
The mysterious man's face turned unsightly as fear was clearly written all over his face! "Fuck, young master Arthur, RUN!!" The mysterious man hollered, he knew he couldn't beat Kayn and that death was all that could be given. Kayn's approach was fast, in his hand was huge scythe, and he planned to cleave this mysterious man into pieces. Kayn really liked using his Ki in this way, he loved using Ki weapons more than anything else, it was quite effective in executing opponents of just about any kind!

The man tried to fight back, he launched several blasts at Kayn but they were deflected by the weapon in Kayn's hand or just nullified by it! "Just accept your death! Remember that there is always someone stronger and better and that you've messed with the wrong one!" As soon as he said that, Kayn's figure disappeared; at this point, the lion clan's young master was running frantically with a fearful and panicked expression, and he was sweating like a madman.

"How could this happen?! How could this happen!? He is just a trash bodyguard, why is he this strong!?" The young master of the lion clan continued to fly as fast as he could while chanting in disbelief. But then a bold idea came to him, yes, he will take Athena as a hostage to save his life! He knew he couldn't get away and would probably get caught by Kayn if the elder really died. He rushed towards the auction house in a flash while all the dragon clansmen kept running away, which included the young master of it, Klaus.

Meanwhile, Kayn disappeared and arrived above the mysterious man. He was quite some distance away but he still swung his scythe, the attack cut through the void as it disappeared in the space before him. Kayn had killed many people earlier and earned enough to buy a new Ki law's ability, it was the cosmic type! Just like Jenemba, the attack appeared out of some purple dimension and formed near the elder body.

The mysterious man was sliced in half, he couldn't believe it. Kayn, who was so far away from him, was able to kill him from a distance without using any visible attacks, but his killing blow came out of a pocket dimension and chop him in half! Kayn didn't stop, he continued to slash and slash until the man was chopped up nice and good. It was a terrible bloody scene that many had to turn away from, it was just that horrible! Yet another terrible death was given out, people couldn't help but think of how sinister this guy was!

He was so fast, his body was a blur, and all they could really see was the white aura around his body. Kayn was broke in terms of system points, but he would earn them back once he completed those missions.

"Together, he can't take us all!" Many clans began to swarm Kayn right away, they thought that just a certain amount of people would be enough, but they were completely wrong. He is now being attacked by 3 different clans, the Red Shark Clan, the Black Ox Clan, and the Abyssal Crocodile Clan!

"What the hell! I don't even know most of you and you guys come to seek trouble with me!?" Kayn was angry seeing these clans he didn't even know attacking him! Were they trying to get on the other clan's good side or something? Kayn could understand the Red Shark clan but these other 2 clans were unknown to him.

"You little bastard, you just annoy us, so we'll kill you as a stepping stone for fame and your auction items! Soon the clans from the South Continent will rule this continent anyway, so just DIE!" The clans were pretty clear on what they wanted to do here, these clans were from different continents and they were here to defame the Phoenix clan and take over their city. From what he could hear, a big war was definitely afoot. This could be related to the ȧssassination of so many royal clans from other continents, and yes, even Athena and her brother who is already dead.

"Then that's another clan to add to the dead list! I'll be sending you guys to the front door of King Yama!" Kayn said. He understood what this meant right away, he was just that much closer to figuring out who was behind all of this. Kayn moved with speed the average eye couldn't perceive towards the group of clansmen.


Meanwhile, Someplace Else

"Yes, there it is, now I'll capture her as a hostage. Maybe I can get out of here with her with no problem!" Arthur's face was unknowingly sinister, he was planning to capture Athena and if things went well, he could kidnap her.

It didn't take him long to arrive at the auction house, but he was surprised because both Athena and Ariel were standing outside with Kara. They appeared to be waiting for someone, it was obviously Kayn.

Arthur's eyes turned bloodshot from joy, he wasted no time and pounced towards Athena. However, just when he was about to grab Athena, he was kicked in the face.

"AHHHH!!" Arthur screamed in pain.

His teeth were sent flying across the air and landed on the ground. Arthur was sent flying upside down through the air, his nose was broken since it was crooked and bleeding. Arthur's eyes dilated as he looked towards Athena, while she was looking at him with a stunned expression.

Arthur found that it wasn't her that kicked him but it was....Ariel! Her eyes were cold as an abyss, he found out from the pressure she was giving off, that this chick was far stronger than him. This woman was hiding her power level the whole time, he was like a desperate animal at the moment and rushed to attack again!

