
The minute the elves heard the news of the invading mercenaries, they were enraged. "These damned mercenaries don't give up! They're really starting to piss me off, let's go kill these scum!" The Elder had snapped, she was ready to go on a rampage.

"Wait, let's go check it out first then come up with a plan." Kayn was off to the side and spoke up. The Elf elder looked at him then at the Queen, she just nodded.

"Okay, let's go check it out then." Everyone stood up and left the castle, the queen followed from the back. He could see the coldness in everyone's eyes, they wanted to kill something so bad. Once they were outside they could see the village on fire while screams echo throughout the skies. The mercenaries eventually came into view. They were literally tackling the elf women to the ground and knocking them out, to be taken away.

"HOW DARE THEY!?" The Elders almost lost their wits seeing such a scene, Kayn was just as surprised. He couldn't believe they were actually tackling them like American football players.

He looked closely, he finally understood something he had been trying to figure out for a while. The question he was trying to figure out was, how were these mercenaries able to get so close without being detected? He found out that they were coming from something that looked like a boom tube portal, he could see tons of mercenaries running in and out of it with elves in arms.

"Okay, here is the plan ladies. I am going to seal off the space they're using to get in and out of here, once it is sealed, kill all of them. I need the elders to circle around the area, just encase some getaway. Elaina, you're with me, let's kill some mercs, as for the guardians, save the defenseless elves." Everyone looked at Kayn and nodded. Kayn wasn't really going to fight to kill anyone, he would let them do that.

"Hey, what about me? What do I do?" Elena looked at Kayn with a questioning face.

"You can go distract the mercenaries, go get their attention." He said with a smile

"What? Is that all I get to do? How do you expect me to distract them?" Elena was angry, he was obviously doing this on purpose!

"I don't know... uh, go give them a striptease or something and they'll come running, be sure to flex that ċhėst of yours, " Kayn said no more and immediately flew away, not giving her time to reply.

"What!? You..!" Elena was stunned then stomped her feet in a fit of rage.

Meanwhile, the elders flew off in different directions, they could sense every mercenary in the forest, so no mercenary went unseen. The elders were setting up a kill zone, this was as Kayn planned, so no mercenary could escape. Kayn was flying towards the mercenaries along with Elaina, he had to seal the space in order to stop the mercenaries from boom tubing in.

"System, can you seal off this space to prevent them from coming in via boom tube?" Kayn asked

[Of course, but it will cost you some system points! There is low, mid, high and Advance level sealing, which would you like?]

"How much do they cost individually?" He wasn't stupid, this system seemed to not tell him the price when he asked his question. Was this thing trying to pull one on him?

[Low level is 5,000, Mid-level 15,000, High-level 150,000, and Advance level 1,500,000!]

"Use the mid-level seal, Quick! I dont care, just confirm it. Make sure no one is killed during the space turbulence!" He said quickly

[Consuming 15,000 System Point!]

[Sealing the Space!]

At that moment the area around the boom tubes and the space in general shook. The boom tubes were slammed close with no let-up. "What the hell just happened!? The portals were shut, why would they do that?" The mercenaries started to panic, they wanted to kidnap elves and leave as fast as possible, they were no match for those elf guardians and defenders. The mercenaries had power levels around 50 to 100 thousand, so could they compare to someone in the millions?

Seeing the space being shut down, Elaina was elated and flew even faster. "Kill them, leave no stone unbroken!" Elaina yelled. As soon as she said that the defender and guardians started slaughtering mercenaries like chicken and pigs, it didn't take long for the mercenaries to be wiped out. Some tried to escape to different parts of the planet but were caught by the elders who surrounded the area, they all died!

"I think it's time to move everyone out of this place. Miss queen, give me 4 hours and I will move your people to my planet within this time. I will also get all your people that were kidnapped within this time as well." The elves looked at him in disbelief, get their people in 4 hours, was he pranking them?

"uh, um..." The Queen was speechless, this was simply too hard to believe. No, it was simply unthinkable to retrieve her people in 4 hours' time, he'd have to find them first.

Kayn chuckled seeing her lost expression. "I am dead serious, I will get them in 4 hours' time and take you guys away from here within that time. Oh, I also will show you the planet now if you want, just take my hand and I'll show you." The queen looked at Kayn with a bit of doubt but nodded anyway, it not like they could beat him, she could feel how strong he was.

"Good, I will show you the path." Kayn smirked then used warp this time, the around Kayn and The queen displayed electricity, causing the elves nearby to back away. Both the Queen and Kayn had warped away just like that.

"What? No, that pervert touched the Queen's hand and kidnapped her! Damn it!" Elena ran over the minute she saw Kayn touch the queen's hand but it was already too late, he had warped away. Everyone was worried, what if he really kidnapped her and was just tricking them like the others.

Meanwhile, both the Queen and Kayn appeared on New Genesis. They warped to a tropical forest far to the south of his planet, it was very far from other civilizations. Kayn knew that the elves would rather hang out with their kind then interact with other races, he also wanted to give them some space. The Queen was surprised to have warped away all of a sudden, she looked at Kayn a bit cautiously before looking around.

