DragonBall X: The Ultimate System [Re-Mastered]

Chapter 24 - On The Verge!! (Re-Mastered)


"Wait, what are you doing!?" Just when Kayn was about to open the airlock, Sasha spoke quickly. She couldn't believe what he was doing, did his brain fail him? What is he going into the vacuum of space with no protection?

"Do you see that Grey planet looking thing? That is the treasure we're looking for." Kayn pointed in the direction of the grey planet and explained it. Most people ignored the grey dead planet because they believed it was a dead planet.

"Isn't it just some dead planet, I don't see anything treasure worth about it." Sasha couldn't believe it and asked more.

"Hehe, just wait and see, then you will understand." Kayn didn't bother to explain anymore and headed toward the airlock. She would find out when he got the Dragonball but right now, he was in a hurry.

"What are you doing!? You don't have any space gear, you'll suffocate!!" Sasha grabbed Kayn by his arm and pulled him, was this guy an idiot or was he forgetful?

"Don't worry, I have evolved to the point that I don't even need air to survive." Sasha's eyes bulged, he is strong but that doesn't mean he can survive without air. This was what Sasha was thinking, the ship had arms that could grab so if he looked like he was suffocating she would grab him.

"Alright, but if you look remotely like your suffocating I will get you out." Kayn was touched, she actually cared about him. "Don't worry, I will be right back." Layn ȧssured and stepped into the air lock

Kayn left out the Airlock and into space, it was as he said, he didn't need air and could survive. Sasha was shocked, how was this possible? Kayn flew to the Dragonball and landed on it. "It really is a Dragonball, let me give it a punch to get this crust off." Kayn punched the Dragonball and cracks started to form all over the "planet."

The crust was now falling off and revealed and huge orange 1 star Dragonball. Sasha couldn't believe what she was seeing, every time she was with Kayn she would get shock aftershock every time. Kayn didn't waste time and put the Dragonball into his storage. "Haha, one down six to go!" Kayn then rushed back to the ship and into the airlock.

"Kayn, what was that thing? It was a huge ball with a star on it. What does it do?" Sasha ran up to Kayn and began to throw tons of questions at him. The ball looked quite pleasing to the eyes, it looked like something she would collect just to collect. If she only knew that that was part of what needed to be done.

"I will tell you later, for now there are a total of 7 of them that I need to collect." Sasha didn't worry much, she would soon find out and she knew that.

"hmm, Okay then, let's go find the other ones." Sasha nodded and looked at the Dragonball Radar. Sasha had pinpointed the location of the next Dragonball from the radar and jumped to hyperspace. It shouldn't take them long to reach the next Dragonball.

"Okay Sasha, it is time to train. I have this weight suit I want you to wear, you will wear this while inside the gravity room." Kayn pulled out this heavy suit that was all black in color, Kayn could bȧrėly carry it himself.

"Okay, I will give it a try if it's going to make me stronger." Kayn helped her put the suit on which took about 3 minutes. Sasha almost lost her balance on multiple occasions due to the weight but endured.

"I will put the gravity room on 400 times the gravity, so it shouldn't be hard." Kayn grinned

"What the hell, are you trying to kill me?" Sasha was already shocked at how heavy this suit was and now he wants to amp it up to 400 times, did he want her dead?

"Okay okay, I will lower it to 100 times for starters." Kayn lowered the gravity and Sasha entered, he told her to do push-ups and sit-ups while inside. "This will be worth it at the end of the day, so don't give up," Kayn smile and pulled up a seat to watch her train.

Sasha was surprisingly determined and manage to do 50 push-up and 100 sit-ups. This shocked Kayn since he was expecting her to complain and get mad or possibly give up. "She has an undying will. She wants to get strong that badly!" Sasha would take breaks and do the same routine over again. She did this for six hours straight, Kayn had to tell her to stop and come eat.

"Huff huff" Did I do a good job? Was that good enough?" Sasha asked in a tired voice, she laid on the ground with her hands and legs all spread out while huffing.

"Yes, you were amazing actually, go take a shower and come eat." Kayn helped her take off the weight suit and threw it in the washing machine since it was all sweaty. Kayn surprisingly wasn't hungry and let Sasha eat just about everything that was served. Sasha continued her routine for 2 weeks, they finally made it close to where the 2nd Dragonball was and Kayn used instant transmission right next to it.

Just as Kayn was about to get closer to the Dragonball a ship was spotted closing in on their position. Kayn shot out his ki senses and was surprised that the strongest on this ship had a battle power of 15 million. Kayn then used his eye of judgment and saw nothing but Black Aura around the whole ship. "Troublemakers huh, how could I expect such a journey to be so easy." Kayn shook his head.

