Dragon Warrior

Chapter 955 You, dare to fight?

Not only Cheng Huang, but Xiao Huo and Little Spirit Ape who were still sleeping soundly woke up suddenly from their sweet dreams, looking at the distance vigilantly, surrounded by energy, and entered a state of alert, with low-pitched whimpers constantly coming from their throats , as if a huge threat was approaching.

Wu Yi's heart suddenly rose. Xiao Huo has been with him since he was born, and he knows its habits very well. After absorbing such a majestic life essence, he will need to sleep for at least a month before he wakes up. It has only just slept for a few hours, and it was awakened. It must have sensed the existence of a fatal threat to it, so it was so alert.

Little Spirit Ape has the same physique as Little Fire, and they can react like this at the same time, which shows how terrifying an existence is. Wu Yi didn't even think about it, immediately picked up Little Spirit Ape and Little Fire, and flew into the sky, even though he didn't even have the threat from him. He hasn't sensed anything yet, but Wu Yi is very clear that blind curiosity will only bring a fatal threat, and the existence that Xiao Huo and the others value so much is definitely not something he can provoke, and life-saving is the most important thing.

Wu Yi's reaction was not unpleasant, but after all, he was still a step slow. As soon as he rose into the midair, he detected a strong fluctuation of yuan power, almost a flash of thought. There was already a young man in front of him, standing firmly. In mid-air, blocking his way, there was an invisible coercion in the air, which made it difficult for Wu Yi to breathe, and he knew without thinking that this guy must have come from the deepest part of the forbidden area.

This young man who suddenly appeared was dressed in an extremely retro outfit. He was wearing a blue gown, a jade belt around his waist, and soft boots. His hair was neatly tied behind his head without any mess. He looked like a remnant from the ancient times. With a misty breath.

However, his appearance is very young, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, heroic appearance, bright eyes as deep as the vast sea of ​​stars, arrogant expression, and a domineering king exuding all over his body, just standing there casually makes people uncomfortable If you dare to underestimate it, the most peculiar thing is that his slightly exposed arm is covered with cyan scales, which are dense and firm, shining with a faint divine light.

"Damn it, where the hell did this come from? It's definitely not human." Wu Yi cursed inwardly. In front of this young man, there was no possibility of escaping. Such a terrifying coercion , was actually several times stronger than when he was facing Han Yezi. Standing opposite him, he really felt humble and insignificant, as if he was an ant who could only be crushed by him.

When Wu Yi was looking at this young man who appeared out of nowhere, he was also looking at Wu Yi, his eyes were a little puzzled, more disappointed, it seemed that the person in front of him was far from what he expected, and he was very disappointed.

Contempt, this is Chi Guoguo's contempt. Ever since Wu Yi set foot in the world of comprehension, he has always despised others. He has never been humiliated like this. The most annoying thing is that this guy looks younger than him. Excited, a surge of arrogance surged in my heart, the silent golden blood became active again, and the aura of the whole person became stronger in an instant.

"It really is you, what a pity, what a pity." Sensing the aura of the golden blood, the young man showed a relieved look, the loss in his eyes became more intense, and he shook his head and sighed.

"Your grandpa, you are so arrogant! You don't pay attention to me, you block in front of me, and you don't even say hello!" Wu Yifei was about to explode. He didn't say a word to Wu Yi formally, if he hadn't considered the huge disparity in strength, he would have gone over with a mace.

Xiaohuo and Xiaolingyuan have always been fearless, but facing this young man covered in scales, they became very peaceful, sitting obediently in Wu Yi's arms, like a kitten , This made Wu Yi have to pay attention to it. The guy who suddenly appeared in front of him must have a lot of background. If he wants to be unfavorable to him, it may be difficult to go back alive.

"Brother, we have never met each other. We have no grudges in the past, and we have no grudges in the near future. What do you mean by stopping me like this?" Wu Yi waited for a long time, but the guy still didn't respond at all, so he could only ask patiently.

The young man glanced at Wu Yi as if looking at a monster, and said to himself: "I thought I met a real opponent, but unfortunately you are too weak to be my opponent at all. The legendary Golden Family is nothing more than that, it seems that the rumors are not enough Believe me, the Dragon Clan has completely fallen."

"Damn it, you kid is too arrogant! I have only practiced for less than a hundred years, so naturally I can't beat you. What does this have to do with the Dragon Clan? You can despise me, but you can't despise my bloodline. If you and I are cultivated Quite right, I can still beat you all over the place." Wu Yi countered angrily, he vaguely knew his identity from Ge Hongyu, and his mother was most likely the Lord of the Dragon Clan, hearing this young man say so Belittling the Dragon Clan, I was furious, and I didn't care whether it would anger this young man. Anyway, this guy came all the way here, and he would never leave so easily.

