
Athena continued to train the next day like usual. Kayn had already told her that she wouldn't be fighting any of the puppets yet, he planned to have her do that after the Auction to prepare her for the upcoming tournament. Kayn could roughly sense that Klaus guy's power level, he was quite strong for his age, he had at least a power level of 8 billion or so, but this was only his base strength.

During the time that had passed, the report of Athena's bodyguard knocking out the eagle and Dragon clan members soon spread quickly. It was as Kayn had expected, both clans were enraged to hear that their members were attacked in such a way. The eagle clan was mad but not as mad since he was just a regular clan member. The dragon clan, on the other hand, was different, this was the young master of their clan. The Turtle clan had soon discovered that this was the man they were looking for during these past months and decided to work together with dragon clan.

Kayn bounty rouse again, it was now 1 million gold coin, dead or alive! Tomorrow was the day of the Auction so many people were focused on the Auction at hand. "Athena, I want to drop by the Auction house, so make sure you stay in the training grounds until I get back." Kayn wanted to see if he could find anymore Elixir. He wondered if the Auction house was selling any at this time.

"Okay, I will go with you then, I know everyone there so I could get you a good deal." Athena nodded and said.

"Nah, I wanna do it alone, you stay here and practice more until I return." Kayn wanted to do something else while he was out and she couldn't be with him.

"This.." Athena looked Kayn in the eyes and nodded. "Alrighty then, just hurry back and stay out of trouble." Athena turned back around and proceeded to do push-ups as Kayn nodded and ported away. Kayn didn't forget to shapeshift into someone else when he teleported away. He was disguised as the blonde kid he used to use his disguise card on when he went to earth back in the day.

Kayn needed some elixir to boost his strength or he could find a worthy opponent and fight him for a good Zenkai boost, but this was quite hard for him as of now. It was just like Broly, he started off weak but soon awakened his potential while in a fight with Vegeta. Thus his power level skyrocket with ease and easily match both Goku and Vegeta in their god forms, he only adapted to their power levels. He was slightly weaker than Goku in his super Saiyan blue form but once he went super Saiyan, they couldn't match him anymore which led them to fuse. This was why Kayn was counting on those clans to come start a fight with him, it would only make him stronger by leaps and bounds.

Kayn once again arrived at the same alleyway he always teleported to. Under his disguised face, he walked out of the alleyway. Kayn could see that his bounty from the posters had risen, he wasn't surprised by this and kept walking onward. There were secretly people eyeballing the Royal palace, waiting for Kayn to show his face to confront him, they didn't dare to march to the royal palace straightforwardly.

Kayn asked a group of people for direction to the Auction house, it didn't take him long to find it under the group's direction. The people looked at the disguised Kayn like he was some foreigner who couldn't find his way around, he just decided to give them 2 gold coins each which stopped their way of thinking.

He just wanted to steal the Elixirs but he would have to locate them first. Kayn could easily teleport himself into the Auction house and take what he wanted and slipping away with no problem. He stood across the street from the Auction as he seemed to be thinking of something. Just as he was contemplating, he saw a familiar figure approaching the Auction house, he wore green battle armor which showed many turtle clan symbols, this was clearly the young master of the Heavenly Turtle clan.

"Hmm, to get in would be quite hard, but I have a solution for that." Kayn immediately Shapeshifted into the Young master of the Turtle clan and walked towards the gates of the residence. The guards looked confused as to why he was back so soon and why the guards he took weren't with him?

"Ah, Young Master, you're back so soon! Where are the 2 bodyguards you took with you?" The man asked.

"I left them at the Auction, I was short on money. I wanted to purchase something and didn't have enough so I told them to stay and watch while I come back to get more money." Kayn had already expected them to ask such questions and already had story formulated.

"Ah, It was like that. Sorry, I know you're in a rush, please go in." The guard hurriedly said.

Kayn nodded and flew towards the residence. No-one stopped him of course, Kayn made sure to suppress his power level to around the young master level as well. Soon, he entered the residence and asked one of the guards where the vault was. The house guards looked at him in confusion and told him where it was, they did find it strange that he should ask that but didn't think too much about it.

Kayn immediately rushed to the location of the vault, it was located deep under the residence. He was surprised to see how well hidden it was, it was a secret passage that no one would notice if they didn't pay attention to it. Like always, the area was heavily guarded with armored guards who looked serious, were they robots?

"Sorry young master Nex, but this place is off-limit to even you!" The guard's face was cold, he knew that this guy knew the rules and yet he still came here! Kayn could feel that these guards were quite powerful, Kayn said nothing and raised his power level to the mid trillions, all the guard's eyes bulged when they felt his strength.

