DragonBall X: The Ultimate System [Re-Mastered]

Chapter 86 - Attack on the Underworld Alliance Part 3 Final!!


[Mission progress!]

⍣ Bases[8/10]

⍣ Leaders[9/12]

Kayn had two more bases to destroy and three more leaders to kill left. Soon, he appeared in a wetland, it was raining heavily. This time, their bases weren't located near civilization. The base that appeared before him was a huge floating island with a giant castle on it. The floating island had a beautiful forest on it with some animals eating grass on it as well.

"Wow, not bad, this gives me a good idea for my plant New Genesis, I'll take it!" Kayn liked the idea of a floating island. He ascended to the floating island since this time the system spawned him on the ground. Kayn could see that this place was no joke compared to the others. There were several guards around this place wearing white and silver armor. Each of their power levels was at least 150 to 170 quadrillion.

Kayn sighed and said "It looks like if I want to get done with this place as quickly as possible, I'll have to use it!" Kayn smiled a bit, but he wanted to test it out and see what he could get from it. He went Super Saiyan two and Hollard "All of you, turn into chocolate!" A pink static looking beam came out of Kayn's finger and hit several guards and turned them into chocolate. They were turned in Reese cups! No notification went off because they weren't dead, and instead, they just turned into candy.

Kayn didn't eat them and shot them with a small Ki laser to kill them off. He didn't want to eat wet chocolate, so he just killed them outright. He had to admit that this Underworld Alliance was quite strong.

However, Kayn missed one and he sounded the alarm! Kayn looked at the man who pushed a buŧŧon on his wrist and shot him in the head with a laser. "How annoying, how could I miss one!?" As soon as he said that multiple figures appeared in the sky, they were looking around. There were about 30 to 40 of them looking around the castle for the intruder.

"Motherfucker! I can't use my Ki sense for some reason, what is going on!?" One man said with rage

"This must be the enemy's plot, he or she wants to block our sense and kill us all silently!" One bald man said coldly.

"All the bodyguards around the sky island are missing, this is clearly a sneak attack from the enemy!" Many of the people searched around wanting to kill the hell out of whoever was attacking them, but they found nothing!

"Where is this damn bastard hiding!?" They couldn't find Kayn because he was invisible. He was using an ability he acquired from buying the light Ki Affinity. He could bend the light in such a way that it made him invisible, and with everyone Ki sense being blocked, no one could find him.

"Haha, if I knew that this affinity was this good, I would have bought it long ago!" Kayn began to power up an attack, but with this; he would be spotted. In an instant, everyone looked below after seeing a bright white light!

"There's the little fuċker! Kill him! Be careful, he's powering up an attack!" Just as the man said that, Kayn shot off his attack

"Hail of Lights!"

"D-dodge!" One of the man Hollard but there was just too many to dodge, they could bȧrėly see the attacks! Most of the men in the sky were pieced like porcupines! Several people from the castle could be seen falling out of the sky dead from the barrage of light!

Kayn racked up some more points with their deaths but some were still alive. Kayn was just about to finish them off until he felt a crisis besieging him. He pulled back and saw a man wearing gold battle robes. He was an old man with several wrinkles on his face. He had a head full of white hair, but his eyes were full of life and vigor.

The man was pissed; he didn't say anything and directly ȧssaulted Kayn. This man was clearly the boss of this Castle, his strength was the highest Kayn had seen in this universe to date! Kayn was shocked and couldn't block on time, he was hit in the face, as he was sent flying into the forest, and only stopped once he crashed through a few trees.

"Damn, this tree situation is bringing up some bad memories from my past." Kayn got up and wiped the dirt off his clothes. "This guy is the strongest I've seen, this Underground alliance is quite powerful." The man's power level was at least 273 quadrillion in strength, this man was no joke!

"You didn't die!? Cockroaches are good at surviving the most!" The man appeared in front of Kayn and sent a blazing red palm towards Kayn face. He dodged right on time and back away. Kayn used a quick burst of Kaio-ken and kicked the man in the stomach, which sent him flying away. The man caught himself and looked at Kayn viciously.

