Dragon Warrior

Chapter 989

"Soul Eater Art" has the guidance and control of the evil spirit of blood. Wu Yi did not dare to try it rashly because there are even more evil Soul Eater Orbs in the sea of ​​​​spiritual consciousness, but Shi Junhao is different. To comprehend the true power of consciousness, one might as well try to control this evil power. If he can really do this, his combat power will be raised by several levels, and it is not impossible to kill gods by leapfrogging.

But it's still too early to say all of this. Giving him the blood drop is just laying the foundation in advance. As for whether he can get to this point, it depends on his own hard work and luck.

Han Xue has initially mastered the art of refining, and successfully refined a middle-grade spiritual weapon Qingfeng Sword. In the future, she only needs to continuously accumulate and summarize experience, and her skills will naturally continue to improve, and with the improvement of her cultivation, The growth of the power of consciousness and origin will be more handy. As for the condensing of the power of consciousness, she needs to realize it by herself, and it will not be effective overnight, so after the ceremony is over, put more energy on it. In terms of Zongmen affairs, there are still many new disciples. Those who can be selected as inner disciples and who should be persuaded to leave as soon as possible need to be screened one by one. This is related to the subsequent development of the Zongmen, so it is safer to do it yourself.

Wang Jun's strength has reached the late stage of the Blood Transformation Realm, and he is only short of breaking through to the Chongshen Realm. Wu Yi asked him to transform all the Yuanli in his dantian into pure Yang True Fire before breaking through the Chongshen Realm. The affairs of the mine and the sect were handed over to other brothers as much as possible, while he devoted himself wholeheartedly to cultivation, and rarely even went home, but poor Chuntao leaned against the door every day to wait, and he felt a little resentful.

Sun Houzi is even more pitiful. In just a few months, his cultivation has reached the middle stage of Transforming Wing Realm, and he has made rapid progress. However, Wu Yi felt that his foundation was unstable and his temper was impetuous, so he directly closed his closed door. Forging crude embryos in the refining chamber is a laborious job, more painful than forging black gold mines before, sweating profusely every day, miserable, it is impossible to come out before the Yuanli is completely transformed.

Wu Yi didn't intend to target them, but their current identities are unusual. If they don't practice diligently, their cultivation base will fall behind these new disciples, and they will not be able to gain a foothold in the sect in the future. They all understand this truth , so I don’t have any complaints, I can only grit my teeth and resist, and the twenty-three new core disciples are not having a good time. They have just passed the torment for half a month, and before they can catch their breath, they are directly pulled into the In the dark mine, facing the scorching high temperature, everyone showed fear, as if they had come to hell.

Below the Black Gold Mine is the Oolong Volcano, which is extremely rich in earth fire resources. Practicing here can absorb more earth fire, which is of great benefit to the increase of fire attribute energy, and the high temperature in the center of the earth can make these young people The guy keeps his energy running at all times, and he can't be slack in the slightest, otherwise his skin will be ripped apart, the outside will be burnt and the inside will be tender, turning into a piece of delicious barbecue, and his cultivation will improve even more rapidly.

This feeling is not so pleasant. When Sun Yue first came in, his cultivation base had reached the Wing Transformation Realm, but he still didn't even dare to lay his feet. Although the current temperature is not as scary as before, it is still very difficult for a group of monks in the Body Forging Realm. A big challenge.

"Elder, my feet seem to be burnt. It's too hot here. I can't even stand upright. How can I practice?"

"Me too. I can smell the burnt smell. I guess I'm familiar with it. I won't even be able to walk in the future. What kind of craftsman should I be?"

"No... no... I can't hold on anymore, I want to quit, I won't be a core disciple anymore."


In just half an hour, all kinds of complaints and doubts exploded. The excitement of becoming a core disciple has long since dissipated. I thought that the days of suffering were over, but I didn't expect it to just begin.

Wu Yi ignored their yelling, and said in a cold voice: "What's the use of crying ghosts and howling wolves? Run the mental method I passed on to you and try to absorb the heat energy into the dantian. Naturally, it will not be so painful. If you want to go out, you don't have to do it at all." Perhaps, there is no rule of giving up halfway in the Shenshen Sect, unless you are really tired of life."

This is not a warning or a threat, but to tell them a cruel fact that if they want to survive, they must rely on their own efforts, and it is too late to give up now.

In fact, the temperature here is not that scary. As long as they can calm down and go all out, they can bear it. He has already passed on to them the mental methods handed down by the Han family, especially how to transform into the pure and pure Yang Zhen. Huo, this was a secret that was not passed on before, and Wu Yi would not allow it if he wanted to give up halfway after he had already come into contact with the real art of refining weapons.

