Dragon Warrior

Chapter 640: Mysterious Interview

Wu Yi's tone was quite blunt, but Han Yuanqiao and the others did not dare to raise any objections. They finally breathed a sigh of relief after watching Mr. Wu and Wu Yi leave. The coercion that Mr. Wu deliberately released just now made them breathless. angry.

"Brother, did the ancestor really encounter something unexpected? Is there any fraud in this?" The strong man asked, after all, what he hears is not what he hears, and what he sees is believing. Just this handful of white powder can tell that Han Mo is gone. , is still a bit sloppy.

Han Yuanqiao shook his head and said: "If the ancestor is still alive, how could the Wu family be so arrogant? This is the territory of the Liu family. People from the Wu family have barged in. Someone has already notified the Liu family, and no one has shown up until now. , maybe even the ancestors of the Wu family are gone, they can't even take care of themselves, let alone us."

"This is very possible, otherwise the Liu family wouldn't have no news at all until now. I didn't expect the situation to be completely reversed overnight. This time, our Han family suffered extremely heavy losses. It is difficult to recover without a hundred or eighty years. Already." Another middle-aged man echoed.

The strong man was a little unconvinced, and said unwillingly: "Then what should we do now? Just go back in such a despondent way?"

"In this situation, it's good to be able to go back alive. It's better to lose some face than to lose your life. This Yanjing Hidden Dragon Crouching Tiger is not a place for us to stay after all. Hurry up and clean up. We will leave in the afternoon. Time has dragged on for a long time, Wu If the old man is not happy, we will all confess here." Han Yuanqiao knows that the most important thing now is to preserve strength, although there are no strong men at the level of blood transformation, as long as there are a few of them, at least the Han family will not be bullied. If they are all finished, the Han family may really lose their lives.

Han Yuanqiao is now the head of the Han family, and the strong man didn't dare to object. He went back to his room directly from the big hole, covered his head and packed up.

Ge Qingyun and Ge Xiaotian also rushed to Liu's house early in the morning. Liu Yuliang had already returned last night and brought this blockbuster back to Liu's house. At this moment, everyone was in a state of panic, and almost everyone stayed up all night because they didn't know what to expect. What kind of fate will it be? The meeting hall is full of disciples of the Liu family, and there are five Wing Transformation Realm masters in the front. Only Liu Qiang has not arrived, but he will never arrive.

The grievances between the Liu family and the Ge family have not been accumulated for a year or two. In the past, under Liu Qiaoan's deliberate restraint, although there were minor frictions, they did not engage in major conflicts until Ge Silin was poked to death with a finger, and the Ge family had no strong ones. Sitting in the town, the Liu family began to become arrogant, and often fought violently, completely tearing their faces. The Liu family thought that the time for the Liu family's rise had finally arrived. They did not expect that the dream would come to naught so quickly, and it would bring such serious consequences. , or even the crisis of genocide.

Ge Xiaotian cleared his throat, and said loudly: "Everyone must know about the ancestors of the Liu family. I came here today to discuss with you about the peaceful coexistence of Liu and Ge."

On such an important occasion, today I deliberately brought back the suit that Wu Yi borrowed last time, and it was quite neatly dressed. Ge Qingyun intends to train him to be the next head of the Ge family, so I will leave it to him to handle this matter.

"Such an important matter is related to the life and death of the two families. What are you, dare to stand here and speak out?" Liu Qiaoning shouted angrily. How could such a cultivator tolerate a little cultivator at the blood coagulation level showing his power in front of his eyes? If he hadn't had some scruples in his heart, he would have kicked him down long ago.

After saying this, Ge Qingyun, who had been silent all this time, suddenly turned into an afterimage, and rushed in front of Liu Qiaoning like lightning, a giant hand of Yuan Li tightly wrapped around his neck, and lifted him into the air.

"You...you... dare to kill me, and the inspection team will never sit idly by." Liu Qiaoning struggled desperately, but it was useless, her eyes protruding, and warned.

Ge Qingyun slowly withdrew the giant hand of Yuanli, and said lightly: "Your Liu family broke the rules first, and my Ge family will take responsibility for this lawsuit. This is a warning. Xiaotian is now speaking to you on behalf of the Ge family." , I hope you will listen patiently."

"Cough...cough..." Liu Qiaoning regained his freedom, and there was a striking bruise on his neck. Although the Wing Transformation Realm and the Blood Transformation Realm are only one step away, the gap in strength is like a natural moat, which is impossible for ordinary people to overcome. With this Lesson learned, all the Liu family was completely quiet.

"The Ge family and the Wu family have formed an alliance for a hundred generations. We have no intention of dominating Yanjing, but in order to prevent such things from happening again, only half of the disciples of the Liu family who are currently living in Yanjing can be left behind, and the rest will be scattered to Huaxia. All over the country, spread branches and leaves, carry forward the inheritance, as for who will stay and who will stay, you should discuss it yourself, and just submit the list." Ge Xiaotian said word by word.

