DragonBall X: The Ultimate System [Re-Mastered]

Chapter 48 - Remembrance Of Old!!


Author Note: Another chapter will be released in 2 hours after this Chapter.

They both soon arrives at a restaurant called The Big Dipper, the logo had a man with a spoon and fork in his hand stuffing his face with food. "Alright, let's go and eat, you won't be disappointed in this place." Bulma got out of the car excitedly as Kayn followed her.

Once both of them walked inside the restaurant, he knew that this place was top tier for the rich. The floor was made out of black marble, the designs on the wall were that of a golden dragon, was that real gold!? There were huge fish tanks with Jumbo lobsters inside of them, they were at least 2 times the size of the biggest lobster ever found in his dimension of the past. The people that came in were all dressed in suits and dresses except Bulma and himself of course.

"Ah, Little miss brief, your back as usual. Where would you like to sit today?" The minute they walked in they were greeted by some tall man standing near the entrance, he was like everyone else, dressed in a suit.

"I would like to sit in my usual spot, this time for two people." The man looked back and nodded, he could tell that Kayn was one of those martial artist types from the way he dressed. Usually, people wore suits and dresses when they came here, Bulma was the exception and so were those martial artists since they didn't care for such things.

"Okay, this way please." The man led them to a secluded area, that looked quite nice. The seating area they sat at was near a little pond filled with fish, it looked really nice to Kayn which sparked some ideas.

The man gave them the menu, Kayn ordered something called the lobster supreme, he also wanted 4 orders of it! "F..F.Four orders!?" The waiter was shocked, could he eat that much, isn't this just wasting money!?

Bulma order some special seafood fish that was exclusive to the Dragonball world only. It didn't take long for the food to arrive, the table was filled with food in every corner, it was a good thing this table was big. Kayn gave a silent prayer and began to rip into his food without any care of the people around him. Bulma was stunned seeing him eat so much without pausing, was he a bottomless pit?

"Kayn, the last time we met or so, you said to watch out for some guy in the desert or something. What was that all about?" Bulma had been wondering this question for some time but waited for the right time to ask.

"Oh "munch munch" you'll see in zu fu "munch" future, so I won't tell you. You'll know when it happens." He said a few words and continued to indulge himself in the tasty food before him.

"Hey, manners, mouth closed while eating. Wait until you're done swallowing your food before you answer." Bulma's mouth twitched a bit, it was both amusing and rude in some cases but she really had no problem with it.

"Oh yeah, my bad." The people around them, however wern't happy. He had gotten the attention of some rich Teen who already didn't like him, seeing that he was with such a beauty. The kid had multiple bodyguards around him, they all wore suits with sunglasses on but that didn't hide how muscular they were.

"Who does he think he is!? Coming in here with such a beauty and eating like he has no damn home training!" The young man was enraged and began to speak to his bodyguards about something, they all nodded in unison.

At this time Kayn and Bulma were still eating and 3 bodyguards approached them while they were enjoying themselves. "Hey, You! My young master doesn't like your face so he ordered me to come and handle you!" The bodyguard could scare just about anyone with his height and bulging muscles. The bodyguard believed Kayn would be scared witless with his intimidating features, like most.

"Hmm" He looked at the bodyguards, then looked over at the supposed young master. He had blonde hair, with a white suit on, he looked quite handsome, but the sinister smile he was giving had completely ruined it. "Can't you see I'm eating, get lost or someone might get hurt around here." He said no more a began to finish his food, Bulma, however, was really intimidated by the man.

"You! How Dare you ignore us!" The man put his hand on Kayn's shoulder and began to squeeze it, he was waiting to hear him yell in pain but nothing happened. At that moment Kayn covered his body in Fire Ki. "AHHHH!" The man yelled and fell to the ground as Kayn continued to eat. The people in the area were stunned, this wasn't the first time this kid used his guards to bully people.

"What did you do to him!?" The guards were shocked, the man continued to roll on the ground, the ki had entered his body, causing his inside to boil. Kayn made sure to not use too much on him since it would surely kill him, he only sought to cause him pain. "Everyone, this guy is some sort of sorcerer, attack him together!" The bodyguard's circles around the Kayn's table, ready to attack.

