
The figures walked in at the moment Kayn was about to teleport away with princess, he had grabbed her hand to do so but stopped when he saw so many people come in all of a sudden. There were at least 20 people or so, it could have been a bit more. The people were dressed luxuriously, some wore battle armor while some wore robed armor gear but what they all had in common was that they had Pheonix symbols on their clothing. Yup, that's right, these were the young members of the Pheonix clan.

Kayn could feel than the strongest was someone with a power level of about 1 billion or so. Upon seeing the uninvited guest coming into her private Training ground, Athena's facial expression turned stiff. She recognized one of the boys right away, he was elder Mars 2nd son Louis who continued to nag and follow her around a lot. Sadly for him, he couldn't ever catch the princess anywhere do to Kayn's instant transmission ability. Louis's clothing was more flashy, he wore jewel throughout his robe.

"What are you guys doing coming into my private Training grounds!? Do you not know the rules that this place is off-limits to any and everyone I don't invite!?" Athena was very angry, she wasn't stupid. With the rumor passing around lately, she knew why these guys barged in.

"Princess, Please calm down. We were just really worried about you these days and came to check on you." The man hurriedly to explain seeing the enraged princess, he knew he could get in trouble for being here but couldn't hold back and came to find the princess. Once Louis said what he said, everyone nodded in agreement towards his word as they said: "that is right."

"I am fine as you can see, I've just been training with my bodyguard! There is nothing to worry about, so you all can leave. I promise you, if you leave now, I won't report this." Athena warned the group of people as she could easily see through their excuses.


That rumored bodyguard that everyone was talking about!

Once the group heard Athena mention training with her bodyguard they instinctively looked at Kayn who was beside her. It was almost like they didn't notice him at first but once he was mentioned they got a good look at him. Once they felt Kayn's power level, they sneered, they had no respect for such a weak person. The most dissatisfied was Louis, he was driven to the hard way when he saw Kayn holding her hand!

"This guy doesn't know how lowly he is!"

"I can't believe some backwater town boy is actually holding the princess's hand!"

"We really need to teach this guy a lesson!"

"I wonder what would happen if he were to die "mistakenly?" One of the men purposed an idea which many seem to agree on, did they not have any respect for the princess? Apparently not, her power level was really low so they didn't respect her words even though she was the princess.

"You guys are going to far, you better leave while you can or else!" Athena couldn't believe the sinister word they just said!

"Athena, do you want me to take these guys out since they aren't listening?" Kayn asked with a straight face. Honestly, he was eager to beat someone right now! Who do they think they are to barge into someone's private area and start a fight?

"You, remove us! What a joke!" Louis said. Everyone started laughing in unison, they looked at Kayn like he was an idiot, do you not know your own power level!? Then they started emitting killing intent towards Kayn. They planned to kill this guy altogether, they were certain that th king wouldn't care for such a weakling if he died.

"Oh my god! They're emitting killing intent toward the princess! How dare you!" Kayn said loudly


This evil scumbag is plotting on us!

However, at that moment, Kayn disappeared from where he stood. The next moment 5 people dropped to the ground with bloody faces. Everyone was shocked when they saw Kayn disappear and was even more so when 5 guys dropped to the ground with their faces bloodied.

"You guys want to kill the princess, then I won't show any mercy!" Kayn laughed righteously as he attacked the group of people. They took this time to fight back, and Kayn even let them punch him but they did nothing to him, he didn't even flinch. Within one minute or so, the whole group of boys were wasted on the floor, they had fainted or was rolling on the ground in terrible pain. They either had a leg broken or an arm broken, sadly Kayn couldn't kill these guys outright or he would have. He should save all his anger and use it on the turtle clan and other clans who come looking for trouble.

The only one who was still stand and hadn't taken a beaten yet was Louis. "You! You liar, your power level is much higher than 100 million!!!" Louis was horrified, he never could have imagined that Athena's bodyguard was this strong. He really wanted to find the person who lied like this and beat him black and blue.

"Haha, lied? I never said anything! Too bad though, you'll have to pay for trying to kill the princess!" Kayn said with a smile.

"You! Don't try to frame me! You know we weren't trying to kill the princess!" Louis's face turned pale from fear, he could clearly see what Kayn was trying to do.

"Haha, I wonder what penalty you'll face for breaking into the princess's private grounds?" Kayn paused for a moment and looked at Louis's expression. He knew that the penalty was quite harsh for doing such a deed. Kayn also knew he would probably just get his father to cover for him and stop the punishment from taking place.

"Tsk, I'll have to teach you an eternal lesson!" Frightening Aura surged out of Kayn's body as it looked like it was taking form. Athena instinctively took a step back while the younger kids on the floor that were once rolling around in pain stopped, they felt terror coming there way. The Aura looked like two dark Aura hands, they looked similar to Cumber's Technique back then.

Louis fainted on spot but he would continue to have nightmares every day for the rest of his life if the Aura wasn't vanquished. He would even face terrible illusions when he is walking around during the day.

At that moment, Kayn grabbed Athena and teleported away, not minding them anymore. Kayn was on his way to the hall of elders to report what had happened with Athena and the uninvited guess. They did so and the elders picked up all the young generation of kids, taking them away. These were just regular elders, so they were free most of the time and were like guardians.

