The general's wife said with a smile: "of course, but before that, I want to tell you one thing, that is, before my daughter's 18th birthday, I want to say a more important thing!"

At this time, the general's wife looked at the nearby general Beidu. After all, since she spoke just now, she seems to have forgotten the nearby general Beidu. This is not a good thing for men.

What a man needs most is face. If at this time, even a face can't be protected, it's not a good thing.

Anyway, the current situation is like this, because he was robbed by the general's wife for a long time, now the general of Beidu is not easy to speak: "well, in that case, I just started to say, we don't know, my daughter, that's a beautiful woman of national color and first class!"

A lot of people almost laugh when they hear this. There are rumors outside. Your daughter can't see the light at all. She's big and she looks scared. Is it possible for her to talk like this now?

But as soon as they think about it, they come up with the idea that any parents who see their daughter are big babies. Can they be unhappy?

So now they are indifferent to say: "well, well, the general's daughter is really beautiful. Of course, we admire her very much. We have nothing to say about that."

Although general Beidu heard the perfunctory words, due to their face, general Beidu didn't say it clearly, just said: "so today, I set up three examinations, and all the people who passed must be my baby daughter's fiance! From now on, in this ziyao Dynasty, I am willing to support him! "

This sentence, let a lot of people are hot blooded, although married the general's daughter may make people feel very helpless for the rest of their lives, but with the support of general Beidu, then from now on, it must be in the imperial dynasty, step by step!

Now almost half of the people rush up with the determination to die. They swear that no matter what the exam is, they will pass it today!

speechless, many dislike, they did not make complaints about it, but they felt very uncomfortable. How annoying you were before the general daughter was Tucao, who now speaks of the limit for fame and wealth, and it is really surprising.

But this kind of thing, we all know, there is no need to say, it is true, but people do not think so, and therefore, the general and his wife's eye contact, has three examinations, to the extreme!

At this time, someone can't wait to say: "by the way, when do we start?"

General Beidu stood up and said: "at the beginning of the first scene, I did this invigilator. Now everyone came out and stood outside. Since I want to be my son-in-law, a strong body must be essential. So, there's no doubt about this. It must be absolutely powerful!

Now in the challenge arena outside, who can defend the challenge arena will be one of the candidates for my daughter's son-in-law in the end! "

After hearing this, almost a lot of people rushed out. Since they were defending the challenge arena, there were not so many rules and regulations. They all started to prepare for action in a hurry. Anyway, for them, success is not important.

At this time, many people began to say: "I'll come!"

Just in an instant, the whole challenge arena was in a mess. Many people did not hesitate to oppose their former good friends in order to rush to the challenge arena.

However, because there were three examinations, it was impossible that there was only one left in the end, so general Beidu said, "as long as one person guards the challenge arena and lets one person challenge, then the winner of this competition is him!"

After hearing this, many people relaxed. At the beginning, they still felt that they had to fight to the end. Now it seems that this is not the case. They immediately started to fight. Soon, the three of them stood out.

At this time, Jiang ting in the crowd, has begun to feel some urine, what happened in this place, he is too lazy to consider, hurriedly left.

LAN Weiwei also plans to let Jiang Ting have a try, but seeing that Jiang Ting doesn't react at all, she turns around and finds that Jiang Ting is not there. She also shakes her head.

"You are cruel! Now it's good to leave. If you are caught by the people in the general's mansion, you don't have to control me. How nice it is

Think of here, blue tiny don't mention how happy, now is in a hurry to start preparing.

Jiang Ting, on the other side, has been around the general's residence for a long time, but there is still no good place to go. This is what makes Jiang Ting most confused. Is there really no place to pee in the general's residence?

When Jiang Ting looked around for a long time, he finally found a small forest, rushed in and started to move.

But before long, Jiang Ting suddenly felt chilly behind him. He quickly turned around and saw a servant girl. The servant girl also saw Jiang Ting, but only for a second, they quickly turned around.

When Jiang Ting was ready, he said, "I'm really sorry. I'll leave now."

Nonsense, do not leave, do you want to continue to wait in this place to be arrested?When Jiang Ting left, the servant girl looked at her skirt and said, "Damn it! All my plans are in vain

The servant girl angrily came to a room. When she was changing her clothes, a voice came from the outside: "Miss, master and madam, please go to see what's going on outside and see if you have a favorite husband. They will stay ahead of time."

"Oh, I see!" Miss very speechless said a sentence, finally suddenly wanted to smile: "I come out now!"

At this time after the young lady came out, even the servant girl was startled: "young lady, how did you become like this?"

Now the young lady, already let the servant girl see don't understand, a suit of rags, the face is also painted very ugly, good half a day later, just say: "young lady, you this appearance, will no one want."

After the servant girl finished, she was a little scared. She thought that although the young lady was ugly, she was a servant girl after all. How could she say this in front of her.

But instead of getting angry, the young lady said with a smile, "what I want is this effect! All right, let's go! "

When they came outside, the general and his wife saw that their daughter had become like this, not to mention how hard it was. They thought they could not understand why their daughter had become like this?

The general's wife quickly stopped her daughter and said, "how can you make those people outside like you?"

The young lady said, "if you like me just because of my appearance, I don't want it! I want a person's inner, this is love

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