Kayn didn't care and still punched the Dragonball and cracked it. The crust just like the one before eventually fell off. Kayn hurriedly and put the Dragonball into his storage and a blue laser came flying toward him. Kayn dodged and released a huge solar flare and fled to the ship. Kayn just nodded and Sasha jumped to hyperspace with no problem. "Kayn, are you alright? Those were space pirates or slave trader looking for trouble."

"I believe they were and yes, I am okay. They aren't even a threat to me." Kayn wasn't worried about such people. If he wanted to, he could have blown that ship to piece, he didn't want to waste his energy on such things.

"Sasha, have you found the location of the next Dragonball?" Kayn asked bluntly

"Yes, it is close to some planet. Uh oh, the planet it is close to is an old prison planet. It used to be a prison but now it's just a gathering place for pirates." Sasha said with excitement. She was eager for some action and it had finally come.

"What are you so happy about? That is going to be nothing but trouble for us. What is the Planet called" Sasha was still smiling, she wanted to beat some bad guys so badly. This would also help with her train or see how her training has paid off.

"The planet is called Oricon, so let's go beat up the bad guys who stole our DragonBall." Kayn could only feel helpless, it must be her Saiyan blood driving her to beat someone up.

"Okay, let's go, but the people we just ran into might have something to do with this. They might be collecting the dragon balls, but it's useless because they would never collect them all." Sasha was somehow good with navigation, she was quite helpful. "Since when have you been good at navigation?" Kayn couldn't help but ask

"I just got good at it, it really doesn't take a genius to understand, you know." Sasha said with a tinge of disdain "...." Kayn was lost for words. A month had passed since their last contact with those unknown attackers.

Sasha continued her training and her power level was now 1.4 million. "Alright Sasha, I am going to up it from 150 times to 300 times, do you have any objections?" Kayn felt that she was able to handle it.

"This.... isn't that too big of a jump? I can take it slowly until I make it to that level." Sasha was a little worried.

"Okay, 200 times it is, you are making quite some progress so we can stay at this pace." Kayn nodded, she seemed quite talented so he thought maybe she could take it. Sasha was after all still young, so no one should put to much pressure on her. Kayn went to other planets to quickly refuel and gather more food and some water.

Kayn could have honestly instant transmission to the location since he had a map of every planet in the universe in his head. But Kayn decided that there was no rush and allowed Sasha to get stronger during this time. "Hey Kayn, that Super Saiyan thingy. When will I be able to use it?" Sasha asked as they were eating at the table.

"Hmm, it's hard to tell, it will depend on you." Kayn really couldn't help her at all, he had a cheat system, usually to turn super Saiyan it was triggered by emotions. Goku with Krillin, Vegeta's dėsɨrė to surpass Goku, and Broly's father's death.

Thinking of this, an idea popped up in Kayn's head and he asked: "Hey Sasha, do you like me?" Kayn asked thoughtfully.

"wh..what does that ha..have to do with anything?" Sasha said with a red face

"I just wanted to know, I mean we are childhood buddies and we are traveling together." Kayn wasn't trying to tease her but he had a plan based around this and asked.

"Yes, I do like you and want to be able to fight you one day." Sasha said with her head down while still eating.

"I like Sasha too, I like you a lot." Kayn said with a grin

"wh..what?" Sasha looked at Kayn thoughtfully

"Haha alright, we will arrive tomorrow. We will land on the planet Oricon to fuel up and then steal the Dragonball. If anyone gets in our way....we kill!" They both slept soundly and the time finally came. They woke up and ate breakfast as they drew closer to the planet, they could now see the planet in the distance.

There were several ships docking at the planet space station above and around the planet. There were simply too many to count and Kayn ignored the Space station and told Sasha to land on the planet. Sasha steered the ship and went straight to the planet to land it which caught everyone's attention. "Is that guy seeking death? He dares to ignore Voldo Kraid's orders." Many people begin to whisper

Kayn and Sasha came out of the ship, Kayn stored the ship into his storage, and everyone including Sasha was shocked. Where the hell did the ship go? Sasha looked at Kayn, she seemed to be seeking an explanation. Kayn just gave Sasha a what look which caused her to give a small hmph and fly off. "Hey, wait for me, you little grouch." Kayn followed behind Sasha

"Who dares to not follow Voldo's Rules!? Little boy and Little girl are you bored with your lives!?" As they were flying they heard a loud voice which caused them to hold their ears. The voice was demeaning and loud.

"Who the hell is yelling so loud? Get the hell out here right now!" Sasha scorned. When she said that an alien appeared in front of them with purple skin and a long head like Frieza's third form. The alien's eyes were filled with disdain like it was looking at dead people.

