DragonBall X: The Ultimate System [Re-Mastered]

Chapter 75 - Ariel's Deadly Assault!!


The voice roared with unspeakable rage. However, Kayn wasn't fazed one bit by this threatening question. This guy's power level wasn't nothing compared to the people at the auction. The man soon appeared, he was accompanied by ten people. Apparently, these were the only survivors of Block A, everyone else had perished.

"You!" The man coldly looked at Kayn and continued: "Why are you attacking our Castle Fort? And who are you?" The man asked threateningly, he looked at Kayn with hate and annoyance. All of his people had died at the hands of Kayn; it didn't matter what the reason was for, the man wanted to kill Kayn no matter what.

"What a dumb question, you very well know why I attacked this castle!" Kayn looked at the man with murderous intent. "You ȧssassins will have to be destroyed today and that's the end of it!" All the men in black, including the leader who questioned him, were all stunned for a minute but then their faces turned sinister.

"Hahaha! So we've been found by some random guy! I don't know how you found this planet or how you descended here but you can't be allowed to live!" They were quite stunned because this planet had poisonous clouds around it to prevent people from getting here. The planet also had a special barrier around it for extra defense, who could pass all of this?

"Kill this bastard already, we'll take his head back as a trophy!" The man pointed towards Kayn and commanded his forces. They all nodded with joyous smiles and began to rush Kayn. Kayn had received a Zenkai boost from his fight at the auction house, so he was much stronger than before. The people only saw Kayn's power level to be in the millions and thought he was an easy target.

Kayn flew forward a display afterimages, he had formed a Ki weapon as usual. He waved his blade quickly as he passed by everyone who attacked him in a flash. All 10 of the men stopped but suddenly, blood lines started to appear all over their bodies.


The men started falling apart, they were sliced in so many places, yes, all 10 of them had died just like that! The last man was shocked, how could this be, wasn't his power level only in the millions? The man seemed to realize something and became cautious, he knew what Kayn was playing at.

"Damn it, you've been hiding your strength to catch them all off guard!? I don't believe you're strong enough to fight me though!" The man began to power up his Ki, the man was also good at hiding his power level, it had jumped all the way to 39 Quadrillion.

"Wow, talk about me, look at you! Well, it doesn't matter because it's just not enough." Kayn grinned and said.

"Haaaa!" Kayn turned into a super Saiyan and began his ȧssault!

Castle Fort Block B

At this time, two silhouettes soared and arrived at block B. This was obviously Athena and Ariel. Not too long ago, they heard an eerie laugh throughout the area, they were unsure where it came from but it was very loud. If they knew that it was Kayn, it was no telling what they would think. They both stopped near Block B, the place seemed to be in a frenzy.

"Why is there so much movement all of a sudden, could it be from that voice we heard not too long ago?" Athena could see multiple people running and flying around, their guard was up quite a bit as they scanned the area. They both also sensed that their Ki senses were still disabled.

"That must be the case, they can't sense us because their Ki senses are being blocked. I'm not too sure how strong these guys are but we need to kill these guys and their leaders. We just have to make sure that the leader has an intact corpse like Kayn said so that we can get to the bottom of this." Ariel explained her thoughts.

"Okay, let's do what we have to do and start killing these evil scums!" Athena gnashed her teeth when she looked at these people, this was the group of people that ȧssassinated her brother, she must kill as many as she can! Ariel nodded, she couldn't agree more, these guys were the reason she was always on house arrest and couldn't go anywhere.

However, at that moment, they heard a voice speak out to them. "I knew I heard some voices over here, hey Colton, I told you I heard something over here, I ain't deaf." The man had blue skin and pointy long ears, he clearly had good hearing. Athena and Ariel jumped in fright and looked over to see a man who had a wide grin on his face.

