Dragon Warrior

Chapter 1341 Iron General

"Brother Wu Yi, I really didn't expect the ground net to be so powerful, and I found the whereabouts of the four patriarchs. Now there is hope again." Tinaya said excitedly.

At the beginning, she didn't understand why Wu Yi wanted to treat so many ordinary civilians. It wasn't until the ground network was established that she understood the deep meaning of it. The rapid expansion of the ground network was inseparable from Wu Yi's help to them. Yes, it is because of this kind of trust and gratitude that when Liu Kuan, Kong Jin and the others go out to develop informants, it will be so smooth.

"The ruler is short, but the inch is long. The embankment of a thousand miles collapsed in an ant's nest. It cannot be ignored, let alone underestimated. By the way, let you start the Skynet you built. What progress has been made? I can't know in time if the Dragon War Legion In my heart, I am still not at ease." Wu Yi asked.

The timeliness and accuracy of information transmission are too important. In many cases, the success or failure of a battle depends on whether the information is grasped in a timely and accurate manner. Therefore, while preparing for the construction of the ground network, Wu Yi asked Tinaya to prepare for the day of peripheral information transmission. The network, this network is more complicated and larger, and it is more than a hundred times more difficult to cover 90,000 miles of the East China Sea than the establishment of a ground network.

Of course, this is just Wu Yi's idea, and it is impossible to realize it in a short period of time. At this stage, as long as he can grasp the battle situation and trends of the Dragon War Corps, and pass on the information collected by him in time, it is enough.

"The news of the Blackwater Legion's assembly has been sent out, but I haven't received any reply yet. I don't know how it will work for the first time. I hope Takumi can receive this news and remind them to prepare defenses in advance." Tinaya replied Well, if you rely on monks to pass the news in the East China Sea, it will be a very large team, not only the consumption is amazing, but also difficult to control, that is, the safety of the message transmission cannot be guaranteed, and it is easy to attract the attention of Heishui City.

So after learning about Wu Yi's idea of ​​forming Skynet, Tinaya made a suggestion, that is to use sailfish as messengers. Their speed in the sea water is no less than that of high-level monks, and they have a strong sense of direction. It can guarantee the timeliness of information transmission, and the group is huge, hard to count, distributed in various waters, mixed among hundreds of millions of aquatic creatures, it is not eye-catching at all, and the security is very high.

However, sailfish have their own unique living habits, and they will not easily leave their familiar waters. Moreover, a place like the Abyss of Sin is not suitable for them to survive. They may be frozen to death before they get close. Considering For these, Tinaya specially selected a hundred swordfish as the experimental subjects, and used the panacea prepared by Wu Yi to help them improve their adaptability to the environment and their durability for high-speed rapid travel. At the same time, they were marked with special marks to avoid confusion.

After the cultivation is completed, and then guide them with the unique aura of the mermaid race, the first batch of messengers of Skynet embarked on their journey. As long as he can find Takumi, he will be able to discover the clues, but everything will have to wait until the information Feedback to know.

"Well, pay attention to calculating the time. If there is too much delay, you have to think of other ways." Wu Yi nodded and said, he is also in a state of half-belief about this way, but there is no better choice right now, so he can only try gradually groping.

Tinaya replied confidently: "Swordfish are natural walkers. I have confidence in them. If you hear back within ten days, don't worry!"

This vast and boundless sea is full of endless secrets. Wu Yi is naturally inferior to Tinaya in understanding all these. Seeing her so sure, there is more hope in his heart.

Soon, the information of Tianzi No. 1 prison was fed back to Wu Yi, not many, and not very useful, such as the house structure of the southwestern side hall, the type of defensive circle, the distribution of guards, the order of shifts, etc. There is not a single piece of valuable information, and it is not known what criminals are detained inside. After all, they are the Qingjiao King's guards, with high military literacy, and it is not easy to infiltrate them. Due to their current ability and influence, they can only collect a little information through the ground network, and it is impossible to penetrate into the interior of the Guards, because this Guards, compared with the elites drawn from the Blackwater Legion, are the real ace troops, except These important criminals are guarded in shifts, and they are also responsible for the safety of the Heiji Temple. They have heavy responsibilities and are indestructible.

The only valuable clue is to know the commander who controls this guard, named Tie Yucheng, who is considered a celebrity in Heishui City, and has a resounding nickname of "General Iron". Facing the royals and nobles of the Jiao clan, they have always treated them equally, and they have offended many high-ranking officials and dignitaries. However, they have been deeply trusted by King Qingjiao. It is very rare to guard the pole hall.

After Wu Yi understood the situation, he ordered the Shadow Team to lie dormant and not to continue investigating. The more powerful the general, the more sensitive his sense of smell. If Tie Yucheng sniffed out any dangerous aura, it would be a failure.

How to conquer this 'Iron General' has become a headache. Qing Jiao King entrusts him with such a heavy responsibility, which shows that he has a lot of trust in him. This kind of trust will not be without roots, but built on each other. On the basis of mutual understanding between them, the more honest a person is, the more loyal he is. If you want him to betray King Qingjiao, it may be more difficult than ascending to the sky.

It is also impossible to attack and kill the Qing Jiao King secretly, forcing the Qing Jiao King to change generals. Not only is this guy upright and unselfish, he also has no other distractions when it comes to martial arts cultivation. It is only half a step away from the God Transformation Realm, and its combat power is extremely powerful. The title of "Iron General" is not only because he is impartial and selfless, and he is not afraid of the powerful, but also because of his extraordinary combat power. Zhiyong, as long as he is in charge, you can sit back and relax. Wu Yi has only reached the Great Consummation of the Concentration Realm now, and they are several levels behind each other. He needs ordinary monks in the early and middle stages of the God Forging Realm, and he may be able to use his blood and divine power to win by surprise, but when he meets such an old general who has been fighting for half his life, It's not bad if you can save your life. It is simply impossible to attack and kill secretly without alarming the Qing Jiao King, and you must think of other ways.

On the afternoon of the fifth day after receiving the news, Wu Yi felt a little depressed. In addition, there were no patients in the cottage, so he walked on the street aimlessly, thinking about it as he walked How can we take this iron general down? Suddenly a whirlwind blew up on the flat ground, the wild beast roared and charged, the pedestrians in front hurriedly avoided, and the sundries on the shoulders and hands were flying all over the sky, creating a mess everywhere.

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