
However, at that moment, the door was pushed open and multiple figures walked through the door. One of the figures was very eye-catching, she had long Red hair that was mixed with black. The women stood about 5,10 in height, her ċhėst size was the same as Elise which truly shocked Kayn, it was so big, how was this even possible!? Every time she took a step they would jiggle, no, they must be bigger than hers, Kayn came to this conclusion. The woman was also quite the beauty on par with Elise and the Elf Queen, she had a flaming red Chinese dress on and all black stockings on. The designs on her dress showed a golden Pheonix on it.

"Hey, you! How dare you stare at the royal princess like that! Are you sick of living!?" A young man by her side who seemed to be a pest spoke out with sheer arrogance. The man wore Green robes with a sword on his side, his robes had turtle designs on it, he stared at Kayn with disdain. From what Kayn could speculate, these designs obviously meant something.

"Did you hear me, boy!? I'm talking to you, do you know who I am!?" The man's eyes turn green as he began to reveal his power level and strength, he seemed to want to scare Kayn or attack him even. However, he was nothing to Kayn, Kayn simply looked back at the princess who was standing quietly.

"How Dare you! Die for me!" The man shot a palm at Kayn with terrifying strength, killing intent could be felt through the whole area. Kayn's eyes flash with contempt and he swung his hand with "Paa" sound, the man was slapped away and was sent flying out the door. Everyone was shocked to see the young genius get defeat in one slap.


The green-robed man spat out a mouth full of blood, he was shocked, he couldn't believe he was suppressed so easily. "I'm a member of the Heavenly Turtle Clan, do you know who you're offending boy!?" The man was on the brink of insanity, he had completely lost face in front of the woman he loved.

"I dont give a shit who you are. All I know is that you better not offend me or you'll be a dead man in no time!" Kayn's eyes turned cold.

"You!" He couldn't believe someone had the nerve to speak to him like that, he was a pampered young master of the heavenly Turtle Clan, no one dared to talk to him like that! "I'll end you today, no one speaks to me like that, prepare to die, boy!" As soon as he said that he vomited another mouth full of blood. It could have been from the slap on his face or the anger itself, it was unclear at this point.

"Come then little man, and make sure to take off that green hat, you buffoon, haha!" Kayn ridiculed

"Pfft" One of the guards seemed to almost laugh out but managed to control herself. This joker would continue to annoy and follow the princess around everywhere she went, they only allowed him to follow them to give the turtle clan some face since they could be regarded as one of the 5 pillars of this city and continent.

"Gr..green h...hat, I'll KILL YOU!!" He had truly lost all face now, being called a green hat buffoon. The man unsheathed his sword, he then embedded Ki into his sword which gave off a green glow, the sword looked quite majestic with golden turtle designs on it. "Die you bastard!" The man swung his sword down on Kayn with all his might and anger.

"You want to beat me with just this?" Kayn sneered and caught the sword with his hand, he then sent another slap towards the man's face "Paa" the man was sent flying upside down through the air, he was continuously coughing up blood.

"Ugh!" The man's face was as pale as a whiteout "My clan won't let you live! All you can do is die at this point!" The green-robed man bȧrėly manage to say these word, he seemed like he would faint at any moment, he couldn't believe Kayn had caught his sword. He used all of his strength in that swing but it was blocked with his bȧrė hands, he knew this was someone he couldn't defeat.

"Hehe, I wonder what would happen if you were to turn into a corpse now?" Kayn began to walk slowly towards the green-robed man. The ambition to kill was clearly seen in his eyes.

"Y..y.. you would dare to kill me, do you want to die? If you let me go, I won't mess with you again. You better stay back or else, I'll have you de..." Before he could finish, he was slapped again.

At that moment the woman spoke up. "Wait, dont kill him. He is still an allied force of my clan so go easy on him, please." The woman's voice was calm and collective, but she wasn't against the idea of Kayn beating this guy.

"Dont worry sweetness, I won't kill him." Kayn winked at her then glared at the green-robed man

"Swe..sweetness" The princess's face turned green from surprise, who dared to call her sweetness.

"Audacious! How dare you speak to the princess like that!?" One of the bodyguards was outraged hearing Kayn's comment toward the princess, was he bored of his good life!?

Kayn ignored the bodyguard and continued to walk toward the young master in green.

"Ah! Stay back, you're cra.." Once again he was slapped before he could finish, but this time, it wasn't just once. He had been slapped flying three times already, he had no face left in both aspects.

"This is for starting trouble "paa." This is for being a green hat "paa." This is for being annoying "paa." This is for... this just because I want to "paaaaa."

The man's teeth went flying everywhere, he had his teeth knocked out. The man was reduced to a pig head, he had sausage lips with a full-on swollen face to accompany it. At this point, the old man had already returned, he thought his old age was catching up with him, was the young master of the heavenly turtle clan beaten until he looked like an orc? The old man literally took off his glasses twice to be sure he wasn't seeing things. The young master had already fainted from the beating he had received.

