Dragon Warrior

Chapter 659 Unforgivable

At this moment, a group of unarmed scientific researchers were like lambs waiting to be slaughtered. The man in black quickly grabbed a man with glasses, because he was shaking the most, and he was obviously the one most afraid of death.

"Please, please, don't kill me, don't kill me." The man with glasses squeezed into the corner all the time, he didn't expect bad luck to befall him, his neck was tightly grasped by the big hands of the man in black robe , repeatedly begging for mercy.

"What's the use of begging me? You should beg him. It's not that I want to kill you, but he is forcing me to kill you." The man in black pointed to Lin Du on the ground.

The man with glasses came over immediately and begged in a low voice: "Professor Lin, Professor Lin, please help me, I am only 23 years old, and I have an 80-year-old grandmother at home, I don't want to die yet, please help me Take your life and hand over your things!"

"It's not that I don't want to save you. Once this thing falls into the wrong hands, the consequences will be disastrous, and more people will be killed at that time. I really can't hand it over!" Lin Du said helplessly. , in addition to the data researched by Tianhong Group, all the materials of Lingyun Group's production of biochemical madmen are also preserved. Once these terrorists get hold of it, it is unknown how many innocent people will be killed in this world, so at this moment, no matter what I will hand over this top-secret information.

The cold blade slashed across Wenhua's cheek, a scarlet blood line gradually spread, and soon reached the main artery of the neck, as long as he cut lightly, the blood would spurt out, and his life would also come to an end.

"Tick tock...tick tock..." A stream of warm liquid flowed out from the leg of his trousers, and the man in glasses was completely frightened, and he roared: "Old guy, you want to die yourself, don't hurt innocent people like us, his granddaughter Right here, if you drag her out, I'll see if he can be so cold and ruthless!"

"You boneless thing, if you dare to betray your own people, I will never let you go!" a middle-aged man cursed, and was about to stand up, but was stepped on by the guard in black, his head He knocked heavily on the floor and passed out immediately.

Everyone's eyes were full of contempt. In this situation, the chance of survival was already very slim, but this cowardly guy couldn't see this clearly and betrayed his allies.

"Oh, this is really an unexpected harvest. If you point out his granddaughter, your life will be saved." The black-robed man pressed his dagger to his neck, seductively.

"Really?" Wen Hua asked in disbelief. He just wanted to vent his anger, but he didn't expect to save his life. After a moment of hesitation, he slowly stretched out his arm.

"Of course, where is she?" The man in black gave him an affirmative answer, and then followed the direction his finger pointed, and saw a thin girl with a very delicate appearance, long hair in a shawl, wearing glasses, Standard college student appearance.

"Bastard, get out, stay away from Feifei!" Lin Du hissed almost crazily, but still couldn't stop the man in black from catching Lin Feifei out.

The man in black brushed Lin Feifei's hair lightly with his fingers, and finally grabbed her neck fiercely, and said leisurely: "I think we can make light terms now! As long as you hand over what I want, not only you The granddaughter will be fine, I promise not to kill anyone here, if you persist, it will be a tragedy in the world, and the white-haired person will give the black-haired person."

Lin Du looked at his granddaughter, who was breathing more and more quickly, and his old heart was about to break. That was his only relative in the world, and also his only sustenance, but now it was going to be destroyed by his own hands.

"Give up! Why are you so obsessed? What does the life and death of others have to do with you? Isn't your own granddaughter more important than these insignificant strangers? In fact, making a choice is not that difficult. Why make yourself live so painfully?" What?" the man in black said in a deep voice, but the strength in his hand was getting stronger and stronger, and the slender Lin Feifei was about to suffocate.

Originally thought that Lin Du would be completely defeated in this way, but at the last moment, Lin Du's face turned red again, and he said slowly: "Feifei, don't blame grandpa for being ruthless. You can't just live for yourself in this life. Other people's life is also life, there is no difference between closeness, high or low, don't be afraid, grandpa will come to accompany you soon!"

"Old man, you asked for it yourself, don't blame me for being ruthless!" The black-robed man was furious, and the strength in his hand suddenly increased, lifting Lin Feifei into the air.

"Feifei...Feifei...Grandpa, I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Lin Du burst into tears, and all the strength in his body was exhausted. At the moment of his extreme despair, a red light flashed, and the black robe The arm that was raised in the air was cut off by Qi Gen, and the blood flowed down. Lin Feifei fell softly beside him, the arm around his neck was still shaking.

