praising him, general Beidu also laughed, and finally said with a smile, "OK, OK, there's no need to talk about the nonsense. You'd better go in quickly."

Blue slightly nods, is about to enter, but suddenly turned and said: "but the younger generation still want to remind the general, the general now need to pay more attention to rest, otherwise can't take good care of his sister-in-law."

After saying that, LAN Weiwei left quickly, but when he was halfway there, he was suddenly stunned. He was a girl. What was he talking about just now?!

Suddenly, she seemed to think of something, and quickly looked to the next Jiangting!

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