"This is amazing, the life energy on this planet is many folds my planet in its prime!" The queen was shocked, this place was far better than her planet and could nourish her people much better. The Natural life energy this place gave off was so good that she fell to her knee and started grabbing the dirt, playing with it in her hand.

"Uh, I dont think you sho..." Kayn paused and didn't bother to finish. He could tell the Queen was in trans right now and said nothing more. Golden Aura circulated around her body and into the planet, afterward, she smiled widely as she stood up.

"Yes, this place, it is perfect! When do we move in, I must tell everyone about this great place!" The Queen leaped in joy, she was content with this place, it was just to perfect. He looked at her in surprise, she wasn't acting like a queen now.

"That's good to hear. How about I show you something else good, would you like to join me to find the dragon balls around this planet?" The Queen looked confused, what were dragon balls?

"No, I will stay here and admire this forest, this place is too amazing, sorry." The queen looked at him apologetically, she was in love with this planet and just wanted to relax here. Kayn didn't mind, he would just bring them back here for her to see.

"Okay, it all good. I'll be back later or really soon." He shot to the sky and flew off into the distance while the queen went to sit on the grass with a wide smile on her face. Kayn could find the Dragonball without a dragon radar, you could say that they were connected to him so he could track them with ease.

"Okay, the first wish will obviously be to get her people back. The second will be to mass Teleport all of her people here. Hmm, but what about the last one?" He pondered, what could the last wish be? "Guess I'll figure that out later, for now, let's just get the dragon balls."

Kayn then used Instant Transmission to a mountain area, and there he saw a huge violet Ball beside it. The Dragonball was swallowed into his storage. Kayn ported away to the next one, and the next one until he collected them all.

"That only took an hour and a half, this is too easy!" He wasted no time and Instant transmission back to the queen's location. The Queen was sitting next to a lake with her eyes closed, she looked to be meditating or something. He walked up behind her quietly and spoke up.

"Queen, it time to get your people back!" He said loudly

"AH!" The queen jumped up and fell in the water with a "splash" sound

W...what..i...is wrong with you!? Can't you just get my attention like a regular person!?" The queen was quite angry, she felt humiliated.

"Oh, uh, my bad. I thought you heard me, hehe." Kayn scratched his head in confusion which caused the queen mouth to twitch a bit, he was clearly acting confused! The queen got out of the water and whispered some words, then she had suddenly dried off. She then glared at Kayn, she could only sigh.

"What will you do to get them back? What do you mean its time to get them back?" The queen looked at Kayn with a confused look again.

"Watch and learn." He summoned the Dragonballs out of his storage as they floated over the forest. The Dragonballs started to blink like usual. The elf queen was stunned, what were those pretty balls going to do, were these the dragon balls he was talking about?

"Come forth my dragon and grant me my wishes!" he spoke in a language that stunned and confused the queen further, what was he speaking? The Dragonballs did the usually as a shock wave blew heavy winds up. This had caused the dress the queen was wearing blow up, this didn't go unnoticed by Kayn who was standing nearby, he looked but didn't say anything, he had seen it all!

The dragon revealed itself and spoke. "Master, what will your first wish be? I will grant you 3 wishes within my power!" The dragon spoke in a booming voice, it couldn't help it. The queen was so shocked seeing the majestic dragon from legends that she could only stare, she was struck speechless from shock! She had never been shocked so many times in one day before, who was this guy!?

"My first and most important wish is to bring all the kidnapped elves back here where we are now!" The dragon eyes lit up bright red and people started to appear out of nowhere. Some were wearing kinky outfits, chains, and even rags with dirt on them. Kayn even saw some nȧkėd ones that were in tears, they must have been crying before coming here or were played with, if you know what I mean.

The queen was stunned seeing the women appear out of nowhere, she finally started to understand something. She immediately tried to console her people, they were just as shocked to see their queen. A person they thought they'd never see again!

"Your wish as been granted, what will your second wish be?" The dragon asked. His booming voice and the dark skies caused the Elves to look up. They looked in amazement at the dragon in the sky, some had their mouths wide open, they couldn't believe what they were seeing.

"Alrighty then, My second wish is to bring all the elves here from the planet Yggdrasil!" The dragon gave a small nod as its eyes lit up red again. Once again, more elves started to appear, this included the Elders, Elaina and Elena.

"What!? What is going on!?" Many people looked around in shock, how did they get here all of a sudden.

Elaina looked around and spotted the queen around the elves in the area. She sighed in relief seeing the queen, everyone else also noticed the queen an couldn't help but feel happy. They scanned the area again and saw Kayn looking up towards something. They looked in the direction Kayn was looking in which was the sky.

"Your wish has been granted, what will your final wish be?" The dragon said in a booming voice

Oh my God!"

How is this possible?"

Is that celestial dragon from the myths?"

It's so beautiful, I want one!"

Why is it so dark and windy here?"

Damn, I need to take a piss!"

Everyone was amazed to see such a beautiful dragon from legend. They felt happier than ever to be alive. Elaina, Elena, and the Elders were in a daze, was this guy talking to the dragon? What language was this dragon even speaking!? One must know that the elves have studied many languages, but they couldn't figure out what tongue this dragon was speaking in.

Kayn thought for a moment. "My last wish will be...."

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