The cold reminder seemed to make the temperature here drop a bit, and Wu Yi's tone made them clearly feel the attitude of the Shenzong. In order to survive, they could only persevere, even if the air was filled with a strong smell of burnt, they would not stop. There is no voice of doubt.

One hour...two hours...one day...two days...the most painful time has finally passed, everyone's expressions are no longer so lifeless, but gradually comprehend the beauty of it, wisps of indifference. Gossamer's ground fire was absorbed, quieted in the dantian, and then circulated with the Yuan force, turning into the pure pure Yang fire. Wu Yi helped them bypass all the detours, and unconsciously transformed all the Yuan power in the dantian , Waiting until the moment when the cultivation base is complete, you can directly try to refine the weapon.

It was a torment at the beginning, but after ten days it became an enjoyment. The warm earth fire wandered among the meridians, and there was an indescribable joy. The mental method was taught to them in a timely manner, and from time to time they were asked to condense the real fire and change it into the shape he required, so as to improve their control and operation of the fire, step by step, and become more proficient.

Half a year was almost fleeting, and the news of Han Yezi's death could not be concealed permanently, which caused quite a shock. However, Hanxue established the Shenshenzong on behalf of the Han family, and it was growing day by day, which had a great impact on the entire refining sect. The reputation of the Qi family did not have a particularly big impact, especially after the successful delivery of several batches of spirit weapon orders, the impact was completely negligible, but it also made Wu Yi and Han Xue tired enough, and the middle-grade spirit weapons were all except them. Two, there is no one to help, and there are so many disciples who need to be taught. Every day is exhausting, but it is extremely fulfilling.

On a bright and starry night, Wu Yi and Han Xue sat side by side on a boulder in the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain. They had just completed a batch of orders for middle-grade spiritual weapons, and they could finally take a breath. He took out the monkey wine brought from the ape clan and shared it with Hanxue. The mellow aroma of the wine permeated the cold night sky, long and long.

"The progress of the first batch of core disciples is really rapid. In just half a year, eight of them have broken through the body-forging state and advanced to the wing-forming state, and all of their energy has been transformed into pure fire energy. You really have it!" Eyes." Han Xue sighed with admiration.

Wu Yi took a sip of wine with his neck up, and said triumphantly: "That is, this elder has unique eyesight, can he misjudge people? Within ten years, there will definitely be disciples who have transcended the spiritual realm in the Shenzong of Refining, and there will be more and more of them." , continue to develop and grow, and regain its former glory."

"Well, I also believe that it will get better and better in the future." Seeing Wu Yi drinking happily, Han Xue also tried to take a small sip. Feeling the slightest burning sensation, he asked curiously, "What kind of wine is this? It's really delicious!"

"Take it easy, this is a treasure that I brought from Shiwan Dashan, that's all that's left." Wu Yi reminded with a smile when she saw that she actually picked up the wine jar and took a big sip.

"Cut... stingy." Han Xue rolled her pretty eyes, and two red clouds floated on her cheeks at some point, making her look even more delicate and cute against her fair skin.

Wu Yi looked up at the night sky and said to himself: "Now everything in the sect is running normally, the Blood Bat Palace has been destroyed, and the external threat has been eliminated. Those small sects dare not attack us. Ask for help from the ape, tiger, and wolf tribes. With this powerful foreign aid, you should not have to worry. As for these new disciples, they have almost taught what they need to teach, and the rest depends on their own fortune. , Judging from their performance during this period of time, they will definitely have good achievements in the future, so don't worry too much."

"So?" Han Xue suddenly thought of something, with an inexplicable sadness in her heart, she couldn't help asking.

"So... I might..." Wu Yi hesitated for a moment, and for a while, he didn't know how to speak. He couldn't bear to press such a huge sect on a girl, but everything was settled, and it was time to leave At that time, he still had his own goals and missions, and it was impossible to stay here forever.

Without waiting for him to speak, Han Xue took the initiative to say, "You're leaving, aren't you?"

"Xiaoxue, you should know that I came to the cultivation world just to reunite with my wife. I have stayed here for more than a year, and I can't stay any longer. Do you understand?" Wu Yi said in a bit of a dilemma, If it weren't for this series of changes, he might have left in ten and a half months.

"Yeah! How can I not understand? Even if I don't understand, I still can't keep you, can't I?" Han Xue picked up the wine jar and took a big gulp, as if the stimulation of alcohol could make her temporarily Forget the sadness in her heart, but the tears still rolled down like broken beads, even she didn't realize that the tears had already wet the front of her clothes.

Parting hurts, hurts parting, the thing I don't want to mention the most, the moment I don't want to face, finally came.

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