"You actually have the audacity to attack my friend while I'm present!?" Ariel sent another kick towards Arthur, he couldn't see the kick at all, it was just too fast. He was once again kicked flying, he couldn't have never imagined that this chick who didn't like to fight was this strong, she hid herself well! After being kick harder, he slammed towards the ground and fainted afterward.

"Ah, man! I just got these new kicks, now they have blood on them!" Ariel wanted to cry seeing her brand new shoes get dirty, she just bought these yesterday, these were limited edition, how could she not be mad! I know I would! She wore an all-white dress with heels that had diamonds all through them, they were flashy and sparkly not to mention they cost a lot!

"This guy, he tried to attack you for some reason. He looked extremely desperate to!" Kara was going to intervene anyway if Ariel didn't do anything.

"These guys are getting more and more out of hand!" Athena walked up to Arthur and kicked him in the stomach! They could all hear the "oof" roadblocks sound coming from Arthur's mouth. "Let's go back inside, we might get attacked again if we stay out here." Athena paused and squinted her eyes as she looked toward the horizon. "There seems to be a big commotion outside of the city, it's a big fight!" Athena's eyes suddenly grew wide when she noticed the situation. They all wanted to check it out, but it would be far too dangerous with their identities at the moment.

They could all sense many people grouped outside of the city, they also felt many powerful people dying in large numbers. There was a huge power signature killing a lot of people in that particular direction, it was simply too scary! "Goodness, so many people are getting Rekted over there, who could be that strong!?" Kara was stunned and scared to some degree, what if it's a hostile individual?

"Hehe, we don't have to worry about that, I guarantee you that the person isn't a hostile." Ariel gave a knowing smile.

"No way, could it be.." Athena had a moment of enlightenment, she seemed to have realized something. Kara was still confused and wanted to ask but both Athena and Ariel immediately turned away, walking back into the auction house.

"Dang, it!" Kara gnashed her teeth, she felt like she was ignored all the time.

Right when they left, a figure flashed by and Arthur's body disappeared.


Outside the City

All of a sudden, Kayn swung his fist across the air, then it appeared out of pocket space and nailed one of the men in the face. The man's head was knocked off his shoulders as he went crashing toward the ground, never to move again. At this point, Kayn had killed a lot and I mean a lot of people from the 3 clans, there were only 10 people left!

"How is this possible!? He killed all 80 of our people!" The clansmen had brought at least 30 people per clan but they were killed like chickens and sheep! "Guys, prepare to attack this man with our full force attack!" The man yelled and soared higher into the sky. The last remaining clansmen from each clan followed to ȧssist him with the full force attack. They began to power up a strong beam like attack together, it looked like it was aimed at Kayn. They were feeling desperate and this was all they could do.

"Are you guys serious, do you think I would just stand here and get hit?" Kayn couldn't help but question these guys' intelligence.

"Haha, stupid boy! Do you think we're aiming at you? You killed a lot of Golden Lion and Dragon clansmen with this trick! I'm afraid that if you don't block this, then that Auction House with princess in it is History!" The men all laughed evilly and they began to charge the attack much faster.

"Oh, so that's how it was." Kayn shook his head and looked back, he had good eyesight so he could see the auction house if he looked closely. The attack was indeed aimed at the auction house, even with the shields up, it would do no good in blocking this attack.

"Haha, Byebye! Maximum Cannon!" The Clansmen's attack shot out, it was a huge yellow beam similar to the final flash. Kayn also launched his attack silently, the orange star-like attack collided with the yellow beam and the size of the star-like attack grew instantly the minute it made contact with the beam, but it was similar to the old Broly's attack when both Gohan and Broly's attack collided against each other in the movie at the end.

Kayn had an understanding on how to condense his Ki attacks to this level. He didn't only watch as Athena trained over a month, he was doing a little training himself. Thus, he came up with a new move himself, he called it....Death Sphere!

The attack grew and grew, it looked just like a bright sun. The attack kept growing until it slammed into the ground, rocks, hills, and trees were destroyed, it was clear that after this attack had settled, it would leave a giant crater afterward. The bright attack could be seen from miles away, so it didn't go unnoticed by the people in the city. The attack was different from a Death Ball, it was mixed with a lot of fire attribute energy. Just being near this attack would cause terrible burns that Ki couldn't block.

"What is this? This huge ball isn't budging one bit, this is impossible!" One man couldn't understand what was going on, why couldn't they push Kayn back?

