DragonBall X: The Ultimate System [Re-Mastered]

Chapter 21 - Ship Preparations!! (Re-Mastered)


"System, open my Mysterious Crate.

[Ding! Opening Mysterious Crate!]

*Congratulations, you've received- Tree Of Life Seed (Life Tree)

*Congratulations, you've received- Technique Creation Card (x1)

*Congratulations, you've received- 3,000,000 SP

*Congratulations, you've received- Extra Wish Card (x1)

*Congratulations, you've received- Power Pills(Mid Grade) x2

*Congratulations, you've received- Anti-Destruction (Passive Skill) (Ex-Rank Passive)

Kayn browsed his reward and couldn't figure what they meant. Kayn was curious about the Creation Technique card and asked. "System, can you explain to me more about the Technique Creation Card, cant I just make a technique without such a thing?

[The Technique Creation Card isn't bound to the law of strength the Host possesses! You can create just about any Technique with this Card!]

"What!?" Kayn was shocked, he already knew what kind of technique he wanted to make already. "System, use the Technique Card. I want the Technique to be similar to Kiaoken but without the drawbacks." Kayn stopped and calm himself down, he was getting a little too excited.

Kayn continued "I want there to be 5 forms it can take, like Kiao-ken, it will have a color fluctuation around it. The coloration for the Initial Stage will be clear, Red as the first realm, Blue as the second, White as the Third, Purple as the fourth, and Gold for the final. In each realm, I want there to be 3 Grades, each far stronger the next, of course. I want this ability to also be enabled to use in the Super Saiyan form to add to its strength as a multiplier, the Technique can only be exclusively used by Saiyans, only." Kayn stopped to catch his breath, he finally was done explaining.

[It can be done, please choose the Multiplier boost that each form will get. This will also determine how hard it will be to break through to the next stage of this ability. The higher the multiplier is, the harder it will be to advance to the next level!]

Kayn continued to make the multipliers for each form and Stage/Grades. This only lasted for 2 hours and he was finally done. "Phew, I can't wait to practice this technique!

[Host must give the Technique a name!]

Kayn thought for a moment and decided to call it Infinite Might. The Technique itself was far better than the Kiao-Ken Technique in every aspect, It boosted everything about the user. If the user was in his Super Saiyan form and used the Infinite Might Technique, he would have his multiplier boosted on top of his Super Saiyan Multiplier with no drawbacks of his or her body being destroyed.

Kayn tried the Technique and could feel the difference, the First stage provided an x20 Boost. There was also an initial stage first then the First stage. The Initial stage or stage Zero provided only an x5 boost, this stage provides no Aura around the user whatsoever. With Kayn's strength, he could easily perform this Technique. The second stage was a whole new ball game and it provided an x80 boost. It just went on from there.

Kayn started heading toward Dr. Brief's house to talk for a bit. Kayn was now currently dressed as Goku black still and looks exactly like Vegetto with his Potaro earrings on. Kayn arrived and started to knock on the door, the door was slowly opened and the person who answered it was Little Bulma.

"How may I he..he..help you?" Bulma blushed and thought to herself 'He is so handsome, I wonder if we can be friends?'

"Hi, little beauty I am looking for Dr.Brief, can you tell him a friend has come to visit him." Bulma face turned red hearing the complement Kayn gave her.

"li...little beauty?" Kayn nodded to her word.

"That's right, I've heard about the little genius cutie Bulma, was it? She likes to invent and she is cute as the stars in the sky!" Kayn continued to praise Bulma, she was indeed a genius at her age

"Really? Is that what you think, too?" Bulma's eyes bulged as a smile formed on her face.

"Of course, now go get your dad for me, please." Bulma nodded and smiled as she ran to get her dad. Kayn had a thing for Bulma in the main Dragonball Series, he won't allow her to be taken by Vegeta.

Kayn's Plan was simple, he wanted Dr.Brief to make a ship for him. Though Kayn could use his Creation ability to make it, he wanted to integrate the Super Dragon Radar into his ship. Kayn, even with his Creation ability would still need to visualize it. Kayn had no clue how a ship was made anyway, so all he could make was an empty shell of a ship that wouldn't fly. After about 5 minutes, Dr.Brief finally came, he was accompanied by his daughter Tights and Bulma on each side.

"Oh my, it the cute little boy from those years ago. My oh my, you've grown so much." Tights said with a big smile. She was surprised to see how much he had changed and grown.

"Tights, just stop, you're too old so leave." Bulma said as she was puffing out her cheeks.

"Oh, does my little sis have a crush." Bulma's face turned blood red hearing her sister teasing words and immediately called for help.

"Dad, can you tell tights to shut up, she is so annoying." Brief sigh, he knew he had spoiled his daughter a little too much.