"Girl, do you know who you're talking to? I am the great FuzZin, no one speaks to me like that!" The guy's power level was 4 million, it was nothing Sasha could laugh at. The alien said this and another alien appeared behind him and his power was even stronger, it was 9 million!! Sasha could feel it and couldn't help be shocked.

"Who are you guys? Get out of our way?" Sasha was a bit worried seeing such strong foes appear all at once.

"Little girl, you would make to perfect slave for me. You have such nice skin." The alien was drooling as he said this. It has been a while since he's seen such a nice skinned girl and felt delighted.

"You dirty ugly thing, get lost!!" Sasha said angrily

An idea flashed in Kayn's mind. "Don't worry Sasha, I will beat them up for you. Anyone who talks to my lovely Sasha like that must die!" Kayn said righteously as he held his head high.

"Little boy, you wanna save your girlfriend then think again." The green-skinned alien with horns with the battle power of 9 million attacked Kayn.

Kayn blocked and said "Sasha run, save yourself, I will hold him off." Kayn sounded like a hero with his words. The aliens even started to chuckle hearing Kayn lovely words, he was a dead man to them.

"I will help you, so stop saying that." Sasha rushed to Kayn but was cut off by the long-headed alien thingy. Kayn was kicked to the ground which created a huge hole and a dust cloud cover the whole area.

"KAYN!!" Sasha cried out, Kayn came out the hole and the alien pulled out his sword from his side and chopped Kayn in half, killing him!

NOOOO!! YOU KILLED HIM!!!" Sasha's eyes turned red from hatred and anger.

The Alien group laughed "Don't worry little beauty, we will keep you alive as our little plaything, haha!" The alien laughed darkly, he loved seeing his victim experience grief.

"You..you all have to die!" A strange phenomenon started to occur, it started to rain and thunderstorm. The wind kicked up in all areas as the sun was blocked off by dark clouds.

"What is going on? wasn't it just sunny out?" Every who'd been watching started to question. The weather had changed all of a sudden so they were confused.

"I wo.. won't let you live!!" There was a sudden change in Sasha, her hair was flashing blonde and her pupils would disappear every now and then.

"What is going on? What the hell is with her?" the two aliens seemed to be worried, rocks were floating and popping.

"AHHHHH!!" Sasha yelled out one last time and hair had stayed Blonde this time.

"Oh my god!! Her hair changed color!!" Everyone exclaimed in shock, Sasha had turned into Super Saiyan

Not too far away, Kayn had been watching the whole time with a smile on his face. "It looks like it worked."

[Host's Status:

Name: Kayn (Luke)

Race: Saiyan

Bloodline: 100% Legendary Ancient Saiyan

Talent: Spacial Ki Laws, Lightning Ki Laws,

Age: 12-Year-old

Lifespan: 800 years

Body State: Healthy

Battle Power: (500)<Supressed for hiding) 118,000,000


[Ki Control: (B++)],[Ki Shaping: (B++)],[Kamehamaha: (B++)],[(Instant Transmission: (A)]

[Ki Senses: (A)] [Destructo Disc: (C+)] [Creation: B+)] [Warp: (A)]

[Spirit Ball: (B)] [Spirit Bomb: (C++)][Superior Senses: (B)][(Solar Flare: (C++)] [Galactic Donut: (C++)] [Warp Step: (B+)]

[Close Combat-]

[Muay Tai: (E)] [Boxing: (C)] [Taekwondo: (D++)] [Taijutsu: (D++)] [Tiger Style Kungfu: (D)] [Dambe: (D+)]


[Oozaru: (x15)] [KiaoKen: (x3)(x4)(x20)] [SuperSaiyan: (x60)] [LSSJ: [Full Power:100% ( x160)] [Super Saiyan 2: (x120)] [Infinite Might: (Initial Stage(x5)/(Stage One G-1(x20)]

[Passive Abilities-]

(Eye Of Judgement),(Zenkai Boost),(Power Ball),(High-Speed Regeneration)

(Aura Of Terror),(Aura Of Oppressive Might)(Divine Language) (Eternal Youth)(Enhanced Breathing) (Enhanced Survivability(No Oxygen), (Enhanced Durability) (Enhanced Strength)(Moon Essense)(Combat Adaptability)(Anti-Destruction)

[Ki Practices]

(Super Ki), (Legendary Ki),


[(Omni Cure Pill x3)] [(Discount Card(50%) (x1)] [(Power Pill x5 (Low-Grade)] [(Disguise Card x6)] [(Senzu bean (x100)] [(Super Dragonball Radar)][(Warp Gate Stone [(0/3) Uses)] [Extra Wish Card (x1)]

[(Power Pills x1 (Mid-Grade)][Barrel Of Divine Water] [Tree Of Life Seed (x1)] [Super Dragonball (x2)]

[(8,053,000 System Points]

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