Dragon Warrior

Chapter 342 Poisoned!

The green rivet is extremely fast, and I don't know what shape it was made into. It didn't make a sound when it flew rapidly in the air. It was for this reason that Wu Yi didn't realize that there was someone behind him Send out hidden weapons to hurt people.

With a sound of "噗嗤", the green rivet shot into Wu Yi's left arm, but when the rivet completely entered Wu Yi's arm, Wu Yi quickly grabbed the root of the rivet, and he looked down. Rivet, his complexion became extremely ugly.

The front end of this rivet is very sharp, and the whole body of the rivet seems to have been painted with a layer of green paint. The green is a bit oozing, and the back end of the rivet is two skulls biting together, which looks a bit gloomy Terrible feeling.

After seeing Wu Yi hit the rivet, Zhong Chuxiao immediately relaxed from his nervousness, as if he had seen the joy of victory, he looked triumphant, and said, "Wu Yi, Wu Yi, I'm afraid you don't know that in your hand. What the hell is a little rivet?"

Hearing Zhong Chuxiao smiled so cheaply, Wu Yi frowned, a bad feeling welled up in his heart, this little rivet just looked scary, but Zhong Chuxiao seemed determined Wu Yi felt a little uneasy in his heart.

"Hmph, Wu Yi, the rivet in your hand is called the life-hunting rivet." Zhong Chu smiled and saw the doubt on Wu Yi's face, and explained it kindly, "Don't look at it as small, but it is It is a very famous hidden weapon of our inspection team. Have you seen the green color on its body? That is produced by long-term soaking in the secret poison mixed with the venom of seven kinds of poisonous insects. Although our inspection team There is also an antidote, but we won’t give it to you, look at the place where you were injured, has the blood turned black?”

To be honest, Zhong Chuxiao is a very good explainer. If he is allowed to sell some products that only cost 998 on TV shows, he will definitely be very good.

From Zhong Chuxiao's explanation, Wu Yi felt bad all over. He tore off his coat, glanced at the place where he was stabbed by the life-killing soul rivet, and his face became very ugly.

Yes, while Zhong Chuxiao was talking, black blood had already flowed out, and the flesh of the wound had already begun to fester. This life-hunting soul rivet was indeed very vicious!

"Hey, Wu Yi, I advise you to cut off your left arm as soon as possible, otherwise, no matter how long it takes, no one will be able to save your life." Zhong Chu saw Wu Yi's expression with a smile Very ugly, there is a taste of schadenfreude in it.

Wu Yi tore his clothes into two long strips, fastened the injured area tightly one by one, trying not to let the poisonous blood circulate in his body.

Seeing that Wu Yi did this, Zhong Chuxiao and others put away their sneer. Zhong Chuxiao already felt that Wu Yi's eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Brother Yi, how are you?" Qin Hai looked weakly at the pillar, seeing that Wu Yi was poisoned in order to save himself, his heart was full of self-blame and shame.

Wu Yi glanced at Qin Hai, showed a smile, cast a reassuring look at Qin Hai, curled his lips and glanced at Zhong Chuxiao and the others, and said with a sneer, "Haiko, you underestimate me too much, don't you think? Can a little venom of poisonous insects kill me? You go first. Leave this to me, and I will go out to find you soon!"

"Brother Yi!" Qin Hai had regained some strength at this moment, and when he heard that Wu Yi wanted to let him go first, he quit immediately. But before he could speak, he heard Wu Yi growl in a low voice, "What? You don't listen to me, do you?"

Seeing Wu Yi's ferocious beast-like eyes, Qin Hai gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, and finally struggled to get up and walked towards the door. He knew that staying here would only become a burden to Wu Yi, and if he stayed here for a minute, then Wu Yi would have something to worry about.

Zhong Chuxiao and the others did not force Qin Hai to stay. Wu Yi has been poisoned, and it seems that there is no way to continue to make waves, and Qin Hai is just a warrior in the early stage of strength, anyone present can crush him to death like an ant, and there is no need to care.

After Qin Hai left the villa safely, Wu Yi breathed a sigh of relief. Taking a deep breath, he looked at Zhong Chuxiao with a sneer, snorted coldly, and said with a smile: "Zhong Chuxiao, if I guessed correctly, I am afraid that every time you use that low-grade spiritual weapon, you will be able to use it for a long time. Swords will bear a certain amount of pressure, right?"

Suddenly hearing what Wu Yi said, Zhong Chuxiao, who had a triumphant smile on his face, was startled. He looked at Wu Yi in shock, squinted his eyes and said, "Wu Yi, how did you guess that?"

