Dragon Warrior

Chapter 323 Trouble!

"Cough cough cough..."

Just after taking a puff of cigarette, before he could spit it out, Wu Yi was choked by Lin Qingxin's words and burst into tears. After a while, Wu Yi looked at the serious Lin Qingxin with a bitter face, and said, "Sister, what do you want? Tell me, what do you like about me? I'll change it, can't I change it?"

"You can't change it. This is something that comes with God." Seeing Wu Yi say this, Lin Qingxin's expression suddenly became very serious, "Wu Yi, didn't your master tell you that there is nothing in this world? Is there a group of very mysterious and gifted people?"

Wu Yi was also infected by this woman who was a bit big-brained, and he looked more serious, and asked: "Tell me what? My master only told me that if I want to become stronger, I can only rely on myself hard work. I don’t think I’ve seen such a talent before.”

Although Wu Yi felt that Lin Qingxin was a little strange, he soon felt relieved. Indeed, talent is indeed very important, but if you want to succeed in anything, you can only rely on your own hard work!

Seeing that Wu Yi still didn't understand, Lin Qingxin was stunned for a moment, and became a little curious, but soon, she regained her charming smile, "Wu Yi, since you have separated from your fiancée, I will do it." How is your girlfriend?"

"Not good!" Wu Yi didn't give Lin Qingxin any chance at all, and directly rejected Lin Qingxin. Just kidding, you are such a dangerous woman, with you, even if you are eaten, you don't know how you died. Thinking that there is a kind of creature in this world called black widow, they always like to eat their husband-in-law after they are newly married to their men, Wu Yi felt that if he married Lin Qingxin, that might end up like that.

"Hey, Wu Yi, what do you mean? Is this girl not as good as that Su Qingxue?" Lin Qingxin was also a little angry. She was better than Su Qingxue in every aspect, right? But this man actually rejected his courtship so decisively?

Seeing Lin Qingxin's excited and angry appearance, Wu Yi took a breath, raised his head to look up at the sky at a forty-five-degree angle, rolled his eyes, and said pretendingly: "Lin Qingxin, you don't understand love. So, you don't know love at all. Know what makes a man and a woman together. It is true that you are beautiful and should be excellent, but this does not mean that all men will like you."

In this world, many men have a goddess in their hearts, but that goddess is often not their girlfriend. The girlfriends of these men may be ordinary, they may not have a beautiful face, and they may not have a good family background. But that doesn't stop those men from loving ordinary women.

Even if they sometimes praise those goddesses, in their hearts, their girlfriends and wives are the most beautiful and outstanding women in the world, even if they look ordinary to outsiders...

Su Qingxue is indeed beautiful, but Wu Yi didn't fall in love with her from the beginning. He and Su Qingxue have experienced a lot. After getting to know each other, Wu Yi gradually fell in love with that woman. He loves that woman, and he also wants to protect that woman who always protects himself with a cold coat.

Therefore, no matter how beautiful and attractive Lin Qingxin is, he will not do anything to offend Su Qingxue for the sake of momentary happiness, even if they are currently in the cold war stage.

Is it because of some cold war that everyone can find reasons and excuses for each other to do things that are sorry for each other? Although the current atmosphere is very open, Wu Yi doesn't think so. If you really love someone, then you should protect what you should protect for that person, unless you don't really love that woman.

Seeing the happy expression in Wu Yi's eyes, Lin Qingxin was stunned. She suddenly felt a deep envy and jealousy in her heart. She has met many men, which man does not want to have something to happen to her when she meets her? But Lin Qingxin sneered at those men, and she even thought those men were dirty!

However, looking at the man in front of her, something in her heart was suddenly touched, yes, this man is a different kind, he can be so infatuated.

"Wu Yi, I understand." Although Wu Yi rejected her, Lin Qingxin smiled just now, which made Wu Yi a little confused when he came back to his senses.

"Eh..." Wu Yi looked at Lin Qingxin, "Then you won't force me to do things I don't want to do in the future, will you?"

Wu Yi felt that since Lin Qingxin understood what she said, she probably wouldn't bother him again in the future. This made Wu Yi feel a little happy, but before he was happy for a minute, Lin Qingxin's words were enough Wu Yi was completely confused, "From now on, I will pursue you, I will make you fall in love with me! I will let you willingly go to this girl's bed and be my girl's man..."

