Dragon Warrior

Chapter 564

This is the conversation between the Patriarchs of Ge and Han. Everyone was wondering which blunt kid was showing off at this time. When they found out that it was Wu Yi, they were soon relieved.

Together with Ge Shao, this guy has already had a complete falling out with the Han family. What are you afraid of now? Instead, he blocked Han Mo's mouth as a junior, so that he could not forcefully go on stage to save Han Fei.

"Old man, don't stare at my boss with lecherous eyes again, he has a marriage contract, and you have nothing to do with it." Ge Xiaotian looked at the murderous eyes and warned loudly.

There was a burst of laughter all around, and Han Mo was trembling with anger, but at this moment, if he had to act forcefully, he would not be able to take advantage at all. Ge Qingyun's strength cannot be accurately judged, and this is their sphere of influence, and the crowd tactics can also take advantage of it. He drowned.

Ge Qingyun said hello to the ancestors of the Li family and the ancestors of the Wu family, and sat down in the spectator seats. Everyone's eyes turned to the stage again.

"Are you willing to admit defeat?" Wuming asked holding a long knife, the tip of which was less than one centimeter away from Han Fei's heart.

Han Fei was panting heavily, and he didn't even have the strength to move his fingers. His legs were broken, and his chest seemed to be pressed by a huge rock.

"I admit defeat." Han Fei has no choice at this time. This series of explosive kicks has already cost him half his life. Wuming's pair of iron legs, who don't know how they were made, are stronger than spiritual weapons Tough, he is no match.

Nameless nodded, raised his arm, and the tip of the knife pierced Han Fei's heart. Bright red blood gushed out, a full three feet high, dripping on the long knife without a single drop.

Everyone's mouths were opened into an O shape, and even Wu Yi didn't expect Wuming to kill Han Fei, and under such circumstances, a serious problem in his heart was solved in this way.

"Happiness came so suddenly that people can't accept it." Han Fei's warning words were still echoing in Ge Xiaotian's ears, but at this moment, only a pair of unbelievable eyeballs remained.

He and this Wuming really have no grievances, he has already conceded defeat, originally he thought that his plan was disrupted, but he didn't expect to lose his life like this.

You risk your life at every turn, can you still have fun together?

"I just want to confirm, isn't this what the competition requires?" Wuming's reaction to the crowd in the audience was very strange. Didn't every contestant have to make their opponent admit defeat in order to confirm victory? Wasn't that the same kid just now?

"You...!" Han Mo couldn't bear it any longer, and he punched the ground heavily, stirring up smoke and dust in the sky, and the whole field seemed to drop by three points. This kind of power was too terrifying.

"Wonderful, absolutely wonderful, today is really an eye-opener." Although everyone was ashamed, it was worth the fare to see such a strange thing as Wuming.

Ge Xiaotian and Wu Yi dared to be so arrogant because they were backed by two huge families, the Ge family and the Wu family, but why, why did this Yehuchan dare to cut off the Han family's heir?

Everyone found it unbelievable that an unknown kid dared to be so arrogant, it can only be said that he was impatient to live.

"Don't get angry, old man, anger hurts the liver, be careful of getting angry!" Looking at Han Mo's flushed face, Wu Yi kindly reminded.

It actually adds fuel to the fire, it seems that Wuming is not the only one living impatiently. Han Mo almost spat out old blood, and Wu Yi's appearance was deeply imprinted in his heart.

"You exist deep in my mind, in my heart, in my dreams, and in my singing!"

Only this song can express Mr. Han's aggrieved mood at the moment.

"Since it's over, shouldn't it be time to announce the result?" Wuming stared at the ancestors of the Li family with burning eyes. He was not only interested in Li Peiru, but also the mysterious blood inheritance of the Li family. People, within ten years, he can become the next head of the family, control a world that has been passed down for thousands of years, and completely change his birth.

Since you can't be the disciple of the family, then you can be the ancestor of the family. This is the nameless dream.

"Okay, then I'll announce that the winner of this martial arts competition is Wuming, and three days later, we will marry here..." The old man of the Li family didn't know much about this young man who came out, but at this time he could only take advantage of the trend .



Two voices, a man and a woman, sounded almost simultaneously. The woman was Li Peiru, and the man was Wu Yi.

Li Peiru was extremely proud since she was a child. She only hated that she was not a man. She practiced hard and had already entered the early blood coagulation stage. Among the monks of her generation, she was already considered rare. It would be absolutely impossible for her to marry someone she had never met before. possible.

But she didn't expect that Wu Yi, who had been avoiding his own feelings, would stand up at this time. This guy, if he doesn't make a move first, why is he pretending to be a good person at this time?

"What are you doing?" Li Peiru asked coldly.

"Of course it's a competition on stage." Wu Yi said with a smile.

