Dragon Warrior

Chapter 1024 Step back to the original shape

The Huangfu family is good at arrays, but in addition to studying arrays, they also need to cultivate Yuanli. After all, arrays are only auxiliary. If they want to continuously become stronger and move forward, they still need to accumulate and understand day after day. But what Wu Yi didn't expect was that this Huangfuyu actually cultivated the fire attribute Yuanli. Looking at the entire Tianyuan Continent, who can compare with the Han family's Pure Yang True Fire?

Wu Yi had already started to operate the Juehuo Yuanli when he was in the body training state. After setting foot in the cultivation world, he first absorbed the Earth's Yang Fire, then transformed into the Pure Yang Fire, and added several times of refining middle-grade and high-grade , and even the experience of taboo spiritual weapons, the understanding and control of the fire power, has reached the peak state, and there is probably no one who can compare with it.

So Huangfuyu's full blow in anger was easily resolved by Wu Yi. The flaming fire dragon turned into a well-behaved little snake in Wu Yi's hands. It was changed shape wantonly, and finally swallowed it in one gulp. Go down, completely disappear.

"Oh my god! Where did this guy come from? He is so perverted, swallowing violent energy into his belly, won't he be burned to ashes?"

"I didn't expect that all the young talents recognized by the capital would be the targets of being trampled in his hands. It really made me lose face!"

"This kid definitely doesn't want to live anymore. First he offended the Li family, and now he dares to provoke the Huangfu family. I bet he can't get out of this peony garden."

"Finally someone is going to block, I place a bet... I place a bet... This guy is simply my idol, and he will definitely survive."


The besiegers had already retreated a thousand meters away, and after ensuring that they would not be affected, they began to discuss again. When they saw Wu Yi's arrogant attitude, many people began to speculate on how this provocative battle would be. end.

"How about it? Do you still want to fight with me? Helping people out is also a matter of strength. If you are so disobedient next time, I will really spank your ass." Wu Yi was very depressed and had to raise his head to talk to Huangfuyu , this kind of perspective is really not used to.

The formation that Huangfuyu was good at couldn't be used in a short period of time. It was necessary to draw the formation and place the spirit stone. Seeing Wu Yi's kind claws, how could she be given this opportunity? In terms of Yuanli cultivation alone, even though she has reached the Great Consummation of the Spirit Transcendence Realm, there is almost no suspense in the end when she meets Wu Yi, a pervert. There is probably nothing in this world that he dare not do.

"I'll fight with you!" Huangfuyu knew that he was not Wu Yi's opponent, but how could he bear this kind of humiliation, or in front of the public, once he gritted his silver teeth, he would fight him desperately.

Li Jianfeng still had a bit of loyalty, and finally stood up at this critical moment, his face was pale, he waved his hands and said: "Xiaoyu, you can't deal with him, let me do it!"

"But...you?" Huangfuyu hesitated to speak, and it would be too hurtful to just say 'you can't do it', but this is indeed an indisputable fact, even in the prime of life just now, he was no match for Wu Yi, let alone Now that he has been backlashed by the printing technique, he has already suffered internal injuries. If he continues to fight, wouldn't it be self-inflicted humiliation?

"Don't worry, I was just careless just now, and I was tricked by him. This time, I won't give him any chance. You rest on the side first, and discuss important matters with you after killing him." Li Jianfeng no longer hid himself The murderous intent, today was originally for him to leave the customs with glory, to accept the envy and praise of everyone, and to finalize the alliance of Xianyuan by the way, but Wu Yi's appearance disrupted all of this.

Seeing that Li Jianfeng didn't seem to be joking, Huangfuyu obediently retreated to the side, and then Li Jianfeng began to wave his hands slowly, as if he was dancing, the movements were slow, it was obviously an ordinary gesture, but it seemed unusually strenuous, the situation was very weird.

"You're quite cautious, kid. You didn't show your true skills until now. I'm already impatient." Wu Yi sneered, a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes, and he gathered the power of his consciousness to see Several condensed powers of consciousness are approaching him. After officially stepping into the state of concentration, the power of consciousness becomes more and more terrifying. It seems that this space is completely imprisoned, and he gradually loses his freedom.

Li Jianfeng's face was covered with fine beads of sweat. He said with a smirk, "Today's humiliation will never be forgotten. Even if your cultivation level falls, you, an inexplicable lunatic, will be killed."

"Really? I'm afraid that this time, you will lose again!" Wu Yi is not afraid at all. This is not the first time he has experienced this feeling. Last night's meditation and enlightenment made him improve his cognition After reaching a level, the power of spiritual consciousness has not achieved a substantial breakthrough, but it has vaguely broken through the ice of the spiritual realm and touched the threshold of the state of concentration. At least the perception of the power of tangible spiritual consciousness is already very clear.

Li Jianfeng has been reluctant to use this move for a long time, precisely because he has just realized this powerful power and has no way to fully control it. Once he uses it, he can't even predict what will happen, but in this situation , he has no choice.

The power of spiritual consciousness is a qualitative leap from invisible to tangible. Wu Yi can clearly feel that the space he is in is imprisoned, and he has completely lost his freedom. The tangible power of spiritual consciousness turns into a sharp arrow, slowly And firmly stabbed at his chest, there was no way to avoid it, and there was no way to retreat.

"Be a human being in your next life, don't be so arrogant!" Li Jianfeng almost uttered these words between his teeth, his whole body began to tremble violently, sweat fell like a torrential rain, soaking his gown, mixed with blood, flowing like a blooming peony.

"You are really a worrying life, but my life is still very long, don't bother you to worry about it." Wu Yi's eyes suddenly shot out a divine light, which was fused together by twelve soul swords, It collided with the only divine sense attack, and then turned into nothingness at the same time, the invisible confinement dissipated instantly, and everything returned to normal.

The spectators around were too low-level to know what happened. They saw Li Jianfeng dancing like a demon, while Wu Yi stood there motionless, and then Li Jianfeng lay down on his back without any warning. , the eyes are protruding, and the eyes are full of disbelief.

Who would have thought that a cultivator at the early stage of the Spirit Transcendence Realm not only has the power as vast as the deep sea, but his body is as strong as a spirit treasure, and even the power of his consciousness has reached the peak of the Spirit Transcendence Realm, and even vaguely touched the threshold of the Concentrating Concentration Realm?

"I might as well give you another ride and step you back to your original shape." Wu Yi jumped up and raised his left foot high.

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