Dragon Warrior

Chapter 979 Surviving a Catastrophe

Obsession is a kind of persistence deep in one's heart that is unwilling to let go. In the world of mortals, I don't know how many people are controlled by obsession and cannot get relief. It is by no means a minority. It can even be said that everyone has more or less obsessions and emotions that are difficult to let go, but once such obsessions are strengthened, they will influence people's minds and produce very terrible consequences.

"If Brother Jun can't wake up, wouldn't he be a living dead?"

"Brother...you must find a way to save Brother Jun. He stood up to fight against the Ji family to protect us. If he can't wake up, how can we have the face to live in this world?"

"Yeah, brother, you are not here, brother Jun has carried all the pressure by himself. These days, he has been suffering every minute and every second, but he has never bowed his head. Now we finally look forward to the return of brother, but we can't let brother Jun Leave us!"

"No matter what price we pay, as long as we can wake him up, we are absolutely willing to pay. Brother, tell me, what can we do now?"


Hearing this news, the crowd who suppressed the grief completely exploded. Many men with strong bones had dark red eyes and tears, while Chuntao passed out directly as if hit by a bolt from the blue sky. The small room It became more and more chaotic and noisy, filled with a sad atmosphere.

"You all go out and wait, monkey, help Chuntao to the room to take care of her, and send someone to guard the door, and don't let anyone in." Wu Yi gave the order, no one dared to disobey, and soon only he and her were left in the room Wang Jun was unconscious, and none of the brothers who crawled out of the black gold mine left. They all guarded the door, protecting Wu Yi's law, and at the same time, they could inquire about the news of the treatment as soon as possible.

Wu Yi was very moved. From the first time he came into contact with Wang Jun, he was attracted by his bold personality. Although his cultivation base was mediocre, his boldness was very much to Wu Yi's liking. This is enough to compare with Ge Xiaotian, Guo Dong and Huang Yulai. In contrast, he has not been able to return from Shiwan Dashan for a long time, and rumors are flying all over the sky, but he has not changed in the slightest. He still sticks to his promise and stands firmly on Wu Yi's side, advancing and retreating with him, living together and living together. Death, this brotherhood is the treasure that cannot be bought in this world, and it is also a moral that the cultivation world will never understand.

"Brother, in this situation, I can only take a risk. Whether I can survive it depends on your own good fortune. If there is a mistake, I will apologize to you personally when I am under the Nine Springs." Wu Yi will Wang Jun helped him up, sat down opposite him, and said slowly.

These words are more like talking to himself, because the next move will take a considerable risk, and he also needs to give himself a little confidence, but with the experience of saving Xiaoai last time, Wu Yi's confidence is relatively speaking, It's still a bit bigger, after all, Xiao Ai is just an ordinary person, and Wang Jun is a monk, so the endurance of the spiritual world is much stronger, and Wu Yi's understanding of divine consciousness has also made great progress, far from the previous ignorance The state of ignorance is comparable.

Wang Jun was trapped by obsession, and it was difficult to get rid of it. He had to use the power of spiritual consciousness to forcibly invade his spiritual world, intervene in his thinking operation, in order to break through. There is no threat, but Wang Jun's current cultivation base is still in the blood transformation state, and he has not been able to open up the sea of ​​​​spiritual consciousness. The spiritual world is still very fragile. Any mistakes will cause the collapse of the spiritual world. I can't wake up again.

Holding his breath, forgetting both things and me, Wu Yi entered an ethereal state, put aside all distracting thoughts, and concentrated all his mind on the sea of ​​consciousness. At the same time, to ensure that nothing would go wrong, he directly summoned the golden cauldron to envelop the two of them and isolate them. Any interference from the outside world will increase the probability of success to the maximum. After all the preparations are done, the eyes shine brightly, and an undetectable power of spiritual consciousness slowly penetrates from the Baihui acupoint on the top of Wang Jun's head to feel it. That complex and misty spiritual world.

This is a very mysterious process. Everything is so void and untouchable, but it is necessary to catch useful information in this void. It is like searching for a needle in a haystack and sailing against the current. The chance of success is very low, but the process is incomparable. hardships.

As soon as he entered, he was strongly excluded, almost annihilated that wisp of spiritual power. Wang Jun's spiritual world is much stronger than Wu Yi imagined, and Wu Yi had to gather more spiritual power. With force, forcibly invading, he could clearly feel a strong anger and hatred very quickly, like a hard shell, completely enveloping his spiritual world and isolating all outside intrusions.

"I didn't expect your willpower to be so strong, which is really rare in the world. No wonder you can persist until now." Wu Yi was very shocked.