However, Kayn power up to Super Saiyan 3 this time and his power skyrocket! "What is this, why has your hair grown so much?" The man asked, but then started to think that it didn't matter so much, so what!? The man rushed Kayn again and formed two Ki lances on each of his hands! The goal was to impale Kayn and kill him for good!

"DIE!" The man screamed

Kayn sent a powerful punch towards the man and collided with his lance. The lance made cracking sound and broke like glass, the punch landed on the man's body, to be exact, his stomach. Kayn's fist went right through the man as he screamed in horror!

"AHHHH!" His screams echoed throughout the area.

"See ya!" Kayn stretched his hand out and blasted the man into nothingness.

[Congratulations, you've killed Underworld Alliance Supreme Leader, you've received 5,000,000 System points!]

"Oh shoot, that was the leader of the Underworld Alliance!?" Kayn was stunned, it was no wonder he was so strong! Kayn flew off and continued to kill the last of the people in the area. He sent a big bang toward the Castle and destroyed it on the spot, after five minutes, everything was settled here.

"Well, it's time to destroy the last base. System, take me to the last location!" Kayn said after scanning the area for any loose ends.

[Ding! Initiating Final Destination! Warping in 5..4...3....2....1!]

For the last time, Kayn turned into particles. Moments later he appeared on a snowy planet that was experiencing a snowstorm. There was a huge snow fortress in the area that was clearly his next target, there were no natives in this area or on this planet at all, just this fortress!

Kayn could tell that there were two bosses in this fortress due to the mission and the fact that he felt two power levels that were equally the same. "Haha, let's make this last attack interesting, System, can you do me a favor?" Kayn asked

[If it requires System points to accomplish then it can't be done unless you pay the toll!]

Kayn sighed and said. "Forget it, I don't need it, this should be enough!" Kayn began to change, he roared as white fur began to spread all over his body. His size kept increasing and increasing until he was standing 35 feet tall! Kayn had turned into a huge white Oozaru!

"Haha, with them getting killed by an ape that matches the environment, it seems just about right!" Kayn said with a deep voice. Kayn did this to make it seem like this was the territory of this form, the Oozaru! No one would suspect that it was a humanoid individual that was actually taking this form. Kayn opened his mouth and powered up a beam in order to destroy the fortress. This fortress was huge, so he was sure that he wouldn't be able to kill everyone.

A bright yellow light was shot out! The people in the fortress had long started to move out of the fortress because of the roar they heard earlier when Kayn had transformed. However, there were still people who didn't budge. The laser slammed into the fortress with a flash of blinding light.


A huge yellow sphere appeared and could be seen for miles! Anyone who was remotely close to this area was history. The majority of the people in the fortress died in a blink of an eye while very few survived but were still injured badly.

Kayn even closed his eye due to the blinding light; he had never shot such a beam attack before. His power had increased by x15 in this form, but once he became a Super Saiyan 4, this base power of his Oozaru form would increase dramatically! He would probably opt for using his Ikari ability more often than others.

The attack settled down and the area was silent, there was only the sound of the snowstorm wind brewing for a moment. Soon, there was some movement and twenty figures took to the sky. In this snowstorm, it was quite hard to see how they looked, but it was absolutely no doubt in Kayn's mind that these guys were mad! Kayn couldn't see their expression or faces well but they could easily see Kayn and his form.

"What the hell is that!?" An elderly woman was shocked to see Kayn.

"It looks like a giant monkey, I thought this planet was uninhabited!" The man was angry, he had heard that this planet was deserted, how could there be a monkey this strong on this planet?

"This monkey fur looks top-notch, if we can kill it, we can sell its body parts! The head could be used as a trophy, so I call dibs on the head!" This man was one of the leaders, he spoke before the other leader could say anything, this would allow him first pick.

"Whatever, just kill it, once we kill it, we can decide." The other leader said casually. Kayn heard what they wanted to do to him and he was enraged! This was a rookie base full of weaklings, they stationed two leaders here to train the trainees. They weren't so mad with the lost of these people, this is why they said nothing about it. They could just get more later from other planets.

'You wanna use me as a trophy to hang up in your home, stop dreaming!' Kayn said to himself. He began to power up another beam in his mouth, this time, it was much bigger.

