Dragon Warrior

Chapter 1294 Volunteering

Black Tooth Kingdom, Shark Bay, and Happy Valley, the souls of the three major forces, two have been killed, and the remaining one fell to the ground, his back was bloody and bloody, and his eyes were staring. Breathing in, seeing that it won't last long, Wu Yi yelled loudly, waking up those monks who were still entangled from their frenzy. Those who follow will prosper, and those who rebel will die. If they continue to fight, there is only one dead end waiting for them.


The spirit weapon fell to the ground, making a tinkling sound. The monks in Happy Valley and Shark Bay threw down the spirit weapon in their hands, knelt down on their knees, and gave up this senseless resistance. Only dozens of black-toothed The clansmen still refused to bow their heads, and were on alert, ready to fight to the death.

Because Jiang Manqing has been rushing to the forefront, the people of the Black Tooth Kingdom can't be left behind, and they have always acted as the main vanguard, with heavy casualties. More than 200 people came, and now there are less than 30 people left, and they have already ended life and death Great enemy, it is impossible to surrender so easily.

Holding the evil blade in his hand, Wu Yi walked towards Xin Yaochi step by step. His fins were torn off, and his body seemed to be hollowed out from the middle. He had been severely injured, but his cultivation base had reached the early stage of God Forging , the power of divine consciousness is very strong, so he didn't die, he was still struggling there dying, and while struggling, he yelled: "You heartless guys, I am so kind to you, now that I am in trouble, why don't you have any People dare to stand up, it’s simply not a thing.”

"The weak eat the strong, and the winner is king. They are just following the general trend. As the saying goes, those who know the current affairs are heroes. You are already useless. Why do you want them to be cannon fodder for you?" Wu Yi stepped on his wound. on, leaned over and asked.

"Ah... ah..." Xin Lechi's wound was trampled on, and he uttered a scream like a slaughtered pig. Beads of sweat the size of soybeans instantly covered his forehead, and he said through gritted teeth, "Boy, you are so proud." It's too early, the abyss of evil is the world of the black dragon. If you want to dominate, there is no way. Sooner or later, you will be swallowed by him. We are all doing things for the black dragon. You can't eat, so go around."

"The world of the black dragon?" Wu Yi cast his inquiring gaze on Dumb and Ji Wuyang, but the two guys looked blank, apparently not knowing who the black dragon was.

Seeing Wu Yi's puzzled expression, Xin Lechi smiled ferociously and said, "Haha... be afraid! Do you think the Abyss of Sin is really a free place? It's ridiculous...it's extremely ridiculous, when the black dragon notices your Existence will definitely make you regret that you have ever come to this world, and if you let me go, it will also give you a chance to escape."

"You may not know that what I don't like the most is being threatened. It seems that you didn't read the almanac when you went out today. You will have a better memory in your next life. You don't care about black dragons, yellow dragons, and young masters. As long as he dares to come, he will end up with you." You are the same." Wu Yi put away the knife, and split Xin Liaochi in two, simply and neatly, those who knelt and surrendered looked terrified, and didn't know what was waiting for them, and their resistance had long been suppressed. Scared out.

Ji Wuyang gathered the team, and went forward to report: "My lord, the injured brother has already gone to adjust his breath, and the sacrificed brother has been properly settled. What should we do with the rest of these guys?"

"Didn't you hear what I just said? Those who obey will prosper, and those who rebel will die. Those who have surrendered will be imprisoned first, waiting to be punished. Those who refuse to surrender will be killed without mercy!" Wu Yi said without turning his head. Soon the war broke out again, but this time, nearly 200 dragon warriors besieged more than 20 people from the Black Tooth nation, and it turned into a one-sided massacre. The battle ended in just two minutes, and the entire army of the Black Tooth Kingdom was wiped out. , failed to leave a living, barbaric barbarians, unruly, much more difficult to deal with than ordinary aquarium.

Tinaya and Ji Wuyang cleaned the battlefield together, collected all the scattered Qiankun bags, and distributed them according to their respective military achievements in the future. This battle dragon army lost 37 people, wiped out nearly 200 enemies, and detained more than 200 people The people defeated the pincer attack of the three clans and fought a very beautiful counterattack. The morale of the entire Dragon Warrior Legion was unprecedentedly high, and the enthusiasm for training also increased a lot.

Actual combat is the best whetstone. After this actual combat, they finally understood how powerful it is to obey orders, obey dispatches, and give full play to the advantages of the group. To explore, take the initiative to explore, and constantly run in, the cooperation between the various teams has become more and more tacit.

At the same time, Wu Yi's prestige has also been stabilized in this battle. Almost all the soldiers of the Dragon War Legion regard Wu Yi as a god-like existence, not just Wu Yi, Tinaya, Xiao Huo, Xiao San'er was also treated politely, and he was very respectful to them. Every time he saw them, he would salute. Make him very enjoyable.

Cleaning up the battlefield and allocating resources, these things are most suitable for Tinaya to come forward. She is the patriarch of the mermaid clan and does not belong to the abyss of evil. She can guarantee fairness and justice, and this scuffle is personally directed by her. She knows who deserves to be rewarded and who has made a mistake and who deserves to be punished. However, because she is fair and sweet, she has attracted countless fans in the Dragon War Legion. He was still tall, as if he had become the deputy commander-in-chief.

Those captured monks did not punish them too much. After all, everyone is their own master, and the rules of survival in the Abyss of Sin are like this. They have no choice. According to Wu Yi's request, Ji Wuyang singled out the strongest monks among them , Supplemented to the First Corps, the rest of these people broke up, reorganized 20 small teams, and became the Second Corps of the Dragon Warrior Corps. The sharp knife team was responsible for the training and taught them brand-new combat and survival concepts. Compared with a corps, only when they make great contributions and get Wu Yi's approval, can they enjoy the same treatment.

In the blink of an eye, the strength of the Dragon War Legion has doubled, reaching nearly four hundred people, all of whom are monks above the Spirit Transcendence Realm. Together, they are already a force that should not be underestimated.

"My lord, our First Corps has all been demobilized, shouldn't we take the initiative to attack?" Ji Wuyang walked into the conference hall, saw Wu Yi was meditating there, and said excitedly.

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