Dragon Warrior

Chapter 1346

Tie Lihua was stunned for a moment, but did not turn around to leave, but continued to say: "Sir, you really have a unique eye, I really want to become a strong man, and the sooner the better, because my father is old and has no children." , the power of the family is gradually weakening. In the early years, my father enforced the law strictly and offended many dignitaries of the Jiao clan. Now they are in power, like tigers and wolves feeding around, slandering constantly, causing my father's status in the heart of the prince to continue to decline. Once he loses power, he will definitely attack In short, when the time comes, not to mention being in the Heiji Palace, I am afraid that there will be no place to stand in Heishui City. As the eldest daughter, I shoulder the expectations of the family, and I dare not slack off for a moment. I just want to break through as soon as possible, inherit my father's career, and become a The pillar of the Tie family is worthy of the ancestors above, and worthy of the clansmen below." The name 'General Iron' is known to everyone in Heishui City, everyone knows that Tie Lihua can say these words, it is already unknown to outsiders It's a secret, and this is indeed the case. If Tie Yucheng hadn't had a friendship with King Qingjiao for many years, he might have been replaced by someone with evil intentions. The family belongs to a foreign surname, and this kind of trust is destined to become weaker and weaker. Therefore, if Tie Lihua cannot grow up quickly, the status of the Tie family is doomed. One day, there will naturally be many people who fall into trouble, and the situation will become more and more critical. Wu Yi still shook his head and said: "You may be telling the truth, but this is still not the most fundamental reason why you came to me today. With the power of the Tie family in Heishui City, it can only last for twenty years, and its status is unshakable. Without long-term considerations, there must be short-term worries. It is not impossible for you to consider such a long-term, but with your personality, it is impossible to come to me for advice because of this hidden worry. You can come today, it has nothing to do with the family, and your father is also responsible for this matter. I definitely don’t know, it’s all your own decision, and the real reason that prompted you to make this decision is the hatred in your bones. I don’t know where this hatred comes from, but this hatred has already affected your life. Mind." Now it was Tie Lihua's turn to be stunned, it was the deepest... the deepest secret hidden in her heart, she never expected to be seen through by this unknown human cultivator, Wu Yi could see the hatred in her heart, and became more and more capable. To show his extraordinaryness, there is nothing wrong with my decision, but it is really too difficult for her to tell this secret. "I...I...can't say it!" Tie Lihua tried a few times, but finally bit her lip and didn't confide in her heart. "If you have unspeakable secrets, don't embarrass yourself. I don't mean to force others to make things difficult. It's just that this resentment has taken root in the depths of your consciousness. If you can't release it, it will lead to disaster sooner or later. I once made a heavy oath in front of my ancestors , it is impossible to teach you the secret method knowing that you will go crazy, so you should go!" Wu Yi did not want to embarrass her too much, and explained sincerely. After saying this, Wu Yi had already turned around and made a gesture of invitation. At this time Tie Lihua finally couldn't help it, and said coldly: "I want to kill a beast, and it is only possible if I become a strong man like you." I can kill him, that's why I'm here to beg you, I hope you can help me." Tie Lihua's tone was cold and cold, every word seemed to come out of his teeth, with endless resentment and murderous intent, the two Xing Qing's tears rolled down her cheeks uncontrollably, trembling all over her body, as if she had experienced a torture. For the "Iron Lady", she would rather shed blood than cry, especially in front of a stranger, but she didn't know why What, she has a special trust in Wu Yi. "Who is he? Why did you kill him?" Wu Yi asked in a deep voice. The questioning at this moment was almost cruel, but he had to figure out the whole story, otherwise it would be impossible to build real trust. "Ao Yingbo, the head of the Blackwater Legion, the brother of King Qingjiao, I want to kill him, kill this beast!" Tie Lihua almost roared, tears bursting out, the grievance and resentment suppressed in the bottom of her heart , and finally let it out unscrupulously for the first time. She has been pretending to be strong for so many years, and everything is buried in her heart. Bring heart-piercing pain. Wu Yi asked in surprise: "You want to kill him? He and your father are both important ministers of Heishui City, and one is in charge of external attack and the other is in charge of internal defense. There is no mutual power between them. Why do you let you do this?" Resentment?" "This matter has nothing to do with my father, it has nothing to do with the family, it's my personal grievance with him, if it wasn't for killing him, I'm afraid I'd already be gone in this world." Tie Lihua gritted her silver teeth and said sharply Said. "What kind of grievance is it? Do you have to kill him?" Wu Yi was completely confused. "Ten years ago, I had just turned into a human form and was wandering around the Black Pole Hall. I didn't expect to meet this beast, and in the end...in the end, my innocence was tarnished by him. At that time, I really wanted to die. But think about Dad, think about it Younger sister, the family is weak, without me, I'm afraid their situation will be even more difficult, and... And I am not reconciled, I am not reconciled, I am not reconciled to this beast continuing to roam the East China Sea, so I secretly swear, like crazy Cultivation is to hope that one day I can kill this beast with my own hands, and even if I fight to the death, I will have no complaints or regrets." Tie Lihua finally revealed the secret that had been suppressed in her heart for ten years, her whole body was exhausted, and her legs trembled. Soft, unable to hold on anymore, sat on the stone bench, leaned over and cried loudly, grievance and resentment, all mixed in hot tears, dripping meanderingly.

A pear blossom brings rain in spring, I feel sorry for him, let alone him? At this moment, Tie Lihua is no longer the arrogant and domineering San Niang, but has become a wronged and weak little girl. Tie Yucheng's temper is as fierce as fire. If she knows about this, she will definitely tell Ao Yingbo Fighting to the death, no matter how important he is to King Qingjiao, he can't compare to Ao Yingbo. After all, they are brothers, and the Tie family is just a foreign name after all. In their eyes, they are just enslaved pawns that can be discarded at any time , so the ending can be imagined, she can only endure, can only suppress all the grievances and anger deep in her heart, ten years of suffering, it is heartbreaking to think about it. "Your grandpa's, it's not a thing, it's not as good as a beast!" After Wu Yi heard it, he was also angry. In terms of age and seniority, this guy is older than Tie Lihua's father, but he can make Such an atrocity that violates human relations is in vain for hundreds of years of cultivation, but his conduct is not as good as that of an ordinary person. Such a scum should not live in this world.

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