"Oh you two, can't you see we have a guess." Dr.Brief then asked Kayn what he wanted. Kayn simply told him about needing a ship and integrating a radar into it. Kayn told Brief that he would pay him. Brief agreed and even gave Kayn a 30% discount, Kayn didn't care too much since he could make an infinite amount of money, but he still thanked him for it.

"Well then, thank you Dr. brief for your help. When do you think you will be done with the ship." Dr. Brief nodded and thought for a moment. Kayn had given him a blueprint, so it shouldn't be that hard.

"It will be done within 2 months tops, at that time you can come to pick it up." Kayn was satisfied and gave Brief a handshake.

"Alright, I will take my leave then. I will see you when I see you." Kayn was in a rush so he didn't plan to stick around.

Kayn was just about to leave when a voice came over "Wait, hold it right there!" It was Bulma in yellow shorts and a blue shirt that said Geared-up.

"Can I help you, Bulma?" Kayn was quite happy with her reaction, this will make things easier in the future, hehe.

"What is your name and how old are you?" Bulma asked with a red face

"My name is Kayn and my age is 10, what about you?" Kayn didn't feel that there was a need to hide his identity and spoke the truth.

Bulma was delighted "I am 8 years old and my name is Bulma, it is nice to formally meet you." They gave each other a handshake. She knew Kayn wasn't lying about his name, she called it a gut feeling, at least that what she thought.

"Bulma, in the future don't trust a guy you meet in the desert." Kayn knew she would meet him on her adventure during her search for the dragon balls.

Bulma was curious and asked: "What do you mean in a desert?"

"You will know when the time comes, but for now enjoy yourself." Kayn didn't give her a chance to talk and use Instant Transmission.

"What?! How could he leave just like that?" Bulma was surprised and in a state of confusion.

Kayn was now heading towards Korin Place, he had just remembered that he needed Divine Water to grow Senze Beans. Kayn didn't take long to arrive, Kayn could have used instant transmission but he wanted to enjoy his flight for once. Kayn looked and saw the same scene, as usual, korin was minding his own business and not doing much. "Hey Korin, we meet again!

Kayn wasn't in disguise this time so Korin was a little surprised about his appearance. "Wait, are you perhaps, Kayn? Did you dye your hair black?"

Kayn laughed at Korin Reaction. "No, this is my original appearance. The last time or all of the other times, I was wearing a disguise." Kayn didn't bother to hide his appearance but he still made sure to hide his tail.

"hmm, why in the world do you need to hide your face? Are you some spy?" Kayn didn't want anyone to know he was related to Goku yet so he hid his identity. This was the reason he hid his identity, they would find out eventually but now wasn't the time for that.

Kayn was silent for about a 1 minute. "Uh, well it is for certain reasons, so I can't reveal that yet." Korin didn't dwell on it too long, everyone had their secrets.

"Well, you didn't just come here to just come here. What do you need from a little old me?" Korin knew that Kayn could be greedy, he was already preparing himself for the bomb Kayn was going to drop.

"I need some of that Divine Water, at least a whole barrel of it." Kayn said without holding back. A cunning light flashed in his eyes as he spoke. Kay already knew what korin was preparing for.

"Kid, your quite the greedy thing eh" Korin actually opened his eyes in surprise hearing that, but expect a greedy request.

Kayn: I just want to grow some Senzu beans.

"Korin just signed "Follow me, I will lead you to it." Korin had a secret room with tons of Senzu beans and Divine Water. "Here, take this barrel and nothing more." Kayn nodded and put the Divine Water into Storage.

"Thanks again, Korin" Kayn then gave Korin a big fish and some seasonings, which caused him to drool. Korin hadn't had a fish this big for years, he was always up here.

"Kid, you really know how to make a cat happy." Korin was quite satisfied with the fish Kayn gave him.

"Hehe, see ya!" Kayn used Instant Transmission to the wild, Kayn wanted to test his new skill the Infinite Might Technique. Kayn powered up and it was like he was on fire, his eyes looked like fire. Kayn's Power level shot up by x20, Kayn then used his Super Saiyan form and found that it indeed added to his x55 multiplier.

This Technique was simply too heaven-defying."Hahaha!" Kayn Laughed like a mad man. This technique would only get stronger, God of Destruction? So what? Kayn was confident, he had to cultivate this Technique no matter what. Kayn stayed in the wild to training it until the time came. Two months had already come to pass and it was now time to get his new ship.

Kayn decided to fly instead of using Instant Transmission but on his way, he saw someone running from away from tyrannosaurus-Rex. This girl had Dark Blue hair and red bow tie in her head, Kayn couldn't believe his eyes. If he wasn't mistaken, wasn't this Launch. "Fortune truly does favor me." Kayn flew above the t-rex and chop down on its head, killing it instantly.

