Since Jiang Ting is so willing, then general Beidu himself is not easy to say. He just said with a smile: "well, since you think so, then I have no way to do it. But as for my daughter's disagreement, it's hard to say."

Jiang Ting said with a smile, "doesn't your daughter agree? She will definitely agree. She's your daughter. If your daughter doesn't agree, how can it be? I'm sure your daughter will agree, so you don't have to worry, just leave the next problem to me. "

Before long, Jiang Ting came to the door of the general's daughter's room. If you want to say how you can get here, of course, general Beidu told you. At this time, Jiang Ting, who came to the door, was planning how to open the door when he suddenly saw the door open and a young woman standing inside.

Her hair shawl, wearing a white dress, Jiang Ting is also very afraid, quickly back two steps, said: "are you a person or a ghost?"

After that, Jiang Ting found that he seemed to be really standing here. Jiang Ting was even more afraid: "what the hell are you? Why do you stand still in this place? "

Seeing that he seemed to be in this place all the time, Jiang Ting was speechless, so he had to say, "if you continue to be in this place, don't blame me for being impolite! Look at the sword

When Jiang Ting spoke, he had already started to do it, but he didn't have time to do it, so he was caught by the ghost, and then pulled into the room and pressed against the wall.

At this time, Jiang Ting saw here, and the whole person was confused and asked: "why do you treat me like this? What did I do wrong? I've never done anything bad. Don't treat me like this, OK? "

After Jiang Ting finished, he saw that the female ghost seemed to be afraid and kept retreating. Finally, the female ghost stood in front of Jiang ting and laughed: "I didn't expect that such a big man as you should be afraid of ghosts? drowned in laughter. Ha ha ha

Jiang Ting saw that what she said was so easy, so he had to point at her back and said, "since you are not afraid of ghosts, you'd better solve this thing behind you."

After that, Jiang Ting said with a smile, "how about it? Have you solved it or not? "

The ghost turned around, only to see what seemed to be a black shadow behind. The black shadow was inside the wall. When he saw the ghost, he caught it. But the ghost was so fast that she rushed into Jiang Ting's arms and screamed, "help! There's a ghost!"

Jiang Ting speechless said: "what thing? Aren't you a ghost? Why are you afraid of ghosts? "

The female ghost said angrily, "you are the ghost. Your whole family are ghosts. You can see clearly that Miss Ben is a great beauty. Have you ever seen a female ghost as beautiful as me?"

Jiang Ting looked at it carefully, and then he was shocked and said, "are you the servant girl yesterday?"

The female ghost also saw Jiang Ting's surprised expression, not to mention how happy she was, and quickly said, "what? I can't believe that Miss Ben is Miss general? "

Jiang Ting said with a dry smile: "yes, I didn't expect that you should be the general lady. I didn't expect that this kind of thing could be met by me."

But since it is like this, Jiang Ting also directly explained: "what, I am not interested in you, and you are not interested in me. You can just say that you don't like me in public tomorrow, or I say I don't like you. In this way, we can be separated. From then on, you and I will never be related again. What do you think?"

After Jiang Ting finished, he continued: "although the words are like this, the specific situation still depends on your own meaning. Now do you understand what I mean?"

After that, the general approached Jiang ting and said, "do you think I should say that?"

Jiang Ting immediately replied, "of course!"

The general young lady immediately frowns a way: "how? Do you think Miss Ben's beautiful appearance is not good enough for you? "

What is terrible is not this matter, but Jiang Ting's return: "yes, how can a woman like you be worthy of such a perfect man as me?"

After that, Jiang Ting took a look at the bronze mirror beside him and said very seriously: "yes, I've seen it all day. It's true. Now, it seems like this."

"But you..." But just as the general began to speak, suddenly a voice came from the side, and Jiang Ting said, "be careful!"

Then Jiang Ting hugged the woman tightly, left immediately, jumped out of the window, sucked by the way, took a long red sword from the general's room, and cut off the ghost's arm.

But what Jiang Ting didn't expect was that the ghost was so powerful that he had cut off his arm. Why did the arm run back and connect with the ghost's arm?

At this time, the general said, "this is a big ghost for at least 500 years. Ordinary swords can't work at all!"Jiang Ting frowned and said, "as a young lady of the general's family, how can the weapons in the room be ordinary swords? It's impossible!"

However, Miss general was ashamed of this: "I can't help it. When I was a child, my parents didn't let me take part in any fight like weapons, saying that it was to protect me. So from then on, even if there were weapons in my room, they were ordinary decorations, but you could cut off the arm of a 500 year old ghost with an ornament, You really impress me

Jiang Ting speechless said: "well, since you think so, I have no way, but just now, do you think it's really enough? no It's not enough. Next, it's the real beginning! "

"Ghost chopping sword array!"

After Jiang Ting finished speaking, everything around him seemed to be static. There was only a kid in front of him. Although he looked very scared now, he was a kid who was going to die in front of Jiang Ting, which was not worth mentioning at all!

After finishing, I just saw that the long sword in Jiang Ting's hand began to fall off, and everything around seemed to be imprisoned. Then I could see that Jiang Ting's action was slow, but all the swords around and even in the general's room gathered here, and then I could see that Jiang Ting killed ghosts with one sword, mercilessly!

After that, the swords were also tainted with ghost gas and rotted instantly.

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