After getting Zhong Chuxiao's affirmative answer, Wu Yi relaxed a little. In fact, he was just guessing in his heart. Before the fat man used the evil blade, he had a backlash effect. Although Zhong Chuxiao didn't have the side effect of backlash when using the long sword, Wu Yi didn't want such a good thing in this world, which could raise a person's strength by two realms with one weapon.

Everything in this world has a balance of yin and yang. If you want to succeed as a person, you must make corresponding efforts or sacrifices. Some people will say that other people's family background is good, but they don't know that those people are also giving something, what they are giving is the shadow of their ancestors. Favor is a matter of using one point and one point less.

But for ordinary people, if you want to stand out, make money, and succeed, you can only rely on your own diligence and hard work! There is no free lunch in this world, let alone whimsical things that can be obtained by sitting at home and lying on the bed!

Zhong Chuxiao has obtained power that does not belong to him, so he must have to give something, for example, his energy, or the strength in his body!

Thinking that after the first attack, Wu Yi found that Zhong Chuxiao's second attack speed was obviously much slower than the first one. It has to be said that success or failure lies in the details. Wu Yi has a very thorough grasp of the details!

"Zhong Chuxiao, presumably you can only perform that level of attack again?" Wu Yi sneered.

"So what?" Zhong Chu smiled unkindly, and winked at Shanmao and Zhou Chenguang. After such a long rest, Zhou Chenguang has recovered well, and they all approached Wu Yi cautiously, " Wu Yi, do you know why we haven't done anything? Huh, we just want to wait for the toxicity in your body to deepen. How is it? Do you feel that your body is a little weak? Do you feel the strength in your body? It's starting to get thinner?"

Seeing Zhong Chuxiao's playful expression, Wu Yi tried a little luck, and his heart sank suddenly. Sure enough, as Zhong Chuxiao said, the strength in his body seemed to be out of control, and he felt powerless.

"Hahaha, Wu Yi, do you think you still need me to use the Spike Sword again?" Zhong Chuxiao saw the shock on Wu Yi's face, and couldn't help laughing out loud. With a hideous look, he shouted at Zhou Chenguang and Shanmao: "What are you waiting for? Why don't you torture this bastard for me?"

Zhou Chenguang was injured by Wu Yi before, and his life was almost ruined. Now that he has a chance for revenge, he will naturally not let it go. He was lucky and punched Wu Yi fiercely.

Wu Yi instinctively swung a punch with all his strength to resist, but found that a strong force directly blasted into his arm. Under the action of the air wave, he flew upside down by about two meters. He fell hard to the ground.

"Haha, Chu Xiao, warriors in the late stage of Huajin are nothing more than that. I didn't expect that today we could kill a warrior in the late stage of Huajin with the strength of the middle stage of Huajin. This will also add a gorgeous touch to the history of our lives The color of it." Seeing Wu Yi being beaten flying, Zhou Chenguang couldn't help laughing out loud, very happy.

Zhong Chu smiled and glanced at Zhou Chenguang, slandering in his heart, what a fool, three people against one person, and the other party was knocked down by poisoning, what is there to talk about?

Now that Zhou Chenguang made a move, Shanmao stepped aside tactfully, waiting closely for what Zhong Chuxiao and Zhou Chenguang would do to Wu Yi.

"Okay, big brother, if you want to kill Wu Yi, hurry up, and you will change if you are careful." Zhong Chuxiao looks like a dandy, but he is very careful. Qin Hai has already left before, who knows if Wu Yi will have reinforcements, After all, this kid Wu Yi is very cunning, he doesn't want to let Wu Yi go back to the mountain!

When Zhou Chenguang heard this, a look of excitement flashed in his eyes immediately, and he clasped his fists in thanks and said, "Chu Xiao, since you said so, I won't refuse, this kid hurt me, I want to take his The bones were dismantled one by one, and Fang vented my hatred!" Zhou Chenguang grinned and walked towards Wu Yi step by step.

At this moment, Wu Yi has also slowly climbed up, and the fierce remaining energy was running around in his body, causing him to suffer serious injuries. First, he was poisoned, and then he was injured by the energy. He is now condition is very bad.


Before Wu Yi could stand up, Zhou Chenguang kicked him again, knocking Wu Yi against the wall of the hall. The cabinet where the vases were originally placed was smashed to pieces. He spat out a mouthful of blood, and his face became even paler.

Although Wu Yi was seriously injured, his consciousness was not blurred. He knew that the only way out for now is to detoxify first, and only after detoxification can his strength recover. Threat to yourself!

But how to get rid of this poison? !

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