
At this moment, Kayn stood in place within the sky. He had just got done releasing a deadly attack on the army of sand Scorpions. There was nothing left but scorched earth and a crater with an unknown diameter, it was so wide that is might travel half a mile. It soon began to rain heavily, something that hasn't happened since forever.

Kayn could hear multiple notifications go off in his head, he earned quite allot of System points for killing so many scorpions. "I need to find time to consume this elixir, I wonder how strong I would get if I were to take it?" Kayn then asked the System how much he would grow if he took the Elixir. Apparently, his power level would reach the high trillions area according to it.

"What? Just the high trillions, I thought it would be higher. What about the 3 years of training I could get." Kayn complained somewhat.

[The old man isn't really an expert on Elixirs, all he knows is it would raise your power level up depending on your potential! 3 years is way too exaggerated!]

"Goodness, why didn't you tell me before I bought the Elixir?" Kayn stopped then spoke up right away. "Don't say it, I know what you're going to...." Before he could say anything the system spoke up.

[You never asked!]

"FUCK!!" Kayn really wished he could rip the person out of the system and beat the hell out of him, he read may light novels before and knew this was the common thing they said.

"Whatever, I'll head to the town she was talking about, it should be south of here." Kayn scanned the area and found that there was indeed a town some ways away from here. He thought about the people in the forest and decided to send his owl to relay and message and send them food. The Ai owl had a storage system on it so it could give them food and other things. He had thoughts of recruiting these men to his planet but he would ask them first.

"I've already scanned this whole planet, there are so many people here committing vicious crimes, it really an anarchy system here!" Kayn could feel people dying left and right from his senses, he could understand why this planet needed to go.

Kayn used instant transmission above the town in an instant, he didn't try to hide from anyone. He then descended into the town under the stunned people in the area. None of the people in the town had any thoughts of starting trouble with Kayn, they thought he was apart of the underworld gang that was just recently in this part of town. The people here were mostly wanted criminals but they knew not to mess with these underworld people or they would surely go missing.

The town wasn't all that big but when Kayn was in the air, he could see a huge mansion from afar within this town. He looked around to ask some people a few questions, he spotted a man wearing an all gray cloak and decided to ask him.

"Excuse me, sir, but can I ask you a couple of questions?" the man looked at Kayn and spoke

"Sure, you can ask me anything but its gonna cost you. If you give 10 Silver coins, I will answer anything I can." The man looked like he was up to no good, but his tricks would never work on Kayn, so he pulled out 10 silver coins and handed them to him.

The man was a little stunned to see Kayn pull out 10 silver coins, he pulled 10 silver coins out like they were nothing. He was just trying to shoo Kayn away with a scamming price but didn't expect him to pull out the real deal. Most of the people around eye's glinted seeing the money but said nothing. "Haha, perfect! Go ahead and shoot, what questions do you need to be answered?" The man happily asked

"I will ask you a total of 3 questions, so tell me what you know. If you do, I will give you an extra 10 silver coins." Kayn stopped then continued. "My first question is, did you see a slave caravan come through here?" Kayn looked at the man and asked.

"Indeed the people passed through here not too long ago. I am wearing this cloak for protection, not too long ago a bomb went off in the desert area and gave many people 2nd-degree burns." Kayn's mouth twitched hearing this, he understands what "bomb" this man was talking about.

"Okay, thank you, now for the next question. That mansion on the hill is where the boss of the town is, isn't it?" This couldn't be any more obvious to Kayn. That must be where the big shot of this town is located, he can see nothing but poorly dressed people here but there is a mansion on the hill!

"That is indeed right and that is also where the slaves were taken." The man confirmed Kayn speculation. As soon as he said that, he shot his senses out, only to find multiple people within the mansion. The highest power level was only 305 million so they were simply no threat to him in any way.

"Good, you've answered the 3rd question I was going to ask, you get a bonus." Kayn then took out 5 gold coins and gave them to the man. The man was shocked and overjoyed, he could now afford a mini ship to get off this terrible planet.

"Oh my god, thank you, sir! You don't know how much this means to me." Kayn nodded and waved his hand, indicating that it's not a big deal. Criminals usually got wretched in this universe, so most of them would have to hide in fear of being found. This is why people had identities wherever they went. Universe 11 was next door and had more criminals than any other universe of the 12, it was so bad that they created multiple factions just to capture these criminals.

"You have a nice day, sir." Kayn then turned around and teleported away. The moment he teleported away some thugs came out. One of the thugs wanted to attack Kayn but was too late to get here, his minion had gone to alert him that a fat sheep had popped up but Kayn had just left.

Meanwhile, Kayn had teleported next to the mansion. A huge Caravan had caught his eye, there were several people on horses standing around it. At this point, the slaves and the Fatman had already entered the mansion.

Kayn then teleported into the mansion and into an isolated room with no one in it. "Hmm, someone's outside, it must be a bodyguard for this mansion." He then swiftly opened the door and broke the man's neck with his bȧrė hands. Kayn then shapeshifted into the man as he incinerated the body.

Kayn felt many life forms ahead, he wondered why a guard would be in this area. "I can feel them over here. Hmm, they must be behind this door. Some of them are on the brink of death, this must be the dungeon where people are imprisoned." He had come across a huge steel door, it was no wonder the guard was around this area.