Kayn picked the T-rex up and put it into his storage for food later. Launch looked at Kayn with shock and joy. "That was amazing, you killed it in one hit." Kayn nodded and thought to himself. 'Hmm, I wanna hook my brother Raditz up with this chick, I feel it would work out perfectly.' Kayn secretly plotted to himself.

"It was no problem, you should be careful next time, do you want me to take you to a city or something? I can give you some money." Kayn wanted to help this nice little girl out.

Launch was happy to hear that Kayn wanted to help her and said. "Yes, please, I don't want to run into any more monsters." Kayn nodded then gave her a storage ring, he taught her about it. The ring had millions of Zeni inside of it, he then took her to the city and got her an apartment.

Kayn: You be safe Launch, we will meet again."

Launch: What is your name"

"It's Kayn" Kayn smile and gave her a thumbs up. Kayn used Instant transmission, he had wasted a bit of time and if hadn't stopped, he would have long made it to Brief's house. Kayn then knocked on the door, he could already detect the ship in the backyard. This time Brief's wife Panchy answered the door.

"Oh my, hello young man, you must be the boy my husband is waiting for." Panchy said with a chuckle, she covered her mouth as she did so.

"Yes, I guess that is me." Panchy then invited Kayn in, Kayn stood next to the door quietly. Kayn was then approached by Bulma who was dressed in a cute little mini skirt with long socks accompanied by a t-shirt that had a bear on it.

"Hmph, I helped my dad with the ship, so it was done 2 weeks ago, aren't I the coolest?" Kayn was speechless, the young Bulma was quite funny.

"Wow, you're so amazing, what could I ever do to repay you." Kayn nodded and gave Bulma a thumbs up.

Bulma was surprised to hear what he said and started to think of something. "You have to be my boyfriend, what do you say?" Bulma said boldly and seriously

"haha, I can't do that right now but in the future, Yes." Bulma pouted and stuck out her tongue while running away.

Kayn was soon greeted by Dr.Brief who led him to the ship in the backyard. The ship was pretty big, but not as big as the ship Goku was in while heading to Namek. Kayn was satisfied looking at the ship, Kayn then checked the inside and saw 3 bedrooms, a kitchen, bathroom, and a Control room. "This is amazing, thank you so much Brief." Kayn praised like never before

Dr.Brief lifted his head high and said "This is easy work for someone like me, I am glad you like it, hoho." Kayn then shoved the ship into his storage under the shocked eyes of Brief and Bulma who'd been watching from afar.

"What the...." Bulma didn't know what to say, how can he make such a huge ship disappear. It was now time for Kayn to find the Super Dragonballs in both universes.

[Host's Status:

Name: Kayn (Luke)

Race: Saiyan

Bloodline: 100% Legendary Ancient Saiyan

Talent: Spacial Ki Laws, Lightning Ki Laws,

Age: 10-Year-Old 2 Months

Lifespan: 800 years

Body State: Healthy

Battle Power: 89,800,000


[Ki Control: (B)],[Ki Shaping: (B++)],[Kamehamaha: (B++)],[(Instant Transmission: (B++)]

[Ki Senses: (B++)] [Destructo Disc: (C+)] [Creation: (B)] [Warp: (A)]

[Spirit Ball: (D)] [Spirit Bomb: (C++)][Superior Senses: (B)][(Solar Flare: (C++)] [Galactic Donut: (C++)]


[Oozaru: (x15)] [KiaoKen: (x3)(x4)(x20)] [SuperSaiyan (x55)] [ASSJ (x65)] [USSJ (x70)] [MSSJ (x80)] [LSSJ-[Full Power( x160)] [Infinite Might: (Initial Stage(x5)/(Stage One G-1(x20)]

[Passive Abilities-]

(Eye Of Judgement),(Zenkai Boost),(Power Ball),(High-Speed Regeneration)

(Aura Of Terror),(Aura Of Oppressive Might)(Divine Language) (Eternal Youth)(Enhanced Breathing) (Enhanced Survivability(No Oxygen), (Enhanced Durability) (Enhanced Strength)(Moon Essense)(Combat Adaptability)(Anti-Destruction)

[Ki Practices]

(Super Ki), (Legendary Ki),


[(Omni Cure Pill x3)] [(Discount Card(50%) (x1)] [(Power Pill x5 (Low-Grade)] [(Disguise Card x6)] [(Senzu bean (x100)] [(Super Dragonball Radar)][(Warp Gate Stone [(0/3) Uses)] [Extra Wish Card (x1)]

[(Power Pills x2 (Mid-Grade)][Barrel Of Divine Water] [Tree Of Life Seed (x1)]

[(12,347,000 System Points]

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