Dragon Warrior

Chapter 359: A Restless Beginning

Sitting in the car, Jiang Hao kept frowning, looking very pitiful, and his preoccupied appearance made people want to feel sorry for him.

"Do you have something on your mind?" Xiaohua drove the car, glanced at Jiang Hao through the rearview mirror, and asked with concern.

"Hey, actually, I really don't know what the higher-ups are thinking. It's just a joke to send those guys to Huaxia. Don't they know that those guys are not under my control at all?" Jiang Hao sighed With a sound, his face was full of helplessness.

Xiaohua also felt embarrassed by Jiang Hao's embarrassment, and said in a deep voice: "If those guys are disobedient, I will kill them for you."

Jiang Hao smiled wryly when he heard the words, waved his hands, and said, "Xiao Hua, I know you are quite capable, but you should know that we are just outsiders to the higher-ups, and I am just a tool they can use, but those guys They are their people, no matter how good we are, they will never treat us as their own."

When he said these words, Jiang Hao's heart was full of sadness and helplessness. He has been working hard for the Nicholas family, but in the end he got the distrust of the other party, which made Jiang Hao feel very uncomfortable.

This kind of situation where you obviously have a lot of talent, but you can't use it with all your strength, makes people feel that they have more than enough energy but not enough energy.

Hearing Jiang Hao's words, Xiao Hua also became silent, her eyes were also flickering with helplessness and anger, but what about helplessness? After all, both he and Jiang Hao are real Chinese people!

"Okay, don't think so much, let's just do what we should do." Jiang Hao also seemed to find that Xiao Hua's mood was not right, so he smiled. To be honest, he felt sorry for this rough-looking girl. No one knew what a pitiful heart was hidden in this rough-looking girl.

"But, but what if those people don't listen to you and mess around in China?" Xiao Hua asked dissatisfiedly, frowning.

She and Jiang Hao didn't know each other at first, and they met later. He knew that this man who looked like a mother was actually a very man, very kind and capable man, but because they were not from English , so he has not received much reuse, and he has suffered a lot of humiliation at the Nicholas family, so this man can only use some things to hide his true thoughts deep in his heart!

"Hmph! Are you messing around?" Jiang Hao squinted his eyes and sneered, and said in a cold voice: "If they really want to mess around, then let them die. My goal is very simple. As long as they can Completing this task is enough, I have nothing to do with those proud guys, it's fine if they die!"

Jiang Hao's tone was full of killing intent, Xiaohua was slightly taken aback when she heard it, and then thought of something, she nodded heavily to express her understanding, then stopped talking, and accelerated towards the front.

This is a very large European-style manor, but as can be seen from the creepers and moss crawling on the courtyard wall, this manor seems to have been uninhabited for a long time, but today the villa in the center of the manor is actually lit with stars, Such a scene suddenly appeared in this kind of uninhabited deep mountain. I think it would be perfect for shooting a horror movie, right?

After Jiang Hao and Xiao Hua got out of the car, they were relieved when they saw the lights in the villa, "Fortunately, it seems that these guys are quite honest."

Seeing Jiang Hao's smile, Xiao Hua also smiled reservedly, and followed Jiang Hao towards the villa.

The two went straight to the villa, Xiao Hua stepped forward and knocked on the door, but after waiting for a long time, there was no sound in the house. Jiang Hao frowned slightly, and signaled Xiao Hua to keep knocking on the door, but there was still no response from the room. Not only Jiang Hao, but even Xiao Hua realized that something was wrong, and cast a questioning look at Jiang Hao.

"Kick the door open!"

Jiang Hao squinted his eyes, and his voice became serious. He knew that his previous thoughts might still be too naive, and those guys probably didn't pay attention to his explanation at all.

With a "boom", Xiao Hua kicked open the door of the villa together with the door frame, the smoke was billowing, the two of them took a closer look, Jiang Hao couldn't help closing his eyes slowly, showing a helpless and angry expression .

"Brother Jiang, what should we do?" Xiao Hua asked Jiang Hao.

Hearing Xiaohua's question, Jiang Hao squinted his eyes, gritted his teeth and said, "Since they want to die, let them die. Hmph, the worst thing is to go back and be scolded. If they make trouble like this, they will do something to us instead." Bring convenience."

"Yes, do you want to inform the higher-ups?" Xiaohua didn't understand what Jiang Hao said.

"No need!" Jiang Hao directly refused, "That's it for this matter, we can finish the things explained above, other things have nothing to do with us! Let's go!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Hao ignored Xiao Hua who opened his mouth to speak, and left the villa with his sleeves shaken. Xiao Hua had no choice but to look back into the villa, sighed, and quickly followed Jiang Hao's footsteps.