Time passed, but on the first day that the incident occurred, this made mars even more hateful towards Kayn. Elder Mars has tried everything he could to help his son with his terrible night terrors and paranoia. He even asked for help from other clans who were coming to the city do to the Auction taking place soon. They found that the terrible Aura in his mind and body was hard to purge and that it would require a high leveled warrior to abolish it. They would need to at least have a power level of 150 quadrillions or more to do so, just how strong was this Technique!?

The time was drawing near and 2 weeks passed just like that, it was 2 days left before the Auction. There were quite the amount of clans in this city at this point, some had personal residence's in the city and lived there for the time being. There were other clans that went to the hotel Kayn lived in recently, they would get a big suite for their clan members while some reserved rooms.

At this time, the Heavenly Phoneix clan got many visits from several clans. Athena decided to leave the palace for a bit, she had remained in the residence for quite some time do to training, she had improved allot. Athena wanted to visit her friend who invited her to her home, she was a member of the Heavenly White Tiger clan but she was from a different continent. The city had a Heavenly tiger clan while she apart of the White Tiger clan which was much stronger than the Heaven Tiger clan in this city. There was a little gathering at her residence for younger people around her age and she was invited by the host, her friend.

Author Note: Yes, All the clans are related to animals. I have decided to make it this way, it seems much easier to do it this way. I also want to speed things up so there will be quite the amount of time skips coming soon if you haven't noticed already. The way this place is set up is sort of like an ancient setting of the past, this is why there are carriage instead of flying ship everywhere. :) And no, it's not cultivation, lol!

Athena called Kara to be her carriage driver as always. Kayn sat in the carriage with Athena much to Kara's annoyance, she was quite jealous of Kayn being able to sit with the princess. Kara gave the command to the horses and steered them towards the White tiger side branch. This place was usually empty since this wasn't the white tiger clans continent of residence, they only came here when there was serious business or so.

Kayn sat quietly to himself, he was thinking when he should complete these missions. The system had already told him where to bases were, this included the higher up and all. The system wouldn't make it hard for him and have him figure it out for himself since it would take forever to find such people in the universe.

"Hmm, I should go kill them after the Auction is over, this is the best time. Maybe I should just take Athena with me as well, she could use the fighting experience." Kayn had already set Athena as his target, if you know what I mean. He would have to do it hopefully before he left this universe.

"Not really, just thinking out loud. There are two days before the Auction begins, do you really need to visit anyone at this moment?" Kayn asked

"Of course, my friend bȧrėly has the freedom to even go out, so this is the best opportunity for her to enjoy herself. She has also been attacked before by ȧssassins and her mom and dad won't take any risk." Athena answered. Kayn was a little surprised, these Order of Assassin guys are truly out of control trying to ȧssassination anyone they want.

"I see, so that was how it was. These guys are out of hand, they will get their's soon." Kayn smiled and said. He could already tell from the system where their location was on this planet, he was amazed at how good they were at hiding but they can't escape the system's scope at all.

"Oh, you're going to find and get rid of them? This is impossible, no one knows where they are on this planet. It's obvious that they're working with some of the local nobles too, but we have no evidence to prove it.

"All will be revealed in do time, just you wait." Soon as he said that... the White Tiger residence could be seen in the distance. It was a huge mansion but it wasn't nearly as big as the Pheonix residence. However, it still looked quite big from Kayn and Athena's point of view.

"Princess, we are almost there." Kara said.

Soon, they arrived at the mansion. There were many carriages and many people gathered around, once they spotted the princess's carriage, everyone moved back to give it some space. They knew from the flag on top of the carriage that this was the Pheonix clan.

Kara stopped the carriage and got off to immediately open the door. The princess dressed in her standard wear, she sported a Chinese dress with black stocking. The dress was like always, red and gold in color, showing her clan designs all through it. Everyone was amazed to see the princess appeared and many young master eyes looked like hearts when they seen her.

"Oh my god, she is beautiful!

"Goodness, looked at her body, she is so busty." One guy whispered to his buddy.

Many people clamored joyfully until they saw Kayn come out from behind her.

"Hey, who is that guy?

"He was in the same carriage has the princess!

"Don't you know, he is the new bodyguard she hired personally just recently.

"Oh my gosh, have you heard the rumors?

Soon a woman came out of the crowd, she wore both white and black dress, she had a white and black scarf around her neck. The woman was the same height as Athena, she had white and black hair, one of her eyes was black while the other was white. Her appearance surprised Kayn a lot, this reminded him of a story he read back in those days. This woman was Athena's best friend, the friend who invited her to this party with a special invitation.

"Ariel, oh my god! It's so good to see you!" Both of them were overjoyed to see each other and hugged one another right away under the stunned audience. However, amongst the crowd was someone Kayn would recognize the minute he saw him. The minute he saw Kayn, he had the urge to scream and rush Kayn to kill him on the spot. Yes, this was the young Master of the Heavenly Turtle Clan.

"You! So you finally came out of hiding, my clan will have you DIE!" The young master yelled out in a rage. Everyone instinctively looked at the young master then Kayn. Athena's facial expression changed slightly, she knew that this going to happen eventually but didn't expect that he'd be invited here.

"You!" The young master wanted to beat Kayn so bad but he knew from experience that he was no match for him. He had been robbed and beaten into an orc last time and with so many people here watching, he would rather not act so reckless.

"A mere Guard dares to make fun of a Heavenly clan young master?" All of a sudden a man appeared out of the woodworks. He was dressed in light armor that was golden, he had blonde hair and blue eyes. His face was exuding pure arrogance on a whole different level that Kayn has ever seen before. This was the young master of the Gold Lion Clan.

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