This decision was discussed last night. The Liu family is much more powerful than the Han family. It has been entrenched in Yanjing for many years, and its roots are deep and leafy. Although Liu Qiaoan was eliminated, it did not hurt the root of the Liu family. Only diversion can completely resolve Once the Liu family's threat is scattered everywhere, it will be difficult to condense into a powerful force.

"You are trying to drive the Liu family to extinction. We will never agree." Liu Qiaoning, who had just caught her breath, refused flatly when she heard this. Pain, Yuanli is like flowing water, and the foundation of martial arts is reduced to nothingness.

"I have already said that I hope you will listen patiently to Xiaotian's words. It seems that your memory is not very good." Ge Qingyun stood with his hands behind his back, with a murderous intent in his eyes.

Liu Qiaoning didn't expect that Ge Qingyun would really attack him. It was like a sharp knife pierced his lower abdomen. The severe pain made him break out in cold sweat, and he couldn't say a word anymore.

Ge Xiaotian continued: "The Patriarch of the Liu family will be replaced by Liu Yong, and the list will be handed over to the Ge family within one day, and the disciples of the Liu family who are still staying in Yanjing City within half a month will all have their cultivation bases abolished, and there will be no mercy."

This kind of thunderous method finally made the Liu family, who was a bit flustered, see the reality clearly. Now Yanjing is no longer a three-point world. The Liu family has no place to stand. If they resist again, they may be exterminated. Taking a step forward, he cupped his fists and said, "According to the Ge family's wishes, the list will be drawn up tonight, and the relocation will be completed within a week."

Ge Xiaotian nodded in satisfaction, and said: "Very well, if everyone has this awareness, on behalf of the Ge family, I guarantee that there will still be a place for the Liu family in Yanjing, and we have already discussed with the Wu family. The Martial Arts Cultivation Experience Exchange Conference will be held once every five years, and the major families can exchange ideas, exchange cultivation experiences, discard sectarianism, and jointly pursue the essence of martial arts. I hope that the Liu family will be able to treat each other frankly and make progress together."

"It's a blessing for the Chinese martial arts world that the two big families have such a broad mind. Our Liu family will never hide anything. The biggest gain is that everyone can learn from each other's strengths." Liu Yongying said.

This Liu Yong's kung fu of seeing the wind is much better than his cultivation, which is exactly what the Ge family wanted to see. Only Liu Qiaoning, who had regained his breath at this moment, spat and cursed: "Boneless!" Things, I really lost the face of the Liu family, I bah..."

Just as the 'bah' came out, the head had been completely separated from the body, and the blood was sprayed on the carpet, making a peony more vivid.

Ge Xiaotian withdrew the dagger, and said in a cold voice: "The Ge family doesn't want to kill people, but it's definitely not that they don't dare to kill people. I hope you can take this as a warning so that you can take care of yourself."

After speaking, he strode out, and Ge Qingyun nodded in satisfaction. This aura cannot be changed by improving his cultivation. He originally thought that he followed Wu Yi all day long, and his bloodiness had gradually faded away, but his performance today , is already competent for the affairs of the family.

Half of Liu Qiaoan's body was still placed in the side hall, and Liu Qiaoan's head was moved again. In the blink of an eye, the Liu family had lost two top experts, and everyone's trust in their hearts had completely collapsed.

"I want to leave Yanjing, no matter where I go, I absolutely can't stay here."

"I'm going too, it's terrible."

"Me too!"

Everyone surrounded Liu Yong one after another, scrambling to speak first.

Just as Wu Yi got into the car, his cell phone rang. He saw that it was Ge Xiaotian calling, and after connecting, he asked, "Young Master Ge, how is the situation? There is nothing wrong with the Liu family, right?"

"Look at what you said, what kind of accidents can there be if I and Uncle Jiu Tai go out together? There is indeed an ignorant person who has already made an example of others. Now that the Liu family is obedient, we can bring the list tonight. When the time comes, we will But you have to review it carefully, and don't be fooled." Although the voice came from the phone, it still couldn't hide Ge Xiaotian's excitement and pride.

"I'll leave these matters to you. I'll see you tonight." Wu Yi is not very interested in these matters. No matter who he is, as long as he gets rid of the general, the Liu family will have no chance of rising.

"Go back to the headquarters of the inspection team right away, I want to interview you." Just when Wu Yi was about to take a break, a voice transmission from his mind suddenly came from his consciousness. Only the shadow man, who can do this in the whole of China, Couldn't find a second one.

"He must have known about what happened last night. If it was because of this, why didn't he want to see me until now? Is his behavior today too extreme? If he has an opinion, he should stop it directly. Why would he ask me to meet?" What?" Countless thoughts flashed through Wu Yi's mind, and he couldn't figure out the shadow man's intention for a while, so he had to turn around and rush to the inspection team.

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