"Who... who..." the black-robed man held his shoulders and asked in a panic. He didn't even see the figure of the person before he had an arm removed. This kind of movement is simply too terrifying up.

"I thought your blood was black, but I didn't expect it to be red. I'm so disappointed." Wu Yi's cold voice sounded from behind him. The colder his voice, the more angry he was, and he was already on the verge of peak. .

"Judge, your attack is too extreme!" The black-robed man turned around and saw Wu Yi's face clearly, and said sharply, although the bleeding has stopped, but this arm will never be reattached.

Wu Yi looked at the corpses on the ground, "They are all ordinary people, do you need you to use this ultimate method? A martial arts monk, against a group of unarmed ordinary people, you Xing Shao Ghost King are really powerful! "

At this moment, Ge Xiaotian and the others also rushed over. Su Qingxue looked at Lin Du who was lying on the ground, hurried over to pay him up, and asked anxiously, "Uncle Lin, how are you doing?"

"You people, damn it!" The anger in Guo Dong's heart also rose rapidly. He brought the severed arm from Lin Feifei's neck, revealing five bruises, which looked shocking.

"Feifei...Feifei...Grandpa, I'm sorry!" Lin Du looked at Lin Feifei not far away, thinking that she had been murdered.

"Don't worry, old man, she is only in a temporary coma, and she will wake up soon." Guo Dong held Lin Feifei in his arms, and slowly transported Yuanli into her body, so that she could recover quickly. The pale little girl felt a different kind of tenderness in her heart.

"Judge, don't pretend to be a good person here. Don't you know the style of the Palace of the Underworld? We only pay attention to the result and don't care about the process. Don't you do such things?" Xing Shao was full of horror. The judge has completely changed a person, and his strength is unfathomable.

"I dealt with heinous people. I have never bullied any ordinary people. I failed to kill you last time. This time I will never bypass you again." Wu Yi held the evil blade, and the red blade glowed hesitantly.

"Hehe... Don't think that after going out for a few days, the wings will become hard. I was just doing it to the king of Hades, playing with you kid. If you dare to hurt me today, I will take your skin and drink your blood, brother Let me go!" Xing Shao waved his hand, and the men in black surrounded Wu Yi, seemingly chaotic, but blocked all the exits.

"Young Master Ge, you escort Professor Lin and the others out first, and leave it to me." Wu Yi ordered, not wanting to hurt innocent people again.

"Do you want me to stay and help you get rid of some small fish and shrimps, so that they don't get in the way here." Ge Xiaotian was still a little worried. This group of people may not be strong alone, but together, they are like a pack of hungry wolves. The power will increase a lot.

"This is an old debt, let me settle it with them!" Wu Yi might have been played like a monkey by them back then, but now he can handle all this.

The men in black who had been hiding their faces all untied their headscarves, revealing familiar faces. Wu Yi had been in the same boat with them for three years. Although he had the purpose of disintegrating them, he also experienced countless life and death situations together.

"Judge, the King of Hades has decided not to pursue the matter of your betrayal back then. The King of Hades is determined to win this mission today, so can't you let it go?" one of the older people asked, they could feel, The current Wu Yi is no longer the judge of the past, he has become more powerful and terrifying. He has survived too many times, and his sense of death is always so sensitive.

Wu Yi was surrounded, but with a relaxed expression, he shook his head and said: "I said back then that as long as you don't set foot in the territory of China, I will never kill you all. Maybe it was a bit of a lie back then, but I never broke my promise. Now that you have extended your tentacles to Nanhua City, you can't blame me for not remembering the old friendship."

"What is the third brother talking to him about? This kid has no good intentions from the beginning. I have long said that keeping him is a disaster. Today I will see what a powerful killer move the judge has mastered!" One arm was cut off, but the ferocity remained undiminished, and he held the knife instead, stabbing towards him like a poisonous snake.

"On behalf of Huaxia, I sentence you to death!" Wu Yi's voice was calm, the evil blade pierced through the air, and the red light flashed away. Blood beads, his body split in two and fell to the ground.

This group of fierce ghosts walking in the darkness, ready to reap life at any time, also felt a chilling fear at this moment, because everyone didn't even see how Wu Yi made a move, and the all-powerful ghost king was split in half. With such terrifying strength, they could not even be regarded as one-stroke enemies in front of Wu Yi.

"Wu Yi, are you really going to do such a terrible thing?" The voice of King Yan came from the depths of the base, followed by several men in black robes.

"Those who offend China will be punished even if they are far away, and they cannot be forgiven." Wu Yi said lightly.

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