"This guy is too strong, I knew I should have stayed home!" One of the men was feeling down, he should have just stayed home, then he wouldn't be in this situation.

"This attack is giving off terrible heat and it's so bright, I can bȧrėly see anything!" One man complained. He could feel his arm hairs burn away the minute the attack grew to some degree, it was just too hot. At this point, the sky had turned dark, it looked like it was going to thunderstorm at any moment.

"Yawn, I think I'm done playing here, see ya!" Kayn charged up another attack and threw it towards his Death Sphere. The Death Sphere grew even bigger and the landmass, along with the city walls, were getting destroyed.

"Oh my god! Run for your life!" Many people on the city walls that were watching ran and flew away. People started to evacuate their houses without grabbing any valuables. They only thought about living at this point.

"Noooooo!" The clansmen all yelled in terror! Their attack was being pushed through with ease until it was devoured by the huge sun-like attack. They were hit with the full force of the attack, all of them screamed until there was nothing left of them. The attack flew through the sky and into outer space, then it exploded over the planet. Sad to say that people in the orbital stations over the planet, weren't so fortunate. ???? ⚰️ R.I.P

There was no destructive shockwaves, just an extremely bright light that appeared in the clouds just like the time superman was nuked in batman vs superman. Many looked on with amazement, this didn't go unnoticed by a single person in the city, it was just too eye-catching. The attack finally subsided after 2 minutes and everything returned to normal, except it started to rain. Strangely, it was only raining outside of the city where the fight took place.

"It's finally over!" Kayn exclaimed. He then turned around and shot out his senses. It didn't take him long to pick up the Dragon clans tracks. "Haha, wanna run, huh! I'll let you off if you get away from me a 2nd time but we'll see if that's possible!" Kayn Warped away, he was now heading towards the remaining dragon clansmen.

[Host's Status]

Name: Kayn (Luke)

Race: Saiyan

Bloodline: 100% Legendary Ancient Saiyan

Talent: Spacial Ki Laws, Lightning Ki Laws, Fire Ki Laws, Ice Ki Laws, Cosmic Ki Laws

Age: 18(+3)-Year-Old

Lifespan: ∞ Years

Body State: Healthy


[Ki Control: (S)],[Ki Shaping: (A++)],[Kamehameha: (S)],[(Instant Transmission: (S)]

[Ki Sense: (A++)] [Destructo Disc: (B+)] [Creation: (A)] [Warp: (S)]

[Spirit Ball: (B+)] [Spirit Bomb: (B)][Superior Sense: (A+)][(Solar Flare: (B][Galactic Donut: (B)] [Warp Step: (A)] [Final Flash: (C++)] [Big Bang: (C++)] [Super Kamehameha: (A)][Space Creation: (C)] [Special Beam Cannon: (D)] [Hell Zone Grenade: (E++)] [Death Sphere: (D++)] [Double Sunday: (D++)]

[Close Combat-]

[Muay Tai: (E)][Boxing: (A+)][Taekwondo: (A)] [Taijutsu: 1000 (A+)] [Tiger Style Kungfu: (B+)] [Dambe: (D+)]


[Oozaru: (x15)] [KiaoKen: (x3)(x4)(x20)] [LASSJ: (x100)] [LASSJ-2: (x200)] [LASSJ-3: (x800) [Infinite Might: (Initial Stage(x5)/(Stage One G-1(x20)] [Ikari: (x15)] [True God Essense (Sealed)]

[Passive Abilities-]

(Aura Of Terror),(Aura Of Oppressive Might)(Divine Language) (Eternal Youth)(Enhanced Breathing) (Enhanced Survivability(No Oxygen),(Enhanced Durability)(Enhanced Strength)(Immortality)(Moon Essense)(Combat Adaptability)(Anti-Destruction)(Divine Creation)(Universal Warp)(ShapeShift)

[Ki Practices]

(Legendary Ancient Ki)


[(Omni Cure Pill (x1)][(Power Pill (x5) (Low-Grade)][(Senzu bean (x89)][Reality Orb [0/2]][(Power Pill (x1) (Mid-Grade)][Discount Card(50%)][System Ai (SnowOwl)][Ki Orb(SSG-Ki)][Time Ring][Water Of Life (x2)][Elixir of Speed (x1)][High-Grade Power Pill (x2)]

[(100,200 System Points]

Author Note: There is a full power to his LASSJ form that he'll have to unlock later, it more bulky like Broly's form. But that for another time, hehe.

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