Dragon Warrior

Chapter 1326 Management is fiercer than a tiger

Seeing the sincerity of the young man, Wu Yi expressed repentance, motioned him to come closer, and put one hand on his back, a gentle force of heavenly energy slowly entered, gradually flowing to the clogged meridian, slowly repairing it, This process is a bit long. After all, not everyone has Wu Yi's perverted physique, which can be quickly repaired after the meridians are broken. For ordinary monks, blood vessels are damaged, but it will affect their lives.

So Wu Yi didn't dare to seek quickness, and separated and relieved with the power of the heavenly way, guiding those irritable and chaotic powers one by one, and merged them into the dantian. The meridians inside the human body have been thoroughly familiarized, coupled with the precise control of the power of heaven, those blood vessels that were on the verge of bursting became full of vitality again and began to circulate on their own.

"Ah...comfortable...so comfortable..."

"Ah... hurry up... I can't take it anymore!"

The young man's expression seemed to be enjoying himself, and he moaned from time to time. In fact, he didn't want to. It's just that the power of heaven and energy was circulating in his body, and the sweat pores all over his body seemed to be opened, and he couldn't help it.

The two elders stuck together and made such a sound, which attracted the attention of more and more passers-by, but their thoughts were not so evil. They were all amazed at Wu Yi's unique technique, and only Tina Looking at this scene, Ya tried to hold back her laughter, and her face flushed red, like a ripe apple, becoming more and more charming.

"Tong!" After clearing the meridians accumulated by the young man, Wu Yi let out a soft drink, and suddenly exerted force, which increased his Yuan Power by nearly three times. With a mighty momentum, he completely opened up the meridians, and pulled a mad monk from the edge of death. At the same time, because the young man has been trapped in the bottleneck period for several years, he has already reached the edge of breakthrough. At this moment, the meridians are unblocked, and the energy is surging. After crossing the border, the moment he opened his eyes, two rays of light flashed away, as if he had already felt the power of the illusory consciousness.

"Thank you, Mr. Liu Kuan. I can't repay you for your great kindness. For the rest of my life, I would like to be a pawn at the command of your master." The rescued young man took the initiative to report his name, prostrated himself on the ground, and said respectfully.

In fact, at the very beginning, Liu Kuan didn't believe that Wu Yi could save his life. His meridians were stagnant, and he was already insane. In the world of martial arts and cultivation, insanity is tantamount to a death sentence. It is precisely because of this that he held it and tried it Wu Yi's mentality allowed Wu Yi to treat him, but he didn't expect that in just over ten minutes, it not only relieved the blocked meridians, but also helped him break through the bottleneck and enter the spiritual realm smoothly, which was equivalent to giving him a second chance. Life, this kind of kindness, no matter how many spirit stones there are, it will be pale, and only the rest of my life can be used to repay it.

At the beginning, Wu Yi only pityed him that his cultivation was not easy, so he helped him, but suddenly he had a bold idea, so he nodded slightly and said: "Go ahead! If the old man has something to do, I will summon you. I will concentrate on it during this time. Cultivate and consolidate your cultivation, there is still a lot to do in the future."

This kind of tone already acquiesces to Liu Kuan's willingness to follow him. For an unknown casual cultivator, it means that he will have a solid backer in the future. After hearing this, Liu Kuan was overjoyed and said excitedly: "I respect you Master taught me, I live on Fu'an Street, and I am at your disposal at any time, this is all my belongings, please be sure to accept it, if it is not enough, I will slowly make up for it in the future."

While speaking, he had already untied his Qiankun bag and gave it away with both hands. Inside it were the spirit stones and spirit weapons he had accumulated over the years, which were all his. Holding it in his hand, he still felt that the weight was very light. In the Tianyuan Continent, if you ask a great doctor to do it, it will be a sky-high price.

Wu Yi waved his hand, and said calmly: "Money is something outside of me, and it is of no use to me. If you reciprocate with sincerity, you should work hard to practice, and it will be useful when the old man summons you."

"Kid remember." Liu Kuan didn't insist any more, this thing would definitely not be able to catch Wu Yi's eyes, put away his Qiankun bag, turn around and can't walk in the crowd, this life has been entrusted to Wu Yi, Even if you only wait for one order in your life, you will have no regrets.

This scene made the surrounding onlookers explode. Not only the diseases of mortals can be cured, but also the diseases of immortals can be cured. The four big characters on the cloth banner behind him are not bluffing and deceiving, but genuine goods, and they are only about chance. Don't talk about money and things, it's like a fairy descended to earth, Hua Tuo was reincarnated, more and more people came to seek medical treatment, and the street was blocked.

Wu Yi did not expect that the two medical books "Materia Medica" and "Medical Dao" obtained in Shi'ao Mountain would be of such great use today. When the old man handed these two ancient books to him, he once told him, He wants to form good karma and save those who are suffering. Now that he has such an opportunity, he has no secrets. He never refuses those who come to ask for help, and tries his best to help them get rid of the suffering of illness, and the fee is extremely low. More At that time, no money was taken, just like a free clinic, and the reputation quickly spread throughout Heishui City.

In Heishui City, there are quite a few mortals. Because the monster cultivators of the water tribe can enter the city, they have already activated their spiritual intelligence and their strength has reached the level of spirit transcendence. Some handymen, with the most meager pay, are engaged in the most menial jobs.

When the Dragon God was in power, he took good care of these mortals, at least to ensure that they were treated fairly, but after King Qingjiao took power, he regarded them as ants, killed them as he wanted, acted recklessly, and followed suit. The oppression on them has intensified, and it is already very difficult to maintain their lives. When they are sick, they can only support themselves, and there is no money for medical treatment, which is very miserable.

Among the patients Wu Yi received, these ordinary mortals accounted for the majority, and all of them were treated for free. As for those gorgeously dressed young masters, the charges were quite high. After a few days, they earned a lot of spirit stones. Of course, he didn't devote all his energy to practicing medicine. He listened to all directions and had an accurate grasp of the details of Heishui City.

"It's gone... It's all gone, it's gone, don't get together, or you will all be arrested and thrown into prison!"

"You bastards, don't you have ears? The boss has already spoken, get out... get out... if you dare to block the street, we'll see how we deal with you!"


On the morning of the fourth day, while Wu Yi was having a consultation, suddenly a group of men in black came rushing forward, like a group of fierce tigers, waving their claws and claws, causing the patients who came to seek medical treatment to retreat.

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