Dragon Warrior

Chapter 1644 Cultivation Council

"Haha...hahahaha... twins, ok... ok! When did this happen, why don't I know at all?" Wu Yi hurriedly asked, with a smile on his face all the time, this is God's favor His gift, a complete surprise, the crystallization of love, the finite extension of life, everything in the world becomes so dynamic, so thriving, full of joy and hope in an instant.

Su Qingxue saw Wu Yi smiling happily like a child, and her heart was full of tenderness, she sighed: "I thought it would be difficult for us to see each other again in this life, and I don't want them to suffer in this world, let alone my mother I will not allow these two children to be born, so I have kept this secret all the time, which is just a thought for myself, and now... I can finally let them grow freely!"

"Xiaoxue, you are a great hero of our Wu family. If the old man knows this, I don't know how happy he will be. I really wish I could go back to Huaxia and tell everyone the good news." Wu Yi picked up Su Qingxue, Excitedly, he turned around on the grass a few times. This news was more exciting to him than understanding the mysteries of the eight extremes. Compared with boring cultivation and colorful life, he would choose the latter without hesitation.

"Oh...you're going to let me down!" Su Qingxue was a little shy, after all, she was somewhat embarrassed in front of Ao Yu's true face.

"Yes, slow down, don't move the fetal gas, suppress them for so long, but don't have any accidents, be more careful and take good care of them." Ao Yuzhen also reminded, intergenerational relatives, for this A pair of grandchildren who have not yet been born, but they like it very much.

Wu Yi reluctantly put down Su Qingxue, looked at the beautiful mountains and clear waters, fish swimming in the stream, and hares in the woods, and immediately started to get busy. Just drinking with fruit is a bit monotonous, but delicious grilled fish and meat are the most suitable , and soon the smoke from the cooking rose, and the strange fragrance permeated the whole valley. The three of them sat on the ground, drinking clear wine, eating delicious game, and had endless topics to talk about, completely forgetting the passage of time.

However, this tranquility did not last long. Two days later, Shao Tianhua, Ao Yeshuo and other core figures of the alliance army all rushed to Tianshen Mountain, which was also completely taken over by the alliance army. Many god-level masters attacked at the same time, and it was impossible to form an effective resistance. As for the defensive magic circle guarding the Tiangong, Wu Yi had quietly lifted it long before they arrived.

In the Heavenly Palace, the smell of wine was overflowing, crowds of people were crowded, and everyone's faces were filled with triumphant smiles. To experience such a huge change in this life is already a death without regrets, and they won the victory, and they are still alive. In this world, is there anything more worthy of gratitude than this?

Ao Yeshuo was in tears all the time. He thought he would never see Ao Yuzhen again, but he didn't expect to meet again in Tianshen Mountain. After 800 years of separation, in retrospect, I am filled with emotion.

"Brother, my sister is young and energetic, and I feel so guilty that I have been imprisoned for 800 years. Please punish me." Ao Yuzhen kept apologizing. This guilt has been suppressed in my heart for too long... too long.

Ao Yeshuo repeatedly waved his hands and said: "Sister, don't blame yourself. You were forced to do so at the beginning, and what happened later is beyond your control. Fortunately, everything has passed. Although the Dragon Clan is withered, it is still the master of the East China Sea. , and Wu Yi can accomplish such a great event, we will die without regret."

"Yes! I can live to see this day, and I really have no regrets." Ao Yuzhen also said with emotion.

Early the next morning, Wu Yi held a meeting as a god. The victory of the war was just the beginning. To create a truly fair, reasonable, prosperous martial arts and cultivation world, there are many... many things to do, for All of this, everyone has only an extremely vague idea in their hearts, and they don't know how to implement it.

Wu Yi looked at their expectant eyes, and talked eloquently: "Seniors and allies, everyone worked together and finally broke the shackles of Tianshen Palace, so what should we do next? Take out the hidden items of Tianshen Palace, In terms of merit and deeds, re-establish a sect, surpass the human race, and show the evil spirit that the monster race has suffered for hundreds of years? This will definitely not work, I still have half of the human blood in my body, and our allies There are also human monks, so we must not repeat the same mistakes. We must let people and demons coexist peacefully, obtain cultivation resources fairly and reasonably, and pursue their own paths with their talents and hard work. The estrangement is too deep, and the differences between them are too great to be eliminated in a short period of time. Therefore, I suggest that a Cultivation Council be established, with the human race and the demon race occupying half of the seats, and each race will nominate prestigious and powerful members. The strong will serve as councilors, representing their own interests, we discuss together, and vote to pass, what do you think?"

"This method is good. The minority obeys the majority, so as to prevent one family from being dominant and ensure fairness to the greatest extent." Song Qingmu was the first to agree.

Shao Tianhua suggested: "I also agree with this method, but the position of the chairman must be a god, otherwise everyone will argue endlessly for their own interests, and it will be difficult to reach a consensus."

"That's right... the god must sit in Tianshen Mountain, otherwise everyone will become a mess again."

"As long as the gods speak, who would dare to refuse?

"Just listen to the god's arrangement, and don't worry so much about the rest."


Wu Yi's prestige was unprecedentedly high, and Shao Tianhua's proposal was quickly approved by everyone, but Wu Yi knew very well that in this way, it must be the second Tianshen Palace. After thinking for a moment, he responded: "The first chairman of the board I can be in charge, but I will not participate in the election of members of various ethnic groups and the discussion of specific distribution matters. You are in charge. Spread the news and let more human sects and aristocratic families participate. After all, they are also Members of the cultivation world cannot be excluded, let alone killed with a single blow. Since it is fair, they must be treated fairly. As long as they are willing to break the sect and exchange their secret techniques and mental methods, they will be able to obtain the same qualifications. , must not be the dominant family, let alone domineering."

Although Du'e is gone, Xiao Xitian still exists. Although Linghu Yuanzhong is on the scene, the vitality of Tianjianzong is not damaged. They all have unique insights in their respective fields. They cannot be excluded, and they should choose tolerance and acceptance.

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