"Damn, two beautiful chicks lost in the forest! Oh dear god, look at that redhead, this chick's body is top-notch!" The man was a bulky burly man with blonde hair, he drooled as his eyes displayed endless ŀust when he looked at Athena. "Her face is just as good, this woman with the white and black hair is just as good, her ȧss is looking really good, haha!" The burly man felt like he won a lottery, this was too good of a fortune! He had a white badge on him that said trainee, he was clearly a rookie ȧssassin who was newly appointed.

Ariel and Athena were disgusted with the Burly man, they would surely send this man to his death! "Little lasses, how about you come play with us over there, I won't be too rough." The man grinned, which showed a row full of yellow stinky teeth that were turning brown, there seemed to be food in his teeth as well.

"Not even in your dreams, you scumbags!" Athena was almost driven mad when she heard his vulgar words, not to mention how disgusting he looked. His face was full of pimples and blemishes, this guy was truly an ugly existence!

The light in Ariel's eyes disappeared and she glinted towards the burly man. He was completely caught off guard by Ariel's sudden attack. He tried to block the attack when she kicked towards him, sadly, she was aiming elsewhere and it wasn't his head or ċhėst.


"AHHHHHH!" The man yelled an ear shattering scream of horror. Ariel had destroyed his growing area, he was now a cripple, the man fell to the ground, he was foaming profusely at the mouth with blank eyes! The pointy eared man who was once laughing face changed into one of shock! The burly man's screams were quite loud so this would only draw attention to them.

"You bitch, how dare you sneak attack my bro like that!" The man was infuriated and shot a beam toward Ariel. Ariel hovered around the attack and moved in on the man ready to send another deadly kick out. The man wasn't stupid, he knew what she was trying to do and grabbed her leg, tossing and swinging her toward the ground.

Ariel caught herself and landed on the ground safely but the ground cracked when she landed. At this time, more people came over and analyzed what was going on. "Oh, we have intruders, so this is what is going on!" One man said

"These two must have something to do with that loud voice we heard earlier, it must be them!" Another man landed on a tree with 3 other guys behind him and said.

"Wow, these women are actually quite good, I haven't seen anything like them in a while! Hmm, wait, why do these two look so familiar? I feel like I've seen them somewhere but I can't put my finger on it." A man with blue armor flew over, he seemed to recognize the two but can't seem to remember where he saw them from.

"It doesn't matter, they are intruders, so we should capture them and torture them a bit, hehe!" A bald man came out of who knows where and said. He scanned both the women and licked his lips and thought. 'Yes, these are some good quality women.'

"It looks like Colton is done for, his nuts have been shattered, haha!" The man laughed in disdain and continued: "Capture them alive, we'll have fun with them first, then we'll get our answer from them!" The man issued a command and multiple figures that seemed to be hiding in the woods lunged towards Athena and Ariel.

Ariel didn't linger, she sent a spinning kick toward one of the men, it was aimed at his head! She was planning to kill this time, definitely after what she heard them say. The man was confused seeing her spin but didn't notice the kick coming towards his head.


The man's head exploded from the full force of Ariel's attack, but she didn't stop there and sent an energy wave attack towards the group of men attacking Athena. The men were caught off guard by this attack and died without knowing how. The reason she could beat these guys so easily was because they were rookies. Block B was where the majority of the rookies were and trained. Another man attacked Ariel and both their forearms slammed into each other. Their Ki senses were also locked down, so she used this to her advantage.

"Damn! This white-haired witch has killed several of our people so quickly, who the hell is she!?" The leader bald man was stunned to see how fast everything had happened, they died so fast that he couldn't really process it.

Ariel and the man forearms connected. They both continued to push each other back, they were using brute force at this point. However, a shadow appeared behind Ariel, she was then kicked in the back and sent hurling into the forest somewhere. All they heard was her slamming into multiple trees! The man who sneak attacked her was feeling joyous but then he felt something cold in his back.

