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“tsk tsk tsk ……”

Aisha lowered her head and walked around Sitia’s coffin three times.

I even swiped my fingers slowly across the surface of the coffin, feeling the cold and moist, jade-like texture.

It is indeed the best white marble.

Moreover, the craftsmanship of the engraving craftsman can be called ingenious and impeccable.

Even the connection between the relief and the stone plane does not have the slightest feeling of roughness. This is a place that consumes a lot of time and effort. The good work of this place shows that the craftsmen are very attentive.

This is a work of art… Aisha is determined.

Aisha shook her head and said to her heart that it is no wonder that the witch is not an opponent of Church of Light. Look at people, Saintess made such a big show when she died.

Look at the witch again, even if Aisha died, she was just burnt. She didn’t even bury her, not even a casket, just put it there, drifting away in the wind, and her reputation It said to return to nature, to pay tribute to the witches who were burned to death in the dark age…

It is ridiculous to say that the witch who believed in the dark god would actually name the painful period of “Dark Age”.

But anyway, the witch’s method of death is extremely shabby compared to the Church of Light…

Although it sounds free and easy, there is really no ostentation at all.

Aisha looked at Sitia’s coffin in a daze.

Chi Lin’s eyes widened, his knees were small, his hands were slightly raised to his waist, and his eyes stared at Aisha non-stop.

My eyes widened because I was afraid to miss any small movements of Aisha.

The knees bend slightly to move faster.

Double hands to the waist because this is the best position to shoot.

Chi Lin looked at Aisha, he concentrated attention completely.

No creature in this World can make him so cautiously, observe carefully.

Even when he was fighting the Elf Queen, Chi Lin hadn’t been so careful. At that time, he just turned the dragon scales sword regardless.

Chi Lin is afraid that Aisha will do anything in the next instant that he can’t save.

Given the relationship between the witch and the Church of Light, Chi Lin felt that Aisha had a reason to do so.

Aisha stared at Sitia’s coffin, looking very carefully, wishing little by little, looking at the pattern inch by inch.

Those eyes are so greedy and harboring malicious intentions in the eyes of others.

Even Chi Lin is a little nervous, let alone those church of Light believers.

When they faced Chi Lin and Frey before, they could be motionless, treating themselves as a real stone wall.

But when Aisha appeared in front of them and looked closely at Sitia’s coffin, those devout believers could no longer restrain their anger!

The solid white stone wall began to loosen, because the stones that made it wanted to move, they wanted to smash the black.

Fortunately, pope raised a hand in time to prevent this kind of begin to stir.

“Aisha.” Pope said.

Aisha looked up towards pope.

Pope turned his back to the Illuminati, his white silhouette is so tall in the eyes of the cultists, because he blocked the red disaster, Legendary Frey for them. Now we need to add the enemy that Church of Light hates the most, and has always wanted to kill quickly, but has never been able to do it.

That seemingly eternal darkness, Aisha.

But in the front they couldn’t see, Pope’s eyes really blinked at Aisha, and his eyebrows fluttered like willow leaves raised by the wind.

But these actions were watched by Chi Lin who was standing in front of pope.

Chi Lin knows that this gesture of raising eyebrows and winking eyes seems to be called “signing”, and it is more popularly called “handing eyes”.

Humans can convey some simple information through this obscure expression.

This kind of behavior seemed strange to Chi Lin, and a bit thankless.

Because the information on the bottom of the ship is not the responsibility of the eyelids and eyebrows, they have done things beyond their ability and beyond the scope of work, and it is a miracle that they do well.

If it is not done well, then it is as it should be by rights.

So humans often use this method to convey some wrong information, causing many unexpected situations.

But for some reason, human beings still don’t care about it, and they still enjoy it.

Many misunderstandings in human history are mostly caused by this.

Chi Lin can’t understand pope’s eyes, because pope’s real expression is too rich, his brows are flying, and it continues.

Generally speaking, “eyes” this thing can only convey some of the simplest and most understandable information, doubts, surprises, horror…

But pope’s eyes seem to be very different, and the messages he wants to convey seem to be many and complicated.

Looks like a poem, more like a song…


Chi Lin admitted that he did not understand.

But Chi Lin turned his head to look at Aisha, only to find that Aisha seemed to understand.

Aisha looked at Chi Lin, do you know “What is engraved on this coffin?”

Chi Lin eyes slightly narrowed, with his neck tilted back and his head slightly raised.

If Chi Lin is a dragon body at this time, this series of actions represents seriousness and seriousness…

But it seems a little funny to do it with the current body.

But it doesn’t matter, Aisha can understand what he means.

“I won’t talk about the Light God image on this, the Church of Light coffins are all there.” Aisha began to whisper.

Chi Lin listened carefully.

But Church of Light is a little out of control.

They suddenly became angry.

What does Aisha mean? ! Has she seen many coffins of Church of Light? !

“In fact, everything else is easy to say. Each generation of Saintess’s coffins are carved with similar patterns.” Aisha said as she walked, and stopped until she reached the side full of birds and beasts.

Looking at the Phoenix who soars above all beings, slowly said, “The problem is this panacea. The meaning of this picture is to let the creatures in the painting accompany the person in the coffin to the world, so that the road is no longer quiet .”

“What’s the problem?” Chi Lin said solemnly.

Chi Lin didn’t find any problems. Although Aisha said things are simply impossible and absurd, but they have a human style.

“The problem is that we didn’t paint Phoenix on the coffin.” Aisha said, “Phoenix is ​​immortal in human understanding. How can such creatures be painted on the coffin?”

Chi Lin was taken aback, looking at the flames on Phoenix’s body, and felt that there was still no problem.

“Isn’t it for the wish of reborn from the ashes?”

Aisha shook her head, “No, like this special pattern, its purpose is to record the special identity and achievements of the coffin owner before his life.

Phoenix marks Sitia’s status as the Queen of the Holybright Empire.

And the flame on Phoenix…”

Aisha suddenly paused when she said this. After a short silence, she looked at Chi Lin and said: “That’s your flame. That represents Sitia’s great feat of defeating the red disaster.

She captured your flame and put it on herself to show her incomparable majesty and strength. “

Chi Lin remained silent, things are still easy to understand here, and things like adding glory to the dead are also commonly used by humans.

But Aisha’s rare solemn tone made him realize that things don’t seem to be that simple…

Sure enough, Aisha turned around and looked at Chi Lin with a playful look: “If you say, this Phoenix who is on fire is because Sitia killed you, and people give her the honor.

So, you who are still alive now, why do you think these people would rather die to leave behind this meaningless coffin and corpse? “


Chi Lin was taken aback suddenly, feeling cold in his heart.

His gaze slowly swept across the believers of Church of Light, becoming as cold and sharp as a knife.

He had some judgments and guesses, but he did not want to admit…

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