Dragon Warrior

Chapter 378 Jedi Counterattack

"Boy, don't pretend to be a ghost. Do you think I won't kill you like this?"

William felt that Wu Yi must be lying to himself. He was injured like this. Could it be possible that he still has the ability to fight again? I'm afraid it will take a long time to recover slowly even if the strong man of the blood family is injured like this?

Wu Yi still lowered his head, his body covered in bruises did not pay attention to William's words, but slowly raised his head, revealing a ferocious and evil sneer.

Seeing this sneer, William's heart skipped a beat. What kind of smile is this? I'm afraid Satan's smile is nothing more than that, right?

"Boy, I don't want to waste time with you anymore. Now I'm going to suck you dry." William didn't expect that he would be frightened by Wu Yi at this moment, and immediately rushed towards Wu Yi in shame.


There was a sound of a body falling heavily on the ground, but this person was not Wu Yi, but William who rushed over.

This punch didn't seem to contain strength, but the power of this punch was very powerful, and it directly spurted out a mouthful of blood from William.

William was lying on the ground with shock and disbelief in his eyes. He looked at Wu Yi, who was grinning, and murmured, "Impossible, impossible. How is this possible?"

William couldn't figure it out even after thinking about it. A person who is about to die can actually have such a powerful punch.

What exactly is going on? Could it be that he can also blood magic? !

This idea flashed in William's mind. He felt that his idea was too ridiculous. How could a human being know the magic of the blood race?

"There are many magical things in this world, for example, this dagger in my hand!"

Seeing William's unbelievable look, Wu Yi sneered, and drew out a bloody dagger—Evil Blade!

While Wu Yi was struggling fiercely in his heart, the evil blade, which had been silent for a long time, trembled slowly. Immediately, the evil blade actually absorbed the blood on Wu Yi's body, which made Wu Yi very horrified. , he doesn't know much about Xie Ren, but Wu Yi is very clear about Xie Ren's blood sucking.

He was really worried that this thing would keep sucking it insatiably, without William doing it, his own life would be in the hands of Xie Ren.

But soon the worry in Wu Yi's heart turned into surprise, because he found that after Xie Ren absorbed the blood flowing out of his body, he actually continuously sent energy into his body. A little scared, even a little worried about whether the energy Xie Ren outputted into his body would explode his body.

It would be hilarious if that were the case.

Of course, the evil blade did not explode Wu Yi's body, but stopped when it reached the energy that Wu Yi's body could bear.

And when feeling the energy in his body, Wu Yi found that the energy in his body was actually more surging than before, and more refined, as if the evil blade had absorbed all the energy and then sublimated it. This came suddenly This scene made Wu Yi overjoyed, he never thought that Xie Ren had such a powerful side.

It's really a must-have for home travel and murder.

Seeing the unremarkable dagger in Wu Yi's hand, William instinctively felt a chill. Although he didn't know what that dagger was, he vaguely felt that it could easily He took his own life!

"Young man, speak up if you have something to say." William felt that the dagger seemed to be his natural enemy, and he directly begged for mercy: "As long as you don't kill me, I will give you endless glory and wealth."

Wu Yi snorted and smiled, and was really powerless to complain about William's conditions. With their strength, do they still care about money?

Seeing Wu Yi snort, William rolled his eyes and said quickly: "Wu Yi, I, how about I teach you blood magic? Every blood family has blood magic inheritance, although my blood magic is not very powerful, But he can recover all his strength and improve on the basis of his original strength."

"Do you think I need these?" Wu Yi sneered, and said, "The dagger in my hand is much stronger than your so-called blood magic, so, you see, should I change it to something else? In exchange for your dog's life?"

Hearing Wu Yi say that he still had a chance, William immediately racked his brains to find an answer that would satisfy Wu Yi, but he didn't think of any good solution after thinking for a long time.

"Tsk tsk, it seems that you have no reason for me not to kill you, so go die!" Wu Yi's figure flashed, and a bloody phantom flashed past, stopping behind William.

William just felt a chill on his neck, and wanted to touch it with his hands, but before he touched his neck, the edge of his neck rolled down from his neck like a ball.

Before William died, his eyes were wide open, filled with endless horror and disbelief.