He checked to see what it was but as soon as he wanted to, he was cleaved in half. He died without knowing who killed him, but he would probably figure it out later. If you haven't guessed already, then yes, it was Athena!

"You damned bitch, you despicable sŀut! You dare to attack and kill from behind!" The roared in rage

"Humph, he just attacked her from behind, why don't you say anything about that!" Athena countered

"Shut up!" The man didn't care and rushed Athena, he was too fast for her, she was not an opponent of any of these people. As soon as the man got close, he disappeared and attacked her from below by grabbing both her legs and ruthlessly slamming her into the ground.

"Ah!" Athena's body went stiff from pain as she screeched in pain after the impact. The man laughed menacingly and continued to kick Athena in her side.

"This is what you get for attacking people off guard, feel the pain and cry more, haha!" He then stomped her in the back. He loved this feeling of dominance, she was nothing to him. However, as he was enjoying himself, he heard a sinister voice in his ear.

"Die~!" The man panicked, he almost didn't have time to panic but somehow managed to. Multiple blasts were fired off like fireworks into his body until he was riddled with holes. The man was coughing up blood constantly and fell to his knees. He looked up and saw that it was the woman who was sent flying into the forest not too long ago, it was Ariel!

Ariel smiled at the man, then it turned into a frown, she then sent a spin kick toward his neck. The man's head detached from his shoulders and flew off into the forest somewhere, never to be seen again.

"Good lord!" The bald man's face changed. That man was one of the strongest people here and he died so miserably. The man was on par with him, the bald man was slightly stronger than him. The man naturally panicked, but there were still multiple people watching the fight, so he calmed down.

However, everyone felt like their Ki senses had returned, they also felt a strong presence coming in their direction. It was coming over at great speed, they all recognized this Aura, it was the Watchman of Block B, he was accompanied by other powerful ȧssassins. They were being guided by one of the rookies, but with the return of Ki Sense, it wasn't hard to find them.

Ariel helped Athena get up from the ground as Athena held her side in pain. Athena popped a Senzu bean into her mouth and started to feel her body healing right away. "Are you okay Athena?" Ariel asked worryingly

"I'm okay now, yes!" Athena nodded, she had dirt on her face. She looked at the dead man who kicked her with a smug face.

"Don't get happy you damned sŀuts, the watchmen are almost here, and when they get here, that'll be the time you die or get caught!" The bald man yelled in anger seeing them acting like there was nothing to worry about.

They both ignored him and spoke to each other. "He's right, they'll be here in like 1 minute, what do we do?" Athena asked. She didn't show it but she was really worried. Maybe they could run back to Kayn!

"I know what you're thinking but remember the earrings Kayn gave us? If things get hard, then we can use those." Ariel hadn't forgotten the earrings at all, in fact, she was counting on using them, she was confident.

Athena slapped her forehead and opened her mouth in a shape of an O. "Dang it, how could I forget that of all things, yes, we'll use them!" Athena smiled and felt relieved.

Soon, multiple figures arrived, they were very powerful, their power levels were most definitely in the quadrillions! "Oh, so these two are the intruders who gave off that booming voice not too long ago? They're nothing, how could so many people die at their hands!?" The man frowned as he looked at so many dead people scattered about.

"Neegan, go capture them alive, cripple their arms and legs first!" The man commanded one of the ȧssassins that came with him. This man's power level was far beyond Athena and Ariel, it was at least 30 quadrillion.

"Athena, it really looks like we'll have to use it." Ariel looked at Athena and stated when she saw the incoming danger. These people were far too strong for them to even do damage to physically or in any other way.

Athena nodded and both of them pulled out their Potara earrings.


Castle Fort Block A

Kayn was already leaving Block A. He was now heading towards Block C. He had killed everyone in Block A and recovered all of their memories with the scanner. Once he killed the man, he encountered another man who was stronger and killed him as well. At this point, the Ki sense of everyone had started to come back.

"Alright then, block C, here I come!"

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