Dragon Warrior

Chapter 1059

Wu Yi didn't know anything about medical skills, but because of an extremely accidental opportunity, he obtained two classics "Medical Dao" and "Materia Medica" in Shi'ao Village, which have long been lost in the secular world. In his spare time, he often took them out to read. It was the first time to put the theory into practice at the Gate of Hell, and the effect was quite good. Unfortunately, most of the medicinal materials recorded in the "Materia Medica" have disappeared, and many prescriptions detailed in "The Way of Medicine" have become rootless .

But to Wu Yi's surprise, there are many extinct medicinal herbs growing in this herb garden that suddenly appeared. The few medicinal herbs that I searched the whole mountain last night and I didn't see them all grew in the garden. , That's why he has such self-confidence.

"It seems that the rumors are true. The Immortal Garden is indeed the residence of the ancient great powers. In addition to the medicine garden, there may also be the cultivation experience and magic circle secrets left by the ancient monks here. We found them by mistake." Huangfu Yu said excitedly.

The valley where the longevity fruit grows is already very remote. If it weren't for Xiaohuo's keen sense of smell, it would be extremely difficult to find, and this herb garden is hidden in the deepest part of the valley. It is inaccessible and very secretive. Coming here is entirely a coincidence.

Seeing that Wu Yi was so confident and in a good mood, Murong Xiaoxiao couldn't help teasing and said, "It can't be said that it was a mistake, it's all because our little Yi Yi has a sharper nose than a dog, so I found it, and he just found it." He is a real hero."

"Why does this sound so awkward, can't you put it another way?" Wu Yi was sweating, stepped forward to investigate, and then said: "This Baicao Garden is so precious, I'm afraid there is a more powerful magic circle guarding it, how should we go in? , still need to think about it.”

Wu Yi is now just barely suppressing the evil spirit with the divine power of blood recovery, even he himself can feel that this suppressing force is very weak, and the slightest change will break the balance, so he dare not rashly use Yuan If you want to crack the magic circle, you can only rely on Huangfuyu and Murong Xiaoxiao, which is not so easy.

But to Wu Yi's surprise, with a slight push of his hand, the half-covered wooden door slowly opened without any sign of fluctuations in Yuan power. The deepest part of the fairy garden did not even set up any defenses until his feet stepped into that place. Looking at the swaying medicine garden, there is still an unbelievable feeling, as if in a dream.

"Hehe... There is no place to find if you break through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get here. Today I understand the true meaning of this sentence." Murong Xiaoxiao followed closely behind, and couldn't help sighing.

Huangfuyu shook his head and sighed: "The intentions of the ancient immortals are really hard for future generations to guess. Since they have come in, let's take a look around, and there will definitely be a lot of gains."

There is nothing unusual in the Baicao Garden. The houses are low, some are piled up with earth and rocks, and some are woven with pruned bamboo, which is full of rich flavor of life. The decoration of each room is also very simple, with wooden chairs and stone benches placed randomly. Let it go, there are a few ink paintings hanging on the pink and white walls, with a few strokes, the artistic conception is far away, there is no signature or seal, it is completely done according to one's heart, everything is so ordinary and ordinary, just like a small farmyard , if it wasn't for the rich spiritual energy and the floating clouds of various colors in the sky, Wu Yizhen wondered if he had gone to the wrong place.

In the Chinese world, there are also many people who are tired of the world of mortals, in order to cultivate themselves, stay away from the hustle and bustle of the world, and pursue a natural and harmonious beauty, just like Su Tianhong's villa in Nanhua, which is also with lush vegetation and gurgling water. Perfect fusion, but the traces of artificial carving are too obvious. Compared with this place, it is really a world of difference.

Walking on the path overgrown with weeds, all the worries of the world are left behind, the body and mind relax, and the whole person feels very comfortable. I just want to stay here forever, letting time slip away slowly from my fingertips.

The three of them watched as they walked, but they were not so excited that the real mystery of the fairy garden was about to be unveiled. Instead, they were a little scared, fearing that the harmony and tranquility here would be broken, until at the deepest part of the Baicao Garden, a three-room garden appeared. The two-story wooden building, which is obviously the daily residence of the owner of Baicao Garden, still has no defenses, and it is easy to walk in.

Compared with the simplicity and simplicity of the outer courtyard, this place is much more refined, with tables, chairs, tables, and tables, everything is available. The sandalwood that was lit at an unknown time is still not burned out, and the room is filled with a faint smell. The fragrance is more serene, and on a long table by the window, there are pens, ink, paper, and inkstone, and a few large characters are left on the unfolded rice paper.

"Dare to ask if there are immortals in the world?"

A simple sentence seems to contain endless doubts and loss. It seems that the ancient power who opened up the fairy garden failed to break through the boundary after all, and the final fate is the same as that of the king of the Sumeru realm. One Realm, end with hatred, I don't know if he is also like the king of gods, who does not hesitate to destroy his soul, but also fights against the nine heavens and breaks the chain of order. Judging by the decoration here, it is full of innocence, so it should not be.

In the top corner of the case, there are two booklets, one of which is called "The Profound Truth of the Magic Formation", and the other is "Nine Turns Returning Pills". I glanced at the densely packed small script, like reading a book from heaven, it was obscure and difficult to understand, after only a few lines of words, I felt dizzy and my blood was surging, so I quickly put it down.

"This "Profound Meaning of the Magic Formation" will definitely be of great benefit to you. It is not certain whether you can take it out smoothly. Take advantage of this time and study hard." Wu Yi handed one of the booklets to Huangfuyu and instructed.

Huangfuyu took it over and took a look, his eyes lit up immediately, his expression changed drastically, as if he had discovered a treasure, he was soon immersed in it, unable to extricate himself, the so-called profound truth, naturally, has already surpassed the primary stage, it is not Wu Yi, a layman who can see I understand, for Huangfuyu, who was exposed to the magic circle since childhood, it was like enlightenment, and he suddenly realized, with a feeling of enlightenment.

"Xiao Yiyi, didn't you say that there is a way to restore my appearance and make me more beautiful? Let's go and try it!" Murong Xiaoxiao is most concerned about the scars on her face. Willing to wait.

"Okay, let's prepare the medicinal materials now. With this cheat book, we will be more confident." Wu Yi kicked up another copy of "Nine Turns Returning Pills" on the table, and took Murong Xiaoxiao back to the medicine field. Among them, after careful identification and picking, everyone took what they needed, but there was no conflict.

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