DragonBall X: The Ultimate System [Re-Mastered]

Chapter 67 - The Auction Begins!!


The energy blade displayed a blue icy cold glow that was targeting the princess's neck! Kayn's facial changed greatly when he sensed the incoming death threat. He had no time to think about anything else and formed his own Ki blade to counter the incoming attack. Both Ki blades clashed as lightsaber sounds could be heard, it sounded like cracks were forming in the air.

Athena and Ariel were both alarmed when they saw Kayn move and clash with an unknown figure. The people in the area all looked their way when they heard and saw them clash. The figure that attack wore a blue jacket that covered the individual's body, it was pretty much a long baby blue trench coat. Kayn and everyone got a good look at the person who attack and they were stunned, this was especially so for Athena, she was enraged!

"Erica, you dare to attack me in broad daylight!" Athena said angrily. The woman that attack was a woman from the Heavenly Cryo Pheonix clan, she is originally from the same continent as Ariel. She had a beautiful face, but her expression was extremely cold. The trench coat couldn't hide her amazing curves and voluptuous ċhėst. She stared at Kayn with annoyance since he had blocked her blade, she was both annoyed and amazed.

Erica backed off and sneered "Athena, you trash, all you can do is hide behind a bodyguard! Just you wait until the competition arrives, that'll be the day I interrupt your legs and arms!" She spoke with contempt, then glared at Kayn. "Little bodyguard, I admit that you have a little skill to block my attack but don't get ahead of yourself just because you blocked my weakest swing!" The woman said coldly, her eyes and hair were baby blue so they match her trenchcoat which looked amazing together.

"Wow, did your brain split in half and drop into each of your tɨts or what? You must be the stupidest chick I've ever met." Kayn said in disdain. He was never generous to anyone who talked trash about him and would counter back with profanity. Everyone wanted to start laughing but held it in, they didn't want to offend this crazy woman. She was known to be crazy with a terrible personality, so they didn't dare to laugh.

"What did you say!?" The woman was instantly pissed off, she didn't say any more a rushed Kayn again with the intent to kill. She flexed her Ki blade, it was aimed straight at Kayn heart, she was trying to execute him on the spot.

Kayn swung his blade towards her blade and destroy her Ki blade instantly, she couldn't believe it. However, how could Kayn not follow up with a counter-attack, he spun, sending a kick toward her stomach. She wanted to retreat away the minute her blade disperse but it was too late for that. She knew it was too late so she used both her arms to block the incoming kick, she had light armor under her trench coat and even over arms beneath. The attack connected with her armor under the trench coat and cracked upon contact, she felt the impact of the kick fully despite having armor underneath.

"Ah!" She yelled in pain as she was sent flying away like leaves on a windy day. However, before she could crash into a wall, she was caught by a figure that appeared out of nowhere, it was the elder of her clan, who was watching the whole time.

"You dare to put your filthy feet on the young miss of my clan! Your seeking death!" The man put the woman down and was about jumped towards Kayn and attack. Suddenly a man appeared out of nowhere, he was wearing a luxurious robes with wolf symbols on them, he had a head full of white hair but still looked youthful.

He grab the elder a pushed him away the minute he appeared. "Mr. Jin, this is the wolf clan's place of business, there should be no fighting here." The man said with a smile, he had seen who started this whole matter.

"Ah, sorry Norman, but this peasant put his feet on my young miss, I demand justice!" The pointed towards Kayn in a very disrespectful manner.

"Haha, justice! That idiot young miss of yours tried to ȧssassinate the princess of this City!" Kayn laughed, he couldn't believe how ridiculous this guy sounded. He had the urge to walk up to this guy and beat him half dead!

"I demand justice, I say we strip her nȧkėd and throw her into the streets while tied up! " Kayn smiled lecherously and said. His eyes scanned Erica's body from head to toe!

"YOU DARE!?" Despite Erica's injury, she immediately spoke when she heard Kayn's demand for justice. She has never met such a dirty-mouthed person in her life before, just where did Athena find such a toxic person? And that lecherous gaze was sending chills down her spine!

"Boy, you've gone too far! Someone needs to teach you a lesson!" The elder eyes beamed with killing intent when heard Kayn's words.

"Stop arguing! Today is a special occasion, so act professional and go to your ȧssigned rooms!" The man couldn't stand it anymore and yelled. He was an elder from the Heavenly Wolf clan, this was a peaceful clan that didn't like conflict and remained neutral throughout all the competitiveness.

Erica got up and stared at both Athena and Kayn coldly, she gave Hmph and walked off. The elder followed her instinctively but shot Kayn a knowing gaze. She held her arm as she walked off; it looked quite comical seeing this scene, so Ariel couldn't help but chuckle. Athena remained quiet the whole time through the whole bout, it was like she was studying Kayn's fighting ability. Both Ariel and Athena already knew Kayn had a filthy mouth but didn't expect him to say that the young miss should be stripped and thrown into the streets!

The Elder from the wolf clan then looked at Kayn and his group. Both Ariel and Athena bowed then Athena grabbed Kayn's hand and they all walked off. Once they were out of sight, the elder took a deep breath, he couldn't help but feel the intenseness coming Kayn, this guy wasn't a normal bodyguard! Everyone else started cheering gossiping about what just happen, some broke out into wild laughter thinking about the stuff Kayn said.