Willpower is a person's belief, and has nothing to do with cultivation. Just like Ji Rongyang's cultivation has reached the spiritual transcendence realm, but his willpower is very weak. It's just that Wu Yi's coercion is unbearable. Before Wu Yi can speak, he takes the initiative to kneel down Beg for mercy, such a thing can never happen to Wang Jun, and Wu Yi is the same, even in the face of an extremely strong man, he can still face it with his head high and die generously. If he were in China, he would definitely be the best special soldier. Can withstand the most severe torture, but also uphold the most noble loyalty.

These two qualities are very rare, they can almost be said to be one in a million. Wu Yi constantly strengthens the power of his spiritual consciousness, like warm water washing, constantly impacting that solid barrier, and finally, that hatred gradually becomes shallow In short, he has finally really entered the inner world of this iron-blooded man, and one after another of warm pictures flashed, the most appearing ones were Chuntao, Boss Qi, Monkey, and even captured pictures of himself.

Wu Yi took advantage of the victory to calm down the restless emotions, and guided these warm scenes to stand out from the encirclement. Wang Jun's frown and clenched teeth gradually relaxed, and his whole person became much calmer. Noticing his changes, Wu Yi Yi withdrew his power of consciousness in time. Everyone's situation was very complicated, and it was difficult for him to control the speed.

"Brother Wu Yi...is it really you? Am I dreaming?" Just as Wu Yi withdrew his power of consciousness, Wang Jun slowly opened his eyes, only to see a dazzling golden light in front of him, and Wu Yi Yi was bathed in the dazzling golden light, everything seemed so unreal.

"Good brother, you're finally awake." Wu Yi let out a long sigh of relief, put away the golden cauldron, his forehead was instantly covered with fine beads of sweat, and the past ten minutes just now was no less than a battle of spiritual consciousness. The spirit was very tense, and when he relaxed at the moment, he felt extremely sleepy, but he was very happy to see Wang Jun wake up.

After a short period of dizziness, Wang Jun completely regained his consciousness. He was not sure until now that Wu Yi had come back to life again and returned to their side. He was so excited that he came directly with a big bear hug. He was so excited for a while that he even I can't even speak.

"Okay, okay, you've just recovered from a serious injury, so don't get too excited, adjust your breathing and see if there are any hidden diseases left behind?" Wu Yi took the boss's strength to push him away, a little worried asked.

"Haha... As long as you can come back, I'll be fine. It's good, it's good!" Wang Jun grinned, his spirits were very uplifted, and he seemed to be completely unaffected by the invasion of external spiritual power , but under Wu Yi's repeated requests, he still forced himself to calm down and feel his changes carefully. At the moment when he entered the samadhi, his expression suddenly changed and he opened his eyes suddenly.

Wu Yi asked in surprise: "What's wrong? But what kind of damage did you suffer?"

The act of rescue just now is actually still an attack of consciousness. Although he has been very careful, for Wang Jun who has not opened up the sea of ​​consciousness, there is always a fatal threat. Seeing his expression at this moment, the moment of joy just now There is nothing left, and once there is damage, it is a fatal threat. It can be said that all previous efforts have been wasted.

"No...no...it's just that there seems to be another world in my mind, chaos and nothingness, very wonderful." Wang Jun said doubtfully, his brows were tightened, he was a little unacceptable to this novel change, his eyes were a little erratic .

"Another world? Is there any uncomfortable feeling?" Wu Yi was also at a loss, and this sequelae was too strange.

Wang Jun simply closed his eyes and felt for a moment, then slowly opened his eyes, shook his head and said, "I don't feel any discomfort, it seems...it seems to have sensed the power of divine consciousness, but how is this possible?"

Above the Blood Transformation Realm is the Chongshen Realm, but Wang Jun's cultivation is still in the middle stage of the Blood Transformation Realm, and he has never touched the threshold of the Chongshen Realm. He is also very unfamiliar with the power of divine consciousness, so he himself does not Believe me, my eyes are filled with disbelief.

"What? Can you feel the power of spiritual consciousness? Let me help you see, don't have any resistance, just keep your emotions stable." Wu Yi also widened his eyes, surprised and happy, and tried to penetrate again. This time, Wang Jun's spiritual world was not hindered by anything, but directly saw a chaotic and confused world, as dark as ink and boundless.

Wang Jun himself didn't feel confident, and asked cautiously: "Brother Wu Yi, do you see what's going on?"

"Haha...hahahaha...Congratulations, you have successfully opened up the sea of ​​​​spiritual consciousness. From now on, you can open the super god mode and kill gods by leapfrogging. This is called surviving a catastrophe, and there must be future blessings." Wu Yi said with a big smile , He has figured out the changes that have taken place in Wang Jun's spiritual world. Just like himself, under the intervention of external forces, he forcibly opened up the sea of ​​consciousness, and only then can he sense the illusory power of consciousness.

"Opening up the sea of ​​consciousness, how...how is this possible?" Wang Jun opened his mouth, unable to close it for a long time.

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