Kayn didn't destroy the door and just teleported behind it. What he saw was quite disturbing to his eyes, he was so close to vomiting that he had to put his head down while kneeling. There were little kids strung up on walls with whip marks all over their bodies while some were bleeding out of their private regions. There were some kids laying on the ground, they looked like death was looming over them, and was ready to take them at any time.

Kayn couldn't hold it in anymore and began to vomit out his breakfast from this morning. "I have to kill this guy no matter what! He cannot be allowed to live, he has the die!" Kayn was so enraged that his eyes turned yellow, this was the definition of pure evil in his book.

Kayn swiped his mouth a proceeded to help the kids that were laying on the floor with faint complexions. He immediately gave all the kids that were knocked out Senzu beans, he sadly had no ability that could heal people like Dende. In order for them to swallow the Senzu beans, he had to gently chop their throats for it to go down.

Kayn moved towards the whipped girls on the wall, they were horrified when they saw Kayn. "Please, mister, No more, it hurts really bad." The girl spoke weakly, she couldn't cry anymore, she was all dried out at this point and could only beg. She felt like this wouldn't work anyway, she begged many times but they enjoyed it even more when she did.

"Don't worry, I am here to help you." Kayn wasted no time and helped them all down. He then gave them all Senzu beans to help them recover, this included the girls that were bleeding in a certain place, he didn't want to image what happened to them so he didn't ask.

"I will take you guys to a safe place, do you guys trust me enough for that?" Kayn looked at the kids and asked softly. They looked reluctant to say yes but nodded at the end. They were still quite scared, they were all dress in rags while some were even nȧkėd. Kayn simply created fresh and clean clothes for them before taking them to his close off space.

The kids were shocked to see the beautiful blue skies within the space. The great Akers of land, it looked endless and beautiful. "Choose anywhere you want to live and eat, the water is filled with fish that you can catch. The storage house over there has tons of food in it that you guys can eat. That house over there has a woman in it, she was badly hurt like you guys and is recovering. Are you guys okay with this setup?" Kayn explained and asked

The girls were still shocked to see the land, they were speechless for a moment until one girl finally spoke up. "Yes, thank you so much. How can we ever r..repay you?" The little loli looked down as she asked her question, she was afraid Kayn would ask for "that!"

Kayn's face turned green when he saw the way she acted, did she think he was pedophile!? He had the urge to scream his lungs out and destroy something but he calmed down inside and spoke up. "All I need you guys to do is to take care of the land and enjoy yourselves, that is all." Kayn smiled and said.

The kids looked at Kayn suspiciously before nodded. Their eyes never left Kayn, they were staring him down like a slice of fresh meat that just came out of the oven. Kayn whole face twitched from annoyance seeing their big eyes staring at him so cautiously.

"I will be leaving now, you guys settle in and make sure you take care of the land, including the animals." Kayn said no more and left just like that, he couldn't take being stared at anymore by these kids, there were about 41 kids in total.

The dungeon was now empty since he took all the kids out it, fortunately, there were no fatalities and he was able to help them all. The kids help the fainted kids in the villas to recover after taking a Senzu bean. "Okay, it time to end this, I have too many things to do and I can't be held up here.

Kayn then teleported near the main hall where there were guards all around. This was where the Fatman had gone to with the slaves. "Hey my fellow guards, I have an important message for the lord. I will be entering, so please move out of the way." At this point, Kayn had shapeshifted into the guard he had killed earlier. The guards looked at Kayn and noticed that he was a mansion guard but another mansion guard noticed the clothes he was wearing.

"Hmm, you're indeed a guard, but your clothes indicate that you're a dungeon guard. What could be so important for you to tell us? Did someone escape, Because if not, then it isn't important at all!" The Door guard spoke with authority. The other guards which are originally the Fatman's guard laughed mockingly at Kayn seeing his misfortune.

"Sigh, I tried to make this easy on you guys, but you chose death instead." Kayn shook his head, he would have to kill these guys anyway. Their crimes were simply unimaginable, he could tell from the eye of judgment.

"What? What did you say? You said you were going to kill us!?" The Door guard face turned cold hearing Kayn smart remark, did this dungeon guard go insane from being in the dungeon for so long?

"Mister door guard, we would like the honor of crushing this fool for you, you won't need to make a move." The Fatman's bodyguards began to kiss ȧss, the door guard was after all the mighty door guard of the lord here. They were also a group of sadists who actually enjoyed breaking people's limbs as displayed with the snow elf not too long ago.

"Haha, good, Kill him then!" The man laughed happily, he believed that Kayn was a dead man and had no worries, he did what he wanted all the time. He would oppress everyone in the town, he even would take people's daughters and do that to them. In fact, his evil bar was higher than the Fatman's sadistic guards.

"Hehe, no hard feeling mister dungeon guard, this isn't personal." The man grinned sinisterly and continued "But you'll have to be a stepping stone for our boost in status, so die for us!" At the moment, five figures disappeared on the spot and rushed toward Kayn with heavy killing intent. The lord here was apart of the underworld organization and was in a decently high position, at least higher than the Fatman's status.

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