The winter in the south of China is extremely cold. In such a late night, even those night owls would choose to hide at home and sleep. However, tonight, there were a few strangely dressed foreigners on the streets of Nanhua City. These guys were all dressed in seventeenth-century clothes. That kind of old-fashioned suit looks like a group of guys singing opera.

The complexions of these guys are very pale, as white as white paper, but their lips are unusually bright red, as if they have applied the brightest lipstick.

The leading man was about 30 years old, his eyes sparkled with blood, he said a few words to his companion in a foreign language, and when he heard what the man said, the other men all showed excitement, blood red A bloodthirsty look flickered in his eyes.

After all the companions around him left, the leading man squinted his eyes and strolled along the main road of Nanhua City, his eyes wandering around the street, as if he was looking for prey, which was very weird ...

After Zhou Chenguang made a fuss at the police station, Qin Lan had already decided to leave Nanhua City and choose her own way to become stronger, but she never thought that someone would call her in the middle of the night, and she was in a bad mood. Qin Lan, who was not very well, answered the phone. After listening to the man's narration on the phone, she was a little drowsy, and suddenly she was shocked, and asked in a low voice: "What did you say? The cause of death, the cause of death is abnormal? Okay, I know I'll go right away!"

After hanging up the phone, Qin Lan held the phone in his hand, frowned tightly, pondered for a while, and dialed Wu Yi's number directly.

Wu Yi was drinking with Guo Dong and Huang Yulai, and was about to have the last drink after leaving the city, but he didn't expect someone to call at this time, but seeing that it was Qin Lan's number, he called The anger in my heart was suppressed, and she said with a smile: "Xiao Lanlan, is it really okay to disturb my sleep so late? If my dear and I do bad things, you will be a sinner."

"Wu Yi, where are you now? Something happened. I don't care where you are. You'd better hurry to the alley at the west street corner of Donghuan Road as fast as possible. I'll wait for you!"

Qin Lan's voice on the other end of the phone was very serious, making the corners of Wu Yi's mouth twitch, who was about to joke with Qin Lan, your grandpa, why don't women nowadays know what tenderness is at all?

"Boss, what's the situation? Could it be that my sister-in-law asked you to go back?" Huang Yulai faintly heard a woman's voice, and immediately smiled.

Wu Yi rolled his eyes, and said to Guo Dong and Huang Yu, "You two continue to drink, I'll go out to do some errands, and I'll come back later. If I don't come back, you can go away on your own."

After finishing speaking, Wu Yi didn't explain to the two of them, put on his coat, and rushed directly to the East Ring Road.

Before arriving at the intersection of Donghuan Road and West Street, Wu Yi found that the place was already full of people, and the cordon had been pulled up. The lights of the police cars were flashing non-stop. Some atmosphere became tense.

Wu Yi drove the car a little closer, and then dialed Qin Lan's phone number. After receiving the call, Qin Lan immediately asked Wu Yi's location, found Wu Yi's car, and directly pulled Wu Yi out.

"Have you been drinking?" After pulling Wu Yi out of the car, Qin Lan could smell the strong smell of alcohol on Wu Yi's body.

"Well, I drank some." Wu Yi didn't want to get entangled in this matter, so he changed the subject and asked, "What's the situation over there?"

Seeing that Wu Yi didn't want to answer the question about drinking, Qin Lan also changed the topic away, her expression became unusually serious, and she said in a deep voice, "Wu Yi, Nanhua City is not peaceful."

Wu Yi was taken aback for a moment, he obviously didn't think why Qin Lan would suddenly feel so emotional, but as Qin Lan said, the current Nanhua City is indeed not peaceful, it can be said that it is not an exaggeration to say that a group of demons are dancing.

Seeing that Wu Yi didn't ask himself what was wrong, Qin Lan frowned, and directly pulled Wu Yi towards the scene of the incident.

Although Wu Yi is not a police officer, with Qin Lan leading him, he entered the scene of the incident easily. Wu Yi followed Qin Lan, and asked a little puzzled: "It's so serious, what's going on?"

Qin Lan took a deep look at Wu Yi, sighed, and pulled away a piece of white cloth. Immediately, Wu Yi's face, who was still a little careless, changed, and strong anger flashed in his eyes!

The dead person on the ground could only see the head. Its face had long since lost any color, and its pale as paper face had black meridians all over the face of the deceased, which looked very terrifying.

The eyes of the deceased were wide open before he died, as if he had seen something extremely terrifying...

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