"I knew it was like this!" Wu Yi had a bitter face, your sister, do you expect a woman with an outrageous brain to understand your painstaking efforts? Don't dream, these women have a hole in their brains, how could they understand other people's thoughts.

"Okay, let's go, I will try my best to pursue you from today on." Lin Qingxin pursed her lips, as if she was cheering herself up, solemnly.

Hearing that Lin Qingxin promised to let her go, how dare Wu Yi stay? For your grandpa, it is better to meet this woman as little as possible in the future, otherwise you don't know when you will be killed by this woman with big brains. infected.

Seeing Wu Yi leave, the smile on Lin Qingxin's face slowly subsided. She took out her mobile phone and dialed a number. If Wu Yi saw the number Lin Qingxin dialed, she would definitely pee in fright Yes, your grandpa, you said you understood me just now, and then you called Su Qingxue as soon as you turned around. What's the matter?

After leaving the riverside, Wu Yi also quickly put Lin Qingxin's affairs behind him. He took out the dagger in his pocket, hesitation flashed in his eyes, and then he shifted his gaze to his wrist On the chain bead on the head, the pitch-black chain bead looked very ordinary, at least Wu Yi couldn't see anything special about it.

These two things are what Wu Yi wants to know the most now, especially the black chain beads. Wu Yi thinks that this thing probably has a big secret, otherwise, his cunning old man like a fox would not be like this Seriously.

However, Su Tianhong also said that it takes a chance to unravel this thing. Wu Yi knew that if this was the case, his opportunity might not have come yet, and since the opportunity had not arrived, there was no way to force it.

In desperation, Wu Yi could only sigh, and turned to look at Xie Ren, who was lying quietly on the passenger seat, shining with a blood-red coquettish light.

This thing can devour the blood and body of creatures, and it will cause great side effects when fighting with others. Thinking of this, Wu Yi suddenly broke out in a cold sweat...

Because he found that he seemed to have been tricked!

The fat man said that he would no longer feel the cold after devouring the original owner, but he didn't tell Wu Yi that once he input energy into the evil blade, it was equivalent to using the evil blade! !

Now Wu Yi can't wait to scold that fat man thoroughly. That guy probably planned to bully him early in the morning. As long as he inputs energy into the evil blade, it will have the effect of backlash. At that time, he will definitely He was very weak, but the fat man had already regained some strength at that time, and then he would kill himself who was very weak...

Damn, it turns out that the inspection team has no good people!

Before, Wu Yi felt a little ashamed and uneasy for killing the fat man, but now that he thought about it, the fat man was even more impressive than the eagle!

But fortunately, Wu Yi was still a little puzzled. According to Fatty, the side effects of the evil blade should not have been faked, otherwise Fatty would not have suffered such serious injuries due to side effects. But after Wu Yi used it himself, nothing happened! It's no wonder that Fatty was in a state of unrepentant death when he died.

Unable to understand, Wu Yi directly parked the car on the side of the road, picked up the bloody evil blade again, swallowed, and decided to test his thoughts.

Slowly, Wu Yi continuously poured energy into the bloody evil blade. After the evil blade was charged with energy, its blood light surged again, and it looked like a weapon in hell. It is also full of powerful power, especially what makes Wu Yi curious is that this bloody evil blade is accompanied by a pleasant dragon chant sound, which makes Wu Yi even more surprised.

But soon, Wu Yi withdrew his strength. It is true that Wu Yi felt a little tired after using the evil blade, but he was not in a weak state of blood loss like Fatty!

What exactly is going on? Why is the fat man so weak when using the evil blade, but I am just a little tired from using energy?

This question made Wu Yi very puzzled and confused. What surprised Wu Yi the most was that when the blood was soaring, it was accompanied by the sound of a dragon chant. Wu Yi believed that he would never have tinnitus. Long Yin impressed him deeply.

After thinking for a long time, Wu Yi still couldn't figure it out. For an unknown matter, Wu Yi absolutely did not intend to let it go. After hesitating for a long time, Wu Yi finally dialed the old man's phone number. He believed that with the old man's knowledge, he should be able to solve this evil for himself. The mystery of the blade.

Otherwise, even if Wu Yi uses the evil blade, he won't feel at ease. If the evil blade fails one day and exerts too much backlash, there will be no place for him to cry!

"Hey, Master, do you know about Evil Blade?" The phone was connected, and this was the first sentence Wu Yi asked, without even exchanging pleasantries.

Yes, he wants to know the secret of the evil blade too much!

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