"Oh, you seem very unconvinced? Did I say something wrong? Even if I suppress my cultivation below the Spirit Transcendence Realm, you are not my opponent." The young man did not get angry, but sarcastically raised the corners of his mouth.

The clay bodhisattva also has three points of anger, not to mention that Wu Yi is not a clay bodhisattva, but a god of killing from hell. When he heard the young man despise him like this, the blood in his chest gushed out, and he immediately raised his head and said: "You said this yourself , if you and I stand on the same starting line, would you dare to fight me?"

Wu Yi is very confident in his own strength. He is invincible at the same level, and it is common for him to kill gods by leapfrogging. Although his current strength is still at the super god level, he has no pressure to deal with monks in the late stage of the spirit transcendence level, so he has this confidence.

"Are you challenging me?" The young man raised his eyebrows and asked with interest.

"Do you even need to ask? I just want to beat you until you don't even recognize your own father, so I'm afraid you won't dare!" Wu Yi was completely irritated by his arrogant attitude, and pointed at his nose Said.

Of course, it's not that Wu Yi's head was squeezed by the door, and he insisted on rushing to confront this guy, but he had a wishful thinking. Although this young man didn't talk much, Wu Yi still guessed from his words. He must have caught the aura of the golden blood in his body during the fierce battle against Skyhawk last night, so he came here to find out.

Because of his tyrannical strength, his eyes are higher than the top, and his nostrils are raised towards the sky. To deal with this kind of guy, the aggressive method is the most effective and direct method. As long as he is more arrogant and arrogant than him, he can be brought into him step by step. As long as he really suppresses his strength to the super god level, Wu Yi's chances of winning will be much greater. If he doesn't do this, the opponent will probably kill him with a single palm.

Sure enough, as Wu Yi expected, the more arrogant he is, the more he can arouse the interest of young people. He smiled contemptuously, nodded and said: "There are rumors from the ancestors that the Jin family is favored by the heavens and is invincible." , is invincible at all, I managed to meet one today, naturally I have to compete, I want to see what is so special about you!"

"However, we can't fight in an ambiguous manner. Let's be clear first. If I can't win, I'll let you handle it. If I win you, what are you betting on?" Seeing that Yu'er had already taken the bait, Wu Yi took advantage of the situation and asked .

"You? Beat me?" The young man seemed to have heard the funniest joke in the world. In his eyes, Wu Yi was simply a little loach in the gutter, and it was impossible for him to defeat the horned dragon in the wilderness.

"Damn it, can you hurry up, don't stand in my way if you don't dare to bet, and get out of the way immediately." Wu Yi urged impatiently, this guy is still the most arrogant opponent he has ever seen, and he has never He was relieved.

"Okay, I'll take a bet with you. If you can beat me, you can do whatever you want without any complaints." The young man responded decisively. The bet was already comparable to that of Wu Yi. Fate, in fact, he has the absolute initiative, there is no need for this at all, but his proud self-esteem and strong self-confidence made him disdain to take advantage of this, and directly took out the bargaining chip equal to Wu Yi.

Wu Yi was secretly happy, and laughed loudly: "Haha... It seems that I will have another spiritual pet soon."

The eyes of Xiao Huo and Little Spirit Ape are a bit weird. The battle has not yet started, they seem to have foreseen the result, and relying on Wu Yi's strength, challenging this terrifying guy is simply to die. The two little guys have already started to fight for Worry about your own fate.

"Damn it, don't you two have confidence in me? Why are you looking at me so weirdly, and you all just stay aside, witnessing this historic moment, and soon you will all worship me." Wu Yi put Xiao Huo and Little Spirit Ape down, and said confidently.

The young man glanced at Xiao Huo and them, and said calmly: "This is between me and him, you don't need to participate, you can leave on your own."

Before the words were finished, the terrifying coercion gradually dissipated, and the pressure in Wu Yi's heart also eased a lot. Only then did he realize that if this young man deliberately made things difficult, even Cheng Huang would not be able to leave, and his heart beat a little.

The two unconscionable guys, Xiaohuo and Xiaolingyuan, immediately distanced themselves from Wu Yi as if they had received an amnesty, but they didn't really leave, but watched the battle from the sidelines, and wandered around for a few laps. They stopped and stood together with Xiaohuo.

The young man ignored them, but looked at Wu Yi for the first time, and said proudly: "Ao Yongchun of the Jiao clan, I believe you will never forget this name in your life. You can start at any time when you are ready."

"Huaxia Wu Yi, I think you will remember this name in your next life, let's do it!" Furious, Wu Yi swung a palm suddenly, and Yuan Li roared out, covering a large area of ​​the sky.

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