
[Mission: God Essence!] Completed!

[Ding! Handing out Rewards!]

*Congratulations, you've received-Power Pill (Mid Grade)(x5)]

*Congratulations, you've received-New list within the Coloration Category

*Congratulations, you've received-Potential Awakening Pill (25% effective)(x5)]

*Congratulations, you've received-Water Of Life (x2)]

Kayn looked at his reward then looked at the orb in his hand. Kayn smiled and put the orb back into his storage for later use. "Everyone, thank you for your help! Do any of you want to become warriors?" Kayn scanned everyone as he spoke.

"I don't want to become a warrior but I want my kid to." Surprisingly the first person to speak up was Rapina. Kayn understood. He could just give her the pills then she could use them on her kid once he or she was born. The rest spoke up, the 2 sisters Radista and Kakarinna wanted to be warriors, this also applied for Cornelia as well. However, Oniellia wasn't so interested in the fighting scene like the other 3.

Kayn nodded and handed each of them 10 Senzu beans, 1 Mid Grade Power Pill each, and one awakening power pill each. "These pills are special, the green pill is called a Senzu bean which can heal fatigue and most injuries after a battle. The Red pill is called a Power Pill, it will raise your power level up by 50,000 or if you're fortunate 100,000. The pink pill is very important, it is called an awakening pill. This will awaken your suppressed potential by 25 Percent." Kayn explain everything thoroughly

Rapina was quite happy, she could give this to either her husband or her kid when he was born. Everyone was satisfied receiving their rewards but Oniellia, she seemed to want more. "Sorry for sounding greedy but I want a little more from my little brother." Oniellia grinned as she spoke.

"Uh, what more do you want? If you sold these pills or gave them to your kid, wouldn't that be a reward in itself?" Kayn couldn't understand what she really wanted or was getting at, so he spoke up.

"Hehe, it quite simple. How about you come to give this sister a kiss on the cheek?" Oniellia gave Kayn a mischievous smile after she spoke. Kayn gave Oniellia a disdainful gaze. "Ah, come one, dont be like that little brother." Oniellia smiled and pinched Kayn's cheeks.

"What are you doing? I will do it later, right now I have to go. I will drop you all back off at your rooms." Kayn rubbed his cheek with annoyance, this woman was really to clingy! Kayn took Radista and Kakarinna first, they were going to eat their pill once they go back to their rooms. Kayn also talked to them about the Manual he gave Cornelia, he wanted them to study that as well, he also told them not to tell anyone since it was a secret. The sister agreed right away, they like to fight, definitely Kakarinna, she was eager to prove herself.

Kayn did the same for the rest and returned them to their rooms. Right when Kayn dropped Cornelia off, she consumed the Potential pill right away. Kayn had told them that is was best to awaken their potential first before eating the Power pill. Kayn wondered how she would fight while having to take care of a kid. Kayn didn't know she was a noble and they would easily take care of her kid for her.

Kayn took Oniellia to her room last. "Don't forget to come to visit me and tell me more stories." Oniellia gave Kayn grin as she spoke and continued "Now, give me a hug before you go, hehe." Kayn didn't know what to say, she had grown attached to him with just an hour of speaking. Oniellia had two long braids in her head or 2 long ponytailed braids, she also had glasses on which made her stick out from the other Saiyans. She had the usual Japanese bangs covering her forehead, she also had a very pretty face.

"Okay, but afterward I have to go." Kayn didn't mind and hugged Oniellia, she put the squeeze on Kayn as she hugged him with a smile. "Alright, Alright, I have to go!" Kayn moved away after being hugged for about 15 seconds. Her ċhėst wasn't that big but he was still able to feel it, he only did and said perverted things to annoy people, he knew that it wouldn't work on this particular woman.

"Alright, gotta go!" Kayn used instant Transmission right away, leaving the scene. What Kayn didn't know was that Oniellia was a yandere who was already obsessed with him.

"Oh, little brother, I will find you no matter where you go! Come back to visit your sister!" Oniellia laughed to herself, it almost sounded like someone who had gone mad! Oniellia decided to take the potential pill instead, she now wanted to become a fighter, without strength she couldn't get what she wanted!

Meanwhile, Kayn ported back to the docking area. "Hmm, lets head back to the ship. Sasha is probably still out somewhere." Kayn wasn't worried, she could protect herself. No one could threaten her on this planet, at least not yet. Kayn walked into the port and spotted his ship right away, he boarded it with no problem. No one could enter his ship without a passcode or key so no was on his ship.

As soon as Kayn got on board his ship he powered up to Super Saiyan 2. "I will stay as a Super Saiyan 2 and always train as one until the form is mastered. I can already feel how close I am, it should take me 3 days to master this form, haha!" Kayn could feel that his Super Saiyan form was nothing to maintain at all. Kayn estimated that it would take 2 to 3 days to completely master Super Saiyan 2, this speed in itself was simply unthinkable.