Kayn adjusted his clothes and smoothly went back towards the counter where the old man was. The female bodyguard glared at Kayn but he pretended that he didn't see anything. The princess was quite amazed to see Kayn beat the young master of the Heavenly clan so easily despite what he said to her.

"Ah, so are these are the elixirs, they do look like high-quality goods." Kayn pretended that nothing happened and asked the old man about the elixirs. The old man came out of his stupor and began to explain.

"Yes, this is the Transcends elixir right here, this will boost your strength by 3 years, it also depends on your potential as a whole on how strong or effective it will be." Kayn took the elixir and looked at it, it had fiery orange liquid inside. The bottle was 3-inches but was still filled to the brim. The liquid was warm to point where it could even heat up, it was glowing orange which got anyone knowing how good and rare it was. At that moment the system rang out.

[This Elixir is really good, it is recommended that you buy this elixir and consume it with caution!]

"Huh! Consume it with caution? Why do I have to be cautious?" Kayn asked

[Once this elixir is consumed, you will not be able to use Ki until 3 days have passed! The Elixir will need 3 days to fully digest in your system, meaning 3 days to take effect!]

"Fuck! I hate stuff like this the most, why does everything have to be so complicated?" He hated things that would require some double edge effect the most. Why couldn't it just boost his strength, so he could be done with it?

"Okay, how much is this elixir, sir?" Kayn asked. He was ready to hear the damage his pocket would face. The old man was just about to speak until the princess behind spoke first.

"This is Elixir, if you were to become my personal bodyguard then I will purchase this elixir for you." The princess then signaled one of her bodyguards to go and help the young master of the Turtle clan, she really couldn't or shouldn't leave him like that.

"Thanks for the offer but I will kindly decline." Kayn said bluntly

"What? You dare to decline the kindness the princess has offered, Are you crazy!?" The bodyguards were furious, there were so many people who would die to become the bodyguard of such a beautiful and influential figure, did this guy get his head kicked by a donkey or something?

"I see. It really is a pity, you're so strong. Here is my card, give me a call if you ever change your mind. I honestly want to force you to be my bodyguard but that would ruin our relationship." The princess was not happy at all to hear Kayn's answer. She was so used to being praised by all but this guy didn't even think about it and just declined.

Kayn took the card and shoved it into his pocket without looking at it and turned back to the old man. "Bastard!" The female bodyguard really wanted to beat this guy into submission, how dare you he just shoved the princesses card into his pocket like a used tissue!? Black lines appeared on the old man's face, this kid was truly daring, just who is backing this kid? The princess didn't say anything but a light flashed across her eyes, there was no telling what she was thinking.

"So old man, how much was the elixir again?" Kayn asked again

"It will 15,000 gold coins, I will give you one of these other elixirs for free if you buy the Transcendence. I will need to see your identification in order for you to purchase anything, this will allow me the check to see if you have any felonies and what not. The policy that we have here is that we can't sell to felons or criminals, this is a peaceful place." Kayn listened and nodded. He gave the old man his identification and everything check out.

"I dont have any money on me, but my friend does." Kayn paused for a bit then continued "My friend in the green robes will pay for it for me, we go way back." Kayn spoke and nodded with seriousness


What friend?

The bodyguards and the old man's mouth and eyes twitched hearing Kayn's words.


Kayn walked towards the young master who was being carried by one of the bodyguards. He searched the young man's body and found a storage bag much to his surprise, there wasn't much space in it. There was only about 3 cubics worth of space inside, Kayn looked into the storage bag and found 50,000 gold coins inside along with some elixir and clothes.

"Here you go sir, 15,000 gold coins for you." kayn handed the coins to the old man and he took it with no problem. The old man wasn't worried at all, this shop was owned by the Heavenly Bear Clan so the Turtle Clansmen young master should just forget about getting his money back.

"Thank you, young friend, please come back anytime." The old man smiled and handed the elixirs to Kayn. Kayn nodded and smiled, he then turned away and look at the princess one last time. Kayn then looked at the annoyed female bodyguard and winked at her before walking out of the shop.

"Shameless damn bastard, I wish I could pull his eyes out!" The Female bodyguard was furious.

"Don't get so worked up over something so small, you're better than that." the princess continued to stare at the door as she spoke. The bodyguard calmed down and apologized to the princess and the old man for her language.

Meanwhile, Kayn ran to the nearest inn to rest a bit, he paid for a whole month in advance to stay, this was one of the luxurious inns within the city. It was said that this is where those visiting noble and royal would come to stay and live when they came to the city. Kayn laid on his bed and fell asleep just like that, he had no idea what he had just caused.

There were tons of spectators who saw the young master of the turtle clan getting a beating by some unknown man. The news spread around the city like wildfire, at this point, two hours had already passed. Once the turtle clan heard this, they were streaking with anger. They immediately put a bounty on the man who did this to their young master, he was to be killed or brought back to them for 25,000 gold coins!

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