Dragon Warrior

Chapter 662 Crisis of Confidence (1)

Zhou Changde stayed up all night that night. If such a big incident happened in Nanhua City, if he could not deal with it in time, he might not be able to keep his position as mayor. It took him most of his life to climb up. Never think about a comeback.

So after receiving Dai Wenming's report, he rushed to the police station immediately, mobilized all the police forces in Nanhua City to collect all certifications and physical evidence, and quickly started the interrogation work. The entire police building was brightly lit, and there was an endless stream of people coming and going. Absolutely, the most leisurely one is Wu Yi, who has serious suspicions.

"Boss, you really don't want to play with us, I don't think Xiaomi will even think about it tonight." Ge Xiaotian asked, the three of them were so bored that they actually fought for the landlord in the room.

"Don't be arrogant, I can turn defeat into victory this time, don't be naughty, play your cards!" Huang Yulai squatted on the ground angrily, since the first hand, he couldn't sit down, he squatted almost one He is young, thanks to his excellent physical fitness, otherwise he would have been on the ground long ago.

Wu Yi didn't bother to pay attention to them, and sat there quietly with his eyes closed to rest his mind. Although what happened tonight was not a duel of life and death, if any link was delayed by a step, the consequences would be unimaginable. Hades' warning would not be groundless. Scorpio people will arrive at any time, and these potential threats cannot be ignored.

The interrogation work is not complicated. Although the people in the Palace of the Underworld have never explained anything, the many scientific researchers in the Longquan base are the best witnesses. By collecting the surveillance and cross-comparing the confessions, Dai Wenming can already draw a conclusion. Everything was within Wu Yi's expectations. This was a premeditated terrorist activity. Yi Xue Group was not the organizer, but the victim.

Since the identities of these people cannot be verified, neither fingerprint identification nor DNA testing have found any clues, these people will soon be handed over to the National Security Bureau, and they will communicate with the international community. The case of Nanhua City can basically be over. .

"Wu Yi, this is the Mayor Zhou of our Nanhua City. He wants to talk to you alone." Just as Wu Yi closed his eyes and rested his mind, Dai Wenming walked in, followed by a middle-aged man, about In his fifties, he was dressed in casual clothes, but he had the majesty of being in a position for a long time.

Wu Yi knew that this was Zhou Yongtai, the parent officer of Nanhua City. Considering that Yixue Group would become bigger and stronger in Nanhua City in the future, this request was not too much to refuse. The two came to the top office, and even Dai Civilization was also invited out, leaving only two people sitting facing each other.

After Zhou Yongtai saw that the door was closed, he said enthusiastically: "Mr. Wu was imprisoned wrongly this time, which caused many misunderstandings. It happened so suddenly that we were a little caught off guard. We had to take some necessary actions as a last resort." For that, I hope Mr. Wu doesn't mind!"

Wu Yi is naturally not naive because this guy brought him here in the middle of the night just to comfort him, but after all, he is the mayor of Nanhua City, and he still has to give face on the field, so he waved his hand quickly and said: "Zhou City I am so concerned about the safety of the citizens of Nanhua that I am so dedicated to my duties. I am so moved that there is no resentment. As long as Mayor Zhou does not pursue my escape and running a red light, that is the greatest concern for me."

"Mr. Wu is worrying too much. The matter is urgent. Naturally, he can't take care of so many rules and regulations. It's right to do things cheaply. If you didn't arrive in time, I'm afraid this group of people has already succeeded. Speaking of which, I still want to ask, what is the status of this group of people?" Is Mr. Wu clear about the origin, if he can provide some clues to the police, maybe there is a chance to catch them all, and this will completely remove the threat for you, right?" Zhou Yongtai asked with some expectation.

Dai Wenming didn't know Wu Yi's identity, but he still knew a little bit about his strength. Naturally, this information would not be kept secret from Zhou Yongtai, so now that Zhou Yongtai knew that Wu Yi was very mysterious and powerful, he was very polite to him from the beginning , I hope to use his strength to make this matter more perfect.

Wu Yi can guess these thoughts, but he is unwilling to say more. The power behind this is beyond their ability to handle. Killer organization, as long as you go to the National Security Bureau, you will definitely be able to find relevant news, all Mayor Zhou will wait for the results of the above investigation, maybe there will be unexpected surprises!"

Although the Hall of Kings of Hell is low-key, it has been in operation for so many years and has been blacklisted for a long time. I don’t know how many eyes are searching for their traces, but unexpectedly, it was folded in the small Nanhua City. If this matter is known by the high-level, Fortunately, I am afraid that I will fall through my glasses.