The blood race has a strong recovery ability, but if his head is cut off, he can't continue to live.

Wu Yigang wanted to put away the evil blade, but found that the evil blade seemed to have life itself, directly sucking the blood in William's body for a while, and with a "boom", William's skin fell to the ground.

After sucking all the blood in William's body, Wu Yi's eyes showed seriousness. He felt that the evil blade was too miraculous. It could actually suck blood spontaneously. Could it be that it also had life itself?

After a flash of this idea, Wu Yi shook his head and denied it. He thought it was nonsense.

Suddenly, Wu Yi frowned and snorted coldly, "If you dare to climb forward again, I will make your death worse than your uncle's."

The feeling is that after seeing Wu Yi killed William, he was thinking about things over there. Jack, who was injured by Wu Yi before, quietly wanted to escape. At this moment, he was crawling slowly like a dog, hoping that he would The sound is smaller.

Jack was really scared. He thinks that Wu Yi is a demon. Humans say that their blood race is a demon, but Jack thinks that is all nonsense. If there are real demons, then the man in front of him will bear the brunt.

After seeing his uncle killed, Jack became more afraid of Wu Yi. He stopped immediately when he heard Wu Yi's words, and said with a mournful face: "Please, please don't kill me, I will never kill you again." I have come to China, and I will never suck the blood of Chinese people again, woo woo..." As he said that, Jack cried out in fright.

He always thought that the blood race was immortal, but after seeing his uncle killed by the strange dagger in Wu Yi's hand, he realized how wrong he was.

Huaxia is indeed a mysterious and terrifying place!

Jack has already begun to resent the elders of the family who sent him to China for training. Now he would rather fight those stinking and vulgar werewolves than contact these terrible Chinese people.

Wu Yi didn't expect Jack to be so unbearable, and even thought of letting Jack go, but when he thought of the Chinese people Jack had killed before, the killing intent in his heart sublimated again, and he asked in a deep voice: "When those people begged you not to kill them yesterday, did you agree?"

Jack froze.

"Don't do to others what you don't want to be done to others, so you deserve to die!" After finishing speaking, Wu Yi's figure flashed, and he directly reaped Jack's life.

With a sigh, a look of exhaustion flashed in Wu Yi's eyes, and he shook his head. He felt that he still needed to continue looking for several other blood clans. Only in this way could the blood clan chaos in Nanhua City be completely cleared up.

After finishing off William and his nephew, Wu Yi planned to continue his journey. Just as he was about to leave the alley, Qin Lan rushed over. Seeing Qin Lan, Wu Yi was taken aback, then frowned, and asked, "What are you doing?" Well? Didn’t I tell you to pay attention to monitoring this matter?”

Qin Lan gave Wu Yi a stubborn look, and said, "I feel bored, so I just want to come and see you." This girl said it lightly, but she was actually worried that something would happen to Wu Yi, so she temporarily hired a colleague to help watch over him. Monitor and publish messages.

"Attention everyone, attention everyone, there are traces of criminal suspects found on Lianhua Road Bar Street, please help."

Just when Wu Yi was about to scold Qin Lan, such a voice came from the microphone on Qin Lan's body. Wu Yi gave Qin Lan an angry look, "I'll settle the score with you later." After finishing speaking, he took Watching Qin Lan quickly rush towards the bar street on Lianhua Road, the girl has already come out, and Wu Yi is worried about letting her go back alone.

However, Wu Yi didn't know that because of this small accident, he didn't check his mobile phone, and the Su family almost caused a catastrophe.

"Tortoise shell skill!"

Old Lu Huzi's brows were all erected, and a layer of earthy yellow appeared on his body, with a faint tortoise shell protruding, looking mighty and extraordinary. He stared coldly at Situ Aotian on the opposite side and said: "Old ghost Situ, come on, let me see how much you have improved over the years."

As Lu Youwei, who is dominated by earth-type exercises, he decided to use his best defense to defeat Situ Aotian. After all, human energy is limited, let alone energy.

Seeing the pale tortoise shell in front of Lu Youwei, Situ Aotian couldn't help laughing, "Lu Youwei, Lu Youwei, after so many years, you still want to use this trick to deal with it. Me? Tsk tsk, since you want to die, then I will let you see my progress over the years, so that you can die and understand!"

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