"Wh..what are you guys doing in this public place!?" Bulma was enraged, how dare they attack people in broad daylight! She was still quite scared by the sudden attack. The bodyguards jumped towards Kayn swinging there fist, Kayn simply waved his hand and the all the bodyguard slammed into the ground.

"What!?" The young master couldn't believe what he was seeing, how!?

"Hmm, these guys have ruined my appetite, let's go and do something else." Bulma was in a daze, he just waved his hand and people started dropping! She was stunned and happy, he was so strong! Kayn glared at the young master and smiled sinisterly, he then used his Fire Ki Laws on the young master. At that moment, the young master fell to the ground screaming and sweating like a mad man. "The bills on me Bulma, let go somewhere else fun, like an amusement park or something.

Many waiters came running over to the screaming and sweating young master, he was saying it Burns over and over again. Bulma looked at the insane young rich kid with pity and surprised. She simply didn't understand what had happened but she snapped out it right after. "Okay, I know an amazing amusement park my parents used to take me as a kid." Bulma seemed to have gotten over her surprise and opted for a place to go.

"Cool, let's go." The bill was paid and they left to the amusement park, they spent 3 hours at the amusement park, enjoying themselves to the fullest, it had been a long time since he had this much fun, this was truly living. He now wanted to make an amusement park on his planet, how could he have forgotten something like this. They eventually came out of the amusement park when it was near dark, they were both eating icecream and carrying prizes they had won.

"Oh man, that was so fun, when can we do it again?" Bulma was very happy, she hadn't had that much fun in a while, she was usually at school or inventing something. The same went for Kayn, it had been a long time since he had so much fun.

"Hehe, Bulma, it will be sometime before we see each other physically, but, once we meet again we'll seal the deal, hehe, if you know what I mean." Kayn chuckled and continued "I have a lot of things I have to do until then but you also have something you have to do, dont forget." Kayn wrapped his arm around her and said.

"Yes, you're right, I will do what I was originally going to do then." Bulma was blushing when he put his arm around her but when she heard what he said, she turned serious quickly. He knew he would have a better chance at getting with her when he met her at a young age, they could almost be considered childhood friends, kinda, I guess!

They both walked to the car and hopped in. "Just a moment, you can make it home much faster this way." He then used instant transmission and they both appeared in the driveway of her house. Bulma was stunned, did he use some sort of teleportation move!? Bulma sat in place for a while, still trying to suck in what happened.

"Here, take this, you can communicate with me through this." Kayn handed the dumbfounded Bulma a Holocaster and explained to her on how to use it. He didn't need to review it, she was a fast learner, he could guess she was one of those straight A students in Class.

"Wow, this is amazing tech, where did you get it? This tech isn't something I've seen here or anywhere around the world." Bulma was amazed to see the holo caster, it was really good for communication.

"Hehe, it a secret for now, but I guarantee, you'll find out. Alrighty then, How about giving me a hug before I go." Kayn grinned as he looked at Bulma's excited face over the Holocaster. Bulma didn't waste any time and lunged at Kayn, hugging him, he wanted to kiss her but something so deep could wait.

"Alright Bulma, I'll see you around. My number is in the Holocaster, call me anytime." He then used instant transmission before she could reply, he was gone just like that.

"Dang it, I wanted to kiss not just a hug." Bulma sighed and looked at the Holocaster as she got out of her car, she went into her house to continue making her Dragonball radar.

Meanwhile, Kayn had already appeared back on planet New Genesis. The place appeared at was in front of Gine and Bardock's house, at that moment a voice rang out from behind him. "Where have you been for a whole day? Dont make me read your mind, wait, forget that!" The person was obviously Sasha.

He looked back and scanned Sasha once again, she had grown taller. She was now 5,8 with long black hair wrapped in a long ponytail accompanied with a slender waist and well-proportioned curves. Her ċhėst was on its way to reaching D cup from C, but overall she looked really beautiful with those black eyes that seem to see right through people, literally!