"This is it, this is our room! Let's go, the Auction will begin in 15 minutes!" Ariel excitedly said as she dragged Athena and Kayn into the room. The room was beautiful, there was red carpet floors with many black leather couches inside. There were black dressers that held vases, and there were a lot of pictures hanging up on the walls. The bright beautiful chandelier lit the room up brightly.

Athena, Ariel, and Kayn sat on the couch, everyone was visible in their V.I.P rooms, so anyone could see you unless you pushed a buŧŧon to roll up the thick lookout glass that was opened. Everyone looked out and could see other V.I.P people sitting in their rooms. There were a total of 15 V.I.P rooms and they were on the second floor, so they could see the main lobby below filled with seats an people.

"I never get bored of seeing this scene, haha!" Ariel said with laughter.

He deliberately pointed to Kayn across the way and all his clansmen looked over at him. Their faces were full of disdain and mocking smile, Kayn simply gave them the middle finger and looked elsewhere. Their faces all turned red with anger, how dare he!?

Kayn also spotted another familiar face that was along the way, he discovered this individual because it kept glaring at him with killing intent and hate. This person was someone he just met, it was that Heavenly Cyro Pheonix clansmen chick from not too long ago! Her eyes were devoid of emotion as she looked at Kayn, it looked like she was ready to pounce at him at any moment.

Kayn didn't care and simply winked at her, then turned to take a seat. Erica clenched her fist, she would surely have to pay this guy back when the time comes. At this point the lobby was filled to the brim, some people even had to stand off to the side. At this time a man dress in blue plain robes walked up to the stage, his head was full of white hair and he sported a long white beard. His eyes were deep blue, his strength was quite strong if Kayn had to say so himself.

"Hello, everyone! My name is Wolfgang, and I'll be your host for today!" The man spoke through the microphone as he introduced himself. Everyone cheered and applauded when he introduced himself, they knew who he was but did so anyway.

"Today's Auction will start with something good! Let the Auction begin!" Wolfgang said. At that time a bulky figure came out holding a small black box. The small black box could easily fit in your hand, it was the same size as an average iPhone box. The box had a brewer and potion picture on it, this was clearly an Elixir.

"This is the Elixir of Power, this is a true elixir that we got in some ruin. We found out that it can boost your power level based on your potential! If you have trash potential, it will boost that as well and your power level but not nearly as much as if you had potential from the start." He spoke so everyone could hear.

"The starting price will be 250,000 gold coins! Starting now!"

Author Note: [10,000 Bronze coins=1 silver coin] [10,000 Silver coins= 1 gold coin] and so forth and on. :)

At that moment, the System spoke.

Kayn was stunned, this was the first time the system went out of its way to call him by his name! "Alright, It looks like I'll be getting this thing!" Ariel looked at Kayn with a bit surprise, did he have that type of money to get this Elixir or would he have Athena buy it for him?

260,000 Gold Coins!" A man spoke up

265,000 Gold Coins!"

270,000 Gold Coins!"

320,000 Gold Coins!"

450,000 Gold Coins!" A roared and said

Everyone gasp, seeing the price and felt down. These guys were simply too rich! the guy who voted last was The heavenly lion clansmen.

"450,000 gold coins going once!"

"450,000 gold coins going twice!"

"50 Platinum Coins!" Once everyone heard that their faces were filled with stress, too rich!

"Who is in room number 9, the V.I.P Seating area?" One man asked. These were people in the auditorium below, so they couldn't see who was in the room. However, this was different for the people on the same level as them, like the lion clan.

The golden lion clan glared at Kayn and up the price! "55 Platinum Coins!"

"60 Platinum Coins!" Their expressions were simply comical and ugly at this point!

"I suggest you stop bidding little bodyguard or else!" The elder of the clan spoke with bloodshot eyes.

Kayn laughed "If you're too broke to buy it then go home! This Auction doesn't need a bunch of poor impoverished clans, HAHA!" The golden lion members almost vomited blood when they heard him call them poor. They were so mad that they were preparing to attack, just when they were about to rush out to attack, a man spoke beside them.

"Don't worry about it, we'll deal with him afterward! Just wait until the auction ends, we'll settle it!" The man was quite strong, the golden lion clan was a royal family from a different continent, they didn't care about the fact that they were in the Pheonix clan territory. The man was quite strong as well, his power level was at least 170 quadrillion! This man was from a different clan, he was just one of their allied clans and his clan was much stronger than both the Pheonix clan and Golden lion clan!

"60 platinum coins going once!"

"60 platinum coins going thrice!"

"Sold to the people in room Nine. There will be someone sent to your room to receive the payment and give you your item, sir!" Wolfgang was so happy, his clan had just earned 60 Platinum coins with ease, this was a great gain for them.

Soon a woman appeared at the door and they did the exchange, she was dress in a blue and black maid outfit. The woman was very polite, it was especially so when she found out that this was the princess's room. She left right away after the exchange!

Kayn looked at the Elixir with joy as he thought 'Soon my power level will hit the quadrillions, haha!' Athena and Ariel looked at Kayn's intoxicating and happy expression. They then both looked at each other and smiled.

Author Note: Oh, yeah! A big fight will take place after this Auction! Let's just say, people will be dropping dead from all different clans! O_O

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