Dragon Warrior

Chapter 1323 Rejuvenation

The brilliant fire burned the sky, and in a short moment, it had already turned those hundreds of corpses into a pile of dust. Under Tinaya's suggestion, they sprinkled their ashes into the blue sea water, assimilated into one body, and completely rest in peace.

"Tuo Hai, you are the number one warrior of our merman race. After joining the Dragon Warrior Legion, you must not lose the face of our merman race. Reunite with the big army as quickly as possible and report the whereabouts of the master, remember? "Tina Ya's voice raised an octave. This is not an order, but a kind of entrustment. At the same time, there is another deep meaning in her heart. The two of them act separately. Even if they encounter accidents, the mermaid clan will not be completely wiped out.

Tinaya has already told Takumi everything that happened to them in the Abyss of Sin, about Wu Yi's identity, about the formation of the Dragon War Legion, and thinking of the extremely cold place thousands of miles away, there are thousands of warriors with him Fighting side by side, and with the Prince Dragon God as their leader, the flame of hope that had been completely extinguished began to burn again. He knelt down on one knee and replied very solemnly: "I would like to follow the teachings of the princess and the prince, and please Take care of yourself, and you will succeed soon."

"Okay, take care along the way. When you meet the Blackwater Legion, remember not to act impulsively. Focus on the overall situation. Let's go!" Wu Yi patted Takumi on the shoulder and urged.

"Resignation, subordinate." Takumi nodded heavily, turned his body upside down, his legs turned into giant fish tails, and swayed gently, his whole body was shot out like an arrow from the string, and soon disappeared. With his experience and cultivation, there shouldn't be too much risk. After all, the further he goes to the edge, the weaker the power of the Blackwater Legion will be. As long as he deliberately hides his whereabouts, he will not be noticed.

"Brother Wu Yi, how did we sneak into Heishui City? We can't just rush through it so blatantly! The golden blood in your body has been revived, and the dragon aura is very powerful. I'm afraid that before you get close, you will already alarm the Qingjiao King. Even if you don't know your identity at the time, you will suppress it without hesitation to avoid future troubles." Tinaya asked curiously.

Wu Yi said with a smile: "If you don't have this ability, how can you start a war with that old fox? You don't have to worry about it. Look now, can you still sense any special aura?"

While speaking, Wu Yi has transformed from a handsome young man into an old man with fifty hairs and a tuft of beard protruding from his chin, which has a bit of fairy charm. The most peculiar thing is that his temperament It has also changed from the inside out. The domineering and arrogance unique to the golden blood can't be sensed at all, only Zhongzheng's peaceful heavenly power can be sensed, which fits perfectly with his appearance, like a worthy Breaking through the world of mortals, a master of the Tao who does not involve in the common world.

"My God, how did you do this?" Tinaya was completely stunned. Human monks can use the power of spiritual consciousness to slightly change their appearance and make some minor adjustments after breaking through the state of concentration, but It is impossible to hide one's aura, because the aura comes from the blood, unless the whole body changes blood, otherwise a person's aura will not change for life, but Wu Yi has done it, if the time and place are changed, even if the person in front of her is standing in front of her In front of him, he couldn't even recognize Wu Yi who had been with him day and night for several months. Such a heaven-defying method was simply unimaginable.

All of this stems from the mysterious book "Soul Eater Art" that Wu Yi obtained in the realm of fire. Many secret techniques have long been lost in the Tianyuan Continent. The more Wu Yi comprehends, the more he can feel the extraordinaryness of this secret book. It is completely comparable to "Heavenly Dao Jue". At the beginning, it was like reading a heavenly book. It's jerky, but now I can draw inferences by analogy and draw inferences about other cases from one instance.

What Wu Yi is performing at this moment is a secret technique "Hidden Soul Technique" recorded in "Soul Eater Art". He has tried it before. The Concentrating Concentration Realm is complete, and the power of divine consciousness has also been greatly improved. Now that he is performing the 'Hidden Soul Technique' again, not to mention the monks of the same level, even the monks of the Forging God Realm can't detect any abnormalities, because Wu Yi's The power of spiritual consciousness has already surpassed the state of concentration and reached the state of forging gods. Only when he meets a master of the state of transformation like Qingjiao King face-to-face will he reveal his clues, but the possibility of this is very small, as long as he Pay attention and you can avoid it.

"You also need to dress up, but before that, you must sign a soul contract with me, are you willing?" Wu Yi wants to perform the 'hidden soul technique' for Tina Ya, which is a necessary condition, but blood Only by being connected can it be effective. Once the soul contract is concluded, life and death are all controlled by his thoughts, so Tina Ya must be consulted.

"Of course I am willing. It is Tinaya's supreme honor to be able to conclude a spiritual contract with the prince." Tinaya replied very simply, closing her eyes at the same time, allowing Wu Yi to imprint the imprint of divine consciousness carved by blood essence into her body. Sea of ​​Consciousness, after the conclusion of the contract, helped her hide the aura of the mermaid race, and made some minor adjustments to her appearance, which was a little less gorgeous and a little more simple. She looked like a little girl of the human race, without That compelling extravagance is not so easy to attract the attention of others.

Wu Yi knew that what girls care most about is their appearance, so he asked again: "How is it? Do you like this outfit? If you don't like it, we can change it again."

"No... no need, I like it very much, so we will be safer." Tina Ya inspected a brand new self, showing a faint smile, as long as there is hope, she can temporarily forget the pain.

Heishui City, the largest city in the East China Sea, where the dragons of all ages lived and thrived, has a short name in the Tianyuan Continent, 'Dragon Palace', and is the core area of ​​the entire East China Sea. Absolutely, very prosperous.

Here is the same as the Valley of Elysium, the whole city is covered by a huge defensive formation, which isolates the cold sea water, and the towering city walls are inlaid with dense pearls, each of which is the size of a fist, and the colorful rays of light complement each other , Beautiful, like a dream.

Dozens of men in black were waiting in line at the gate of the city, checking every passerby. Due to the frequent rebellion recently, the search was extremely strict, a long queue soon formed, and at the end of the line, quietly appeared One old and one young, holding a cloth banner in their hands, on which are written the four characters of "Miaoshouhuichun".

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