As soon as this sentence was uttered, it was like a bomb was thrown into a calm lake, causing huge waves to rise immediately.

"There are strange flowers every year, especially this year. I'm afraid this kid has a fever in his head, and he is simply abnormal."

"Looking for death, I'm simply impatient to live. A kid in the training period dares to challenge Wuming."

"Maybe there is some hole card?"

... There was a lot of noise and discussion, and the pot exploded completely. The ancestors of the Wu family didn't know what wrong with this bastard, so they quickly pulled him aside.

"Why are you making such a fuss at this moment, kid? You are not his opponent at all. Go back quickly. Don't come out and wander around during this time, so as not to worry about others." The ancestor of the Wu family taught, although his tone was stern, his eyes were full of caring look.

Wu Yi is the hope of the Wu family. This is the first time the Wu family has seen the fire of hope in nearly a hundred years. There can be no mistakes. He doesn't want the tragedy of the Han family to be staged in the Wu family. White-haired people give black-haired people , It's so sad, the most terrible thing in this world is the loss of hope.

"Old Ancestor, I know how much I have, but I have no choice in this battle." Wu Yi's eyes were filled with incomparable determination and determination.

"Is it for that girl?" The ancestor of the Wu family set his eyes on Li Peiru who was not far away. At this moment, she stared blankly at Wu Yi, and she ignored everything around her.

"Yes, it's for her." Wu Yi nodded and said.

"Didn't you already have Su Yatou in Nanhua City?" The ancestor of the Wu family was a little confused. This Wu Yi will never step on two boats!

"But I always have to give her an explanation." Wu Yi said without any hesitation, striding towards the stage.

"I've seen shameless people, but I've never seen a shameless person like you, who just hid like a turtle, but now comes out to pick up ready-made ones. Do you treat us all like monkeys?" Just when Wu Yi came to the stage, Liu Yuliang suddenly said loudly. At this moment, he used Yuanli, his voice covered everyone, and the scene suddenly became quiet.

"Yeah, just now this kid kept saying that he wouldn't participate in the competition, but he showed up again at this time, it's really shameless." Someone immediately agreed, and he didn't need to look carefully to know that he was a follower of Liu Yuliang.

"Get off... get off... get off..." The voice became louder and louder, and all disciples from the Liu family, the Han family, and the Lin family joined in.

"Master, I've changed my mind. May I ask if this matter has anything to do with you?" Wu Yi always only valued the result and didn't care about the process. Naturally, he ignored their teasing.

"Wu Yi, you bastard, if you don't come down, don't make things difficult for Master." Although the ancestor of the Li family wanted Wu Yi to be his son-in-law, what he had to worry about now was the family's face.

"Master, the contest to recruit relatives is over, now it's a matter between me, Sister Peiru, and this unnamed brother, as long as they have no objections, the others should stay where they are cool, and don't interfere with the young master's vision. "Wu Yi's eyes fell on Li Peiru.

"You are overthinking your abilities. You have been beaten to the ground by others. Don't expect me to save you." Li Peiru didn't know what it was like. Seeing Wu Yi finally stood up to fight for her, she was naturally happy. At least he didn't let him I was disappointed, knowing that I was not an unknown opponent, but I stood there firmly.

But Wuming has reached the late stage of the blood coagulation state. She is very clear about Wu Yi's strength. She has no strength to fight Wuming at all. She is worried about Wu Yi from the bottom of her heart. She has been protecting him since she was a child. This time, she has no ability How can she feel at ease by protecting him well?

As soon as these words came out, everyone could hear the meaning of love in Li Peiru's words. It turned out that the beautiful woman had already belonged to her, and those disciples from aristocratic families who died for this were really worthless.

"Nephew Yuliang, since someone is in a hurry to die, we can't stop him from going to Huangquan Road, let him go!" Han Mo waved his hand, and sat here calmly, ready to watch the show.

"I would like to follow Shi Bo's teachings." Liu Yuliang bowed respectfully and said nothing more. No matter who wins or loses in this competition, it will be beneficial and not harmful to them, so they are naturally happy to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight.

"I didn't expect you to really dare to go on stage. This is very good and saves a lot of trouble." Wuming stared at Wu Yi with a look of respect in his eyes. It is amazing to be able to confront him so openly, regardless of his strength. Dear opponent.

"I happen to be a person who doesn't like trouble." Wu Yi stood still, and Yuan Li began to circulate slowly.

"You should know that there is no contest between us. There is no winner or loser. There is only a life-and-death duel." Wuming looked solemn. This is the rule of the inspection team. If he wants to replace Zhongli as the chief supervisor, he must kill Wu Yi.

"I seem to have no choice. If that's the case, it's better to have a quick fight." Wu Yi circulated the power of absolute fire, and the whole body began to emit a faint blue flame, and his breath became sharp instantly.

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