"Well, that doesn't really matter, the thing is, I am planning to leave to another universe again." Everything was set in stone, he was leaving in 2 days from now.

"You're leaving for another universe again!? Which universe will it be this time, are you going back to 6?" Sasha couldn't believe it, this guy really loved to adventure, he couldn't stay still at all.

"Yup, I've already prepared the trip. I will take the elves to their planet to retrieve their things, then I will return to make further preparations." He could easily warp to any universe now with the new Technique he received from the Dragonballs, he also had a map of every planet within the universes. "Do you want to come with me?" Kayn asked

Sasha shook her head, she didn't want to go this time. She wanted to train more and socialize more. "Not this time, but next time for sure. The next time we meet, hopefully, I will be a super Saiyan 2 by then." She was training like a madwoman to make a breakthrough, she was so close she could feel it.

"I understand. I need to go to sleep now, do you want to join me in bed?" Kayn ŀėwdly smiled at Sasha and said.

"Hmph!" Sasha blushed and didn't reply, she turned around and went back home. She almost said yeah, but controlled herself right on time. Kayn wasn't really into the harem type scene, but he was single all his life. Now that he was in the Dragonball world and could gain power, why not have multiple women from his fantasy, he would never do this in the real world, in fact, it wouldn't fly in the real world.

Kayn simply teleported to his room and went to sleep just like that, he would visit the elves tomorrow along with Elise.

Author Note: There is a Rule that I have yet to state. I know most of you are questioning why was there such a thing as super ki or whatever since he is a Saiyan could turn in to it without that, Or needing to buy God or Divine Ki. The main character gets really strong and is basically a cheat character, so the rules state that he must buy these things to go further. He can do so much and is Op, so there had to be some restriction on him, this why. I had to do it this way, it makes things more interesting as well, seeing him earn his System points and using them. Super Saiyan Blue is just a super Saiyan form of super god which his red, just in case some of you didn't know. This goes for abilities as well, such as the "Kamehameha"

[Host's Status]

Name: Kayn (Luke)

Race: Saiyan

Talent: Spacial Ki Laws, Lightning Ki Laws, Fire Ki Laws,

Age: 18(+3)-Year-Old

Lifespan: ∞ Years

Body State: Healthy

Battle Power: (5,000) 132,000,000,000,000 ((Trillions))


[Ki Control: (A++)],[Ki Shaping: (A++)],[Kamehamaha: (S)],[(Instant Transmission: (A++)]

[Ki Senses: (A+)] [Destructo Disc: (C+)] [Creation:(B++)] [Warp: (A)]

[Spirit Ball:(B)] [Spirit Bomb: (B)][Superior Senses: (A+)][(Solar Flare: C++][Galactic Donut: (B)] [Warp Step: (B++)] [Final Flash: (D+)] Big Bang: (C++)] [Super Kamehameha: (B++)] [Space Creation: (D)]

[Muay Tai: (E)][Boxing: (A)][Taekwondo: (A)] [Taijutsu: 1000 (A)] [Tiger Style Kungfu: (B+)] [Dambe: (D+)]


[Oozaru: (x15)] [KiaoKen: (x3)(x4)(x20)] [LASSJ: (x100)] [LASSJ-2: (x200)] [LASSJ-3: (x800) [Infinite Might: (Initial Stage(x5)/(Stage One G-1(x20)] [Ikari: (x15)] [True God Essense (Sealed)]

[Passive Abilities-]

(Eye Of Judgement),(Zenkai Boost),(Power Ball),(Instantaneous Regeneration)

(Aura Of Terror),(Aura Of Oppressive Might)(Divine Language) (Eternal Youth)(Enhanced Breathing) (Enhanced Survivability(No Oxygen), (Enhanced Durability)(Enhanced Strength)(Moon Essense)(Combat Adaptability)(Anti-Destruction)(Divine Creation)(Universal Warp)(ShapeShift)

[Ki Practices]

(Legendary Ancient Ki)


[(4,000,700 System Points]

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