Zhou Yongtai felt more and more that Wu Yi was very mysterious. Sometimes the more vague, the more room for imagination. Wu Yi didn't deny it, but it made him feel that Wu Yi had other considerations, so it was inconvenient to ask more questions, but he thought of one more thing , reconfirmed: "If ordinary citizens know what happened tonight, it may cause unnecessary panic, so we still need to discuss how to explain it to the public. I am afraid that the reporter from the newspaper office has already guarded the gate."

"All of this was planned by Mayor Zhou, who won a decisive victory thousands of miles away. Director Dai was heroic and decisive, and defeated the enemy in danger. As a person who has personally experienced this terrorist attack, I will definitely reflect the achievements of the two to you. Ordinary people, in two days, we must make a big pennant to express our gratitude to Yixue Group." Wu Yi said very honestly, anyway, he doesn't care about these false names, so why not give them a favor?

"Mr. Wu's ability to cooperate with the police in this operation is also a credit. As the parent officer of Nanhua City, I must call on all citizens to learn from Mr. Wu's heroic character of not being afraid of dark forces and daring to fight." Zhou Yongtai laughed. I thought I had to enlighten him, but I didn't expect Wu Yi to understand his thoughts thoroughly. If the citizens knew that a large number of armed policemen had been tossing around all night, but they just followed Wu Yi's buttocks to join in the fun, wouldn't they be caught by others? Laugh out loud?

"Mayor Zhou is polite. These are what we should do. To make our Nanhua Group bigger and stronger, we need Mayor Zhou's strong support!" Wu Yi only stated his purpose at this time.

Such a crisis was resolved so happily, not only without fault, but also with great merit, Zhou Yongtai was naturally very pleased, "This is a good thing that benefits the people, and it is more conducive to the economic development of Nanhua City. If you have any difficulties in the future, please contact me directly. It is a key project in the city, and I, the mayor, will personally supervise it!"

As he said that, he tore off a sticky note, and wrote down his phone number to Wu Yi. It was not the number announced to the public, but his personal contact number. Only this number can be used to find him at any time.

Wu Yi took the note and said with a smile: "With the escort of Mayor Zhou, we will surely go smoothly in Nanhua City in the future. It won't take long for us to break out of Asia and go to the world."

"If there is such a day, I, as the mayor, will have a bright face! But Mr. Wu, in addition to the development of Yixue Group, you have to worry about some things in Nanhua City." Zhou Yongtai Although I'm not sure about Wu Yi's identity, but I can vaguely guess something, so I made this wish.

"Guarding the safety of China is the responsibility and obligation of every Chinese citizen. Mayor Zhou please rest assured that Wu Yi is obliged to do so." This time Wu Yi gave a very affirmative answer, no matter what power it is, Anyone who dares to touch the Chinese nation will pay a heavy price.

"Okay, okay, I'm relieved with your words. The future will be long, and we will talk about it later when we have time. Now we should do the things at hand first, and the most important thing is to appease the people." Zhou Yongtai got up and solemnly talked with Wu Yi. He shook hands with him and sent him down himself.

Seeing Mayor Zhou's attitude towards Wu Yi, Dai Wenming naturally didn't dare to neglect, not only immediately uncuffed Ge Xiaotian and the others, but also insisted on escorting them back in a police car, but Wu Yi declined.

When it was just dawn, Wu Yi and the others walked out of the gate of the police station with a relaxed expression. Sure enough, as Zhou Yongtai expected, this group of media people with a keen sense of smell had already squatted there, and when they saw Wu Yi and his party, they immediately surrounded them , even Su Qingxue who came to pick them up was squeezed out.

Wu Yi didn't break his promise, and according to the negotiated words, he put all the credit on Zhou Yongtai and Dai Wenming, and added fuel to the story. His words were thrilling and climaxed. It was as if after watching a Hollywood blockbuster, he soon went back to edit the manuscript with satisfaction.

As the saying goes, good things don't go out, bad things spread thousands of miles, but in the hands of this group of people, good things will also spread thousands of miles away, not to mention praising the achievements of the mayor and police chief of this city, it is naturally a close-up, the more mysterious the more bizarre The better, it is estimated that the overwhelming publicity will reach the ears of every Nanhua citizen tomorrow.

In the car, Su Qingxue said with some emotion: "I really didn't see that you can make up nonsense without opening your mouth, and you don't even need to type a draft. I really don't know how much you said to me before." Is it true, how much is it false?"

"Xiaoxue, I can assure you that my sincerity towards you can be proved by the world, and the sun and the moon can learn from each other. There is absolutely no falsehood. Do you want me to take out my heart and confirm it for you?" Wu Yi heard that Xiaoxue was a little suspicious of himself , Immediately swear to the sky to show his loyalty.

"That's okay, just tell me the truth, what happened between you and the woman who attacked us last night?" Su Qingxue asked with a smile.

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