To master these forms it took Goku and his son Gohan some years to do so, this included Vegeta. Kayn asked the system the same question and it told him it should take him 2 to 3 days at his pace. He did have a dramatic power level boost earlier from the dragon unlocking his potential, so it made it much easier.

Kayn decided to take a nap after his long and annoying day of roaming the Birth Center. Kayn went to his room an laid down, falling asleep.

Meanwhile, In-universe 7 on some unknown planet

"So planet Vegeta has met its end. I guess this changes everything." The person who spoke was a Saiyan, he wore blue armor with black shorts, he also wore armored like blue boots with a silver sphere belt. The kid looked towards the sky, he had gotten rid of his scouter a while ago since he knew about the tracker inside. Next to him stood another kid who looked just like him, they were twins.

"King Vegeta was weak, so he died along with rest. You shouldn't show weakness or you'll end up dying like those clowns!" Even though they were twins, this twin seemed dark in his personality! He seemed to hate weakness and failures the most.

Ah, sure!" The kid didn't dwell on it too much, he thought his brother was just warning him to be careful. They were both the same age and were currently on a mission.

"Let's leave this planet. There is no need for us to continue this mission. I can't believe we got this information so late." The Dark in personality twin was pissed, he had wasted his time here for nothing.

"Alright, but do you think that there are possibly other survivors?" The good twin asked

"Didn't you read the message, there are 3 Saiyan still alive! The Saiyans appeared to be Prince Vegeta himself, Nappa his little bodyguard, and some low-class warrior named Raditz!" The bad twin folded his arms as he stated.

"I see. Let's go then. Where will be heading?" The good twin asked

"I dont know. Let's check the map and see if there are any good planet to live on until then." The bad twin stated. Just as they were walking away, more information came through the bad twins Scouter. The bad twin had modified his Scouter for spying purposes, and so that they couldn't be tracked. "Hmm, looks like there is another Saiyan that survived."

"Oh, there is another? Who is he?" the good Twin asked

"Well, well, if it isn't Turtles, it looks like he is apart of some Frieza squad and is stationed in some unknown place. This is private information that only Frieza and some elites know. Not even Vegeta and his group seem to know of his existence, but he is alive!" The bad twin's eyes flashed a bit, he knew turtles and was a little relieved that he was alive.

"Bro, we'll have to start a rebellion soon, we have to beat Frieza!" The good twin was happy to know turtles survived and found some hope. If they could secretly contact turtles and even Vegeta's squad.... then just maybe.

"Naive! Frieza isn't stupid, the same can be said about his people, well abide cautiously until we received more information!" The bad twins shook his head, his brother didn't use his head and was too naive. The good twin nodded, he seemed to understand what his brother was getting at. "Alright let's go check the map." The good twin nodded again as they both went towards their space pods.


Meanwhile, back on Planet Sadala

Kayn had just woken up after a 4-hour nap. "I feel great, how much time has passed?" Kayn check the time and found that 4 hours had already passed by. "Sasha should be back at this point, I wonder where she went during her time?" Kayn shot out his senses and sure enough, Sasha was back. Kayn got out of bed and brushed his teeth before leaving the room, Sasha was in the living room watching Tv.

"Oh, you're finally awake. Looks like you slept well, hmph!" Sasha gave Kayn a disdainful look and turned away.

"I will tell you the real reason I went to visit those women in the future, so stop acting spoiled. By the way, where did you go during this time?" Kayn walked over where Sasha was sitting which was the couch and sat down.

"The real reason?" Sasha looked at Kayn as she seemed to have thought of something. The reason he gave her earlier did sound ridiculous, she knew he had lied now. "Hmph, whatever, I went to the battle area and enter a tournament. The last part of the tournament is tomorrow and I will be the winner." Sasha said proudly

"Tournament? Are you kidding me? Please tell me you didn't go Super Saiyan." Kayn worried, it was not yet time for planet Sadala to reach such a level.

"There was no need for that, the people I fought were weak. What about you, you're in a Super Saiyan state now, you even have lightning flashing around you every now and then." Sasha looked at Kayn like he was a hypocrite.

"I am not in front of people and I am training this Super Saiyan form. After the tournament is over with, we'll be heading home." Kayn sat back with his hand behind his head with his eyes closed.

"Form? So you're training your Super Saiyan form?" Sasha asked

"Correction, I am training my Super Saiyan 2 form." Kayn sat indifferently in the same position with his eyes closed.

What!? I knew it, you've reached a whole new level! Kayn, its been a minute, lets spar as Super Saiyans!" Sasha's battle intent suddenly boiled as she shot up from the couch. She stood in front of Kayn and was ready for him to follow.

"ugh! Alright Let's spar, I dont need to be a Super Saiyan. I will match my power level with you." Kayn opened his eyes and stood up. Sasha nodded with a smile and they both walked towards the training room to spar.

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