Wh..what!? who.." The guard wanted to say more but Kayn sent two energy waves over instantly! "Ahhhh!!" The guards near the vault and off to the side were incinerated upon contact with the blast, the mansion shook as the secret area was completely destroyed, this easily alarmed everyone in the mansion.

The dust clouds were slowly disappearing as Kayn switched his appearance from the young master's to a clown, but not just any clown, it was pennywise the 1990 version. "Oh yeah, this is more like it! The Heavenly turtle clan is getting robbed by a clown, HAHA!" Kayn laughed in delight and blew the door off the vault.

Kayn started to suck everything up into his storage space and then something caught his eye, something of worth. "This stuff looks familiar. Yes, this is Red Platinum!" Kayn smiled widely, this stuff was quite good and hard to come by according to Athena. Kayn wasted no time and put it into his storage, at this point, the vault was completely emptied out!

Soon, Kayn could feel to hateful Aura honing in on him, the killing intent was unreal! Kayn turned around and 5 figure appeared out of the blue, they stared at Kayn with shock and anger! "Who the hell are you, you dare to steal from our clan!?" One of the men was nearly driven insane when he saw the vault looking so...well empty! It didn't help with the fact that they were being robbed by a guy dressed as a clown!

"Let's kill this damn clown! He clearly has a Space object on him that can store thing, if we kill him, we'll be able to get our stuff back plus more!" The man's face turned sinister to the point where his face didn't look humane anymore, it was the devil's face!

"Haha, I am Pennywise the dancing clown and you should count it as a blessing that I am robbing you!" Kayn laughed with a demeanor voice, it sounded just like the 1990 version of pennywise! The five Elder facial expression turned green from anger.

"Attack! KILL HIM!" One of the men raged and 3 Elder pounced at Kayn in a heartbeat. These elders were quite strong and their power levels were at least 2 Quadrillion each. Kayn grinned and used infinite might, his power level shot up immediately as a clear glow flow around his body. His power level went from 815 Trillion to just over 4 Quadrillion.

"What?!" The 3 Elder faces changed but it was already too late, Kayn jumped forward and formed a ki blade. The elder pulled out his sword as fast as he could but how could a sword block Kayn, it was cut through like paper and right through elder, he was slice in two just like that.

"Haha, We All float down here and you will too!" Kayn Teleported in an instant and arrived near the 2 elder who stayed back.

"Ah! Stay back, you crazy clown!" The man's face displayed dread, he tried to move away as fast as he could but was stabbed right in the neck! Blood began to shot out of his neck like a water fountain, he held his neck with a face of pure terror, all he saw before he died was Kayn evil smile that would give anyone nightmares!

"Ah! Elder Rance!" The two men that were going to attack Kayn earlier hollered upon seeing Rance getting killed!

Kayn turned back to the other elder and display a sadistic smile. "Stay back, you're going too far, you robbed us and then killed us! Our clan leader won't let you go!" The man appeared to be brave on the outside, but he was scared shitless, his forehead was full of sweat as he spoke so Kayn could easily see his fear.

Kayn's eyes turned bright red and he release Aura of terror upon the elder, he will show this elder true fear! "Ahhhhh!" The elder screamed and his face turned sweaty in an instant. Looking at this clown was even more terrifying now, he could feel his mind collapsing from fear.

"Hehe, Time to float!" Kayn began to walk slowly toward the man to scare him even more.

"Stay back, AH!!" the pissed himself as he fell to the ground. For some unknown reason, he actually vomited blood and fainted on the spot.

"Ah, man! You guys are no fun, hehe! I'll be on my way, have a nice day!" Kayn used the system to summon tons of balloon into the vault all around the suppressed elder before he teleported away. The minute Kayn left, the suppression was gone, so the elder could move now. The reason Kayn only kill that one elder was because he ordered for his death, so he sent him to death instead.

At that moment, the Leader and multiple elders of the Heavenly Turtle clan rushed in! "What the hell is going on, why is this place filled with balloons!" One of the elder exclaimed in annoyance!

"I have better question, why does it smell like piss in here, did someone piss themselves?" The man scanned to vault and saw two elders looking stupified, they couldn't believe what had happened! They easily noticed Elder Rance, whose body had turned cold, he was holding his neck with a face of horror, it was like he had seen hell itself. They also saw another elder they sent here, but the scene was so grotesque, he was sliced in half cleanly!

"Who did this!?" The leader of the Heavenly Turtle clan couldn't hold his rage, he really felt like killing someone right now! These were highly trained Elder of his clan but they were killed so easily, who could do such a thing?

The two men looked up at the Clan leader and spoke in unison.

"Pennywise the dancing clown!

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