"Shit, it's about to attack again, scatter!" The elderly woman Hollard and everyone spread out immediately! However, Kayn stopped and used instant transmission and appeared behind two men who were together. They had no Ki sense, so they didn't know the crisis they were facing, killing intent was even suppressed, so how could they know?

The woman, seeing the ape disappear, was stunned for a second and looked around, only to see it behind her companions! "Merik and Eric, behind you!!" She screamed with great warning, these men were surprised. They turned around but it was already too late, Kayn slammed his fist down, his fist tore through the void, melting even the snow in his path. Both men had their eyes wide open and were smashed into meat paste! They were completely dead!

"Good Heavens!" One man screeched, he began to panic, what movement technique was that? How can a huge ape move that fast, it didn't make sense at all! Kayn had stored the attack in his mouth up from earlier and launched it instantaneously. The attack nailed half the men, they were hit because Kayn was moving the beam as he turned his head, it was practically a laser of destruction.



"Save me~!!!"

Screams of dread echoed throughout the chilling snowy skies! One of the leaders was badly injured by the beam but managed to survive. His face had been scorched from the attack, he slammed into snow with steam coming from his body. At this point, there were only six people left, including the other leader who managed to dodge the laser.

"What kind of monkey is this!? We can't win, we have to run! This might be his territory, if we leave he may not pursue us!" The elderly woman spoke and turned tail to fly as fast as she could. However, Kayn appeared in front of her as she slammed into his hairy ċhėst, her eyes dilated from fear. Kayn reached out and grabbed her into his hands.

"N-Noooo! Please, don't kill me!!" Nope, Kayn put the squeeze on her and she exploded into a bloody mess! The other men were stunned stupid, they were shaking in fear now, this thing didn't want to let them go!

Suddenly, a red Aura appeared on Kayn's body, this was Kaio-ken! Kayn used a swift burst of Kaio-Ken and immediately arrived in front of two other men. Kayn clapped his hands together on the men like a bug had appeared in front of him and squashed them both to death!

"AH~~!! RUN!" There were 3 people left which was the leader who had been scorched, the other leader, and this elder man who screamed like never before. Both turned tail to run as fast as they could. This creature was unusual to them, it wanted them dead without letting one escape!

Suddenly, a fist came out of the void, to be exact, it was pocket dimension, this was cosmic law! The Leader didn't see it coming and was he clobbered! All his bones were crushed as he sprayed out a mouth full of blood. Blood could be seen coming out of his mouth, nose, and ears; he was fatally injured!

The blood splashed on the other man which blinded him since some got in his face. The man kept running/flying aimlessly without stopping, even though he couldn't see anything; he was just that scared! At this point, both leaders were decommissioned and couldn't fight back. Kay slammed downward and landed on the scorched body leader, smashing him to death with his feet.

Kayn didn't bother with other leader; he was going to die soon from his injury, it was such a fatal injury that there was no coming back from that. Kayn shot his senses out and found the man who got away, he was hiding in a cave. Kayn teleported to the cave, but outside of it instead since he was too big to fit in it, he shot a blast at the cave, causing a large crater to form. Due to the attack Kayn had just used, the man was slightly injured but could still run if he could.

The man had rubble on him but his upper body was still sticking out. "N-nooo, please, don't kill me, I can give you a lifetime supply of bananas and peanuts, what do you say?" The man said fearfully. Kayn's mouth twitched after hearing the man's declaration. Kayn slowly approached the man and started laughing as he did! The man was so shocked that he pissed himself and started to cry, what kind of creature was this!?

"DIE!" Kayn said with a smile

The man's eyes were wide open, did this thing just speak!? The man wanted to say something but Kayn just stepped on him and killed him directly! At that time, the other leader must have finally kicked the bucket, because Kayn received another notification!

[Congratulations, you've killed Underworld Alliance Subleader, you've received 500,000 System points!]

[Congratulations, you've killed Underworld Alliance Base leader, you've received 1,000,000 System points!]

『Source of Evil: Find and Eradicate The UnderWorld Alliance!』Completed!

⭑ Congratulations, you've received-6,000,000 System Points!]

⭑ Congratulations, you've received-Embryo Editing Interface!]

⭑ Congratulations, you've received-Skill Creation Card (x1)]

"HAHAHA, GOOD!!" Kayn joyously to himself!

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