To tell you the truth, Jiang Ting is confused. In this era, there is still someone named Xiujuan. She has such an old-fashioned name. She doesn't know how rubbish this person is. She even comes up with this name. But what makes Jiang Ting even more surprised is what the content of this letter is.

But now the situation seems to tell Jiang ting that no matter what the contents are, they are different. Otherwise, how can they become like this.

At this time, Jiang Ting looked out and heard that someone was coming from outside. He didn't say anything at all. He just looked at it like this. After taking the letter, Jiang Ting said, "what's the matter with you? Why do you want to do this? Don't you know that I'm upset? "

The jailer saw that Jiang Ting was like this and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that this is the rate of branch store after being closed for several days? Well, you can keep it closed! "

Then the jailer came outside. The person standing outside was not someone else, but general Beidu. Seeing the situation inside, he asked, "how's it going? What's going on inside now? "

The jailer said with a smile, "it doesn't matter. It's going to turn into a madman. From then on, no one knows about your daughter and him any more."

After he finished, he seemed to notice what general Beidu was going to do. The whole person didn't speak, but said with a smile: "that You can do whatever you want. Anyway, I'm leaving now. "

General Beidu didn't do anything, just said with a smile: "do well, you girls in the countryside, I will take good care of you!"

When the jailer heard this, he was scared to death and said, "general, my girls are really innocent. Please don't embarrass them, OK?"

Then general Beidu just turned around and left without saying a word. It seems that the situation here is not worth mentioning to him at all. But in fact, it seems that it can only be like this. Anyway, no matter what they do now, it seems to be a result. They don't care, and Jiang Ting doesn't care any more.

Of course, this is just what they mean. What they really don't care about is whether Jiang Ting really remembers. After general Beidu left for a while, he seemed to feel that he was not too relieved, so he went in to have a look.

When he came to the dungeon, he was relieved to see what was going on inside. Jiang Ting was in the dungeon without any training, and he was trapped. He was just sleeping next to him. When he saw general Beidu coming, he just opened his eyes and continued to sleep. It seemed that general Beidu was not worth mentioning in his eyes.

If someone else was like this, general Beidu would kill him, but Jiang Ting was not the same. He was not angry. Instead, he said with a smile: "yes, he is a tough guy! Boy, I know you are not a fool. Do you want to go out? "

Jiang Ting did not speak.

General Beidu just said with a smile: "it doesn't matter. I don't care what you are like now, but you are giving up yourself. You can't let go of anything that you can leave, can't you?

Although I said that, you may not believe it, but what I said is true, you must not think you can't believe it. After all, you also know this situation, which is definitely not one or two things.

Well, if you don't want to, I won't force you. Now, I put this key next to you. If you want to come out, it's to open the chain and come out later to find me. I'll arrange for you. You can leave!

But, if you want to stay here, you stay, but you want to run away, no matter you go to the ends of the earth, I have a way to find you. That's it. We are destined to meet again! "

After that, general Beidu left, but Jiang Ting was still in the dungeon. He didn't say a word. He just looked at it like this, as if all this was just like this in his eyes.

Of course, Jiang Ting is practicing that dragon's breathing skill now. Breathing skill doesn't need aura or external force. Even if he is blocked, all his accomplishments are like this, he can practice it. So Jiang Ting doesn't care at all.

Of course, it's just that Jiang Ting doesn't care now. If he doesn't care later, it's impossible. After all, who would believe this kind of thing?

Anyway, no matter whether others believe it or not, at least in Jiang Ting's opinion, it's impossible to believe this kind of thing. He's still honest and doing his own thing, which is the best.

Now Jiang Ting doesn't want to do anything else. Now he just wants to practice breathing and wait for the most suitable opportunity to slap those old hammers in the face!

But this loud slap in the face, in the end can really wait, for Jiang Ting, it is really an unknown, this is really an unknown, after all, this kind of thing, if you don't say it, who can believe it? Anyway, Jiang Ting doesn't believe it.

However, the best thing for Jiang Ting now is to practice honestly. It's not too late to think about other things later.

In this way, he continued to practice breathing. During this period, the jailer saw it several times, but they all left. The key was always at the door, and he was not passive.At this time, general Beidu in the room saw the jailer coming and asked, "what's the situation in that room?"

The jailer quickly said, "everything in that room seems normal now, but I know that it must be very abnormal now, because it's us. How can it be normal now? Especially Jiangting.

I didn't eat a mouthful of the food I sent in a few days. I just lay there sleeping every day. If it wasn't for his breathing, I think he would be dead! "

When general Beidu heard this, he felt something was wrong, so he asked, "has he been in this situation these days?"

The jailer quickly replied, "yes, it's always been the case, general. What's going on? Shall we go in and have a look? "

General Beidu thought for a moment. While he was thinking about what to do, he suddenly saw a jade pendant on the table beside him split. He was shocked and said, "hurry up and call everyone together. He has untied the chain and is out now!"

When the jailer heard this, he was immediately frightened. This was the task assigned to him by general Beidu. Now if it was destroyed, it would not be a good thing for him!

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