DragonBall X: The Ultimate System [Re-Mastered]

Chapter 9 - All Missions Completed!! (Re-Mastered)


It was now time to leave this rock. Kayn hadn't been here for even a week and he wanted to leave.

Kayn was weighing the pros and cons of making a planet. The Pros were the system points he would accumulate and a place he could make his base. The Cons were possibly being discovered by some hostile forces Like Frieza or worse, that God of Destruction. Kayn also spent over 60,000 thousand SP on his planet which made his heart bleed, but he thought of how it would pay off in the future. There was one thing he wanted that would surely make his planet complete, and that was Dragonballs. If he had the ability to create his own Dragonballs, wouldn't that be amazing?

Elise, seeing Kayn returned smiled and walked up to him. "Welcome back! You're back way earlier than you said. Did everything go well?" Elise was full of smiles, everything had been calm for some time now

"Yes, everything went well and all the frogmen on this planet are dead." Kayn then turned serious and continued. "Sadly, it turns out that there was really a Big Boss behind the 4 Chieftains and they were being sacrificed. They had their life force absorb and turned into dried mummy corses." Elise facially Express sunk and tears started to form in her eyes. Kayn immediately spoke up "No worries, there is a method to revive them. I will do so in the future." Kayn said with a smile

Elise was surprised "Really? Is there such a method that could bring back the dead?"

Kayn: Of course, Have I ever lied to you since I've known you?

Elise took a deep breath and wipe her tear away, "Okay, I will wait until that day then." She was relieved thought she had some doubts.

"Well, it is time to gather your people. I have found a good planet that will blow your mind because of how amazing it is." Elise Jumped in joy and ran off to gather everyone in the village without saying anything to Kayn. There were more Villages in South, East, and North, so they had to pick them up. Kayn started to feel a headache coming and did some thinking. His Ki senses aren't advanced enough for him to instant Transmission to his planet, so he can't sense the planet from here and even if it could he would only be able to take up to 3 to 5 people with a jump.

Kayn thought about his warp technique, though warp takes about 10 seconds to use, it could carry about 100 people. The con was that it was simply to low in level so he could only use it twice a day for now. So, how long would it take for him to transfer 5000 to 6000 Fox people to his new Planet? Kayn didn't wanna do the math since the answer was clear, too Long!

Kayn had no choice but to call the system, it turns out that he can mass teleport everyone with the system. To do this, everyone would have to gather in one place to do so. This would cost 15,000 System Point, he wanted to cry but no tear came. To not waste time Kayn had to spend 2000 System to point to warp everyone on the planet to his position. "FUCK! I am going broke fast, my system points are going down the drain like water." Kayn then called Elise's dad over who was accompanied by a little girl around 2. "Has everyone gathered? I am going to have everyone Mass Teleport again but to our new planet." Kayn was getting slightly impatient

Elise's father was elated and ran off to check if everyone in the area was gathering since Elise might need help. The little girl stared at the boy who was about her height. She had big round eyes with orange hair, both her eyes were sapphire blue and she had rag like clothes on. She looked at Kayn and said, "Hi, my name is luna what's your name?" Luna said with a wide smile, she was basically Kayn's height and around his age. She could bȧrėly talk, she was only 2 after all, it was already amazing that she could actually talk at this age.

Kayn was surprised seeing her talk, he knew saiyan could talk at 1 but that was because they were Saiyans. "My name is Kayn, nice to meet you, Luna. Here let me clean you up." Kayn then used his Creation Ability and change luna's clothes from rags to an orange sundress with sandals, this also cleaned the dirt that was on her.

Little Luna was completely Shocked as her mouth was wide open checking. She started to check out her new dress, she was quite happy with the look. "Thank you so much, they're so pretty! Can we be friends Brother Kayn?" Luna said full of hope, she was happy to find someone her age to talk to since most people her age ended up being taken away by the frogmen and never seen again.

"Of course we can be friends." Kayn said sticking out his hand for a handshake. Luna immediately shook his hand with a wide and cheerful smile. "We will play later, also, I have so many cool and fun things to show you later, hehe!" Kayn said with a grin

"I can wait to play, it's going to be so fun!" Luna jumped up cheerfully. At that moment, a huge crowd was coming over. The number was simply impossible to count with the nȧkėd eye. It was the Fox Race Elise and her father had gathered.

Kayn flew into the air much to luna shock and yelled out" Everyone, listen, some of you may recognize me or even heard of me over the days. I am the one who has exterminated all of the frogmen." The people indeed recognized this monstrous boy who was like a devil, slaughtering those frogmen. The Fox People almost felt pity for those frogmen since the frogmen looked like vegetables and fruits being chopped up at the time.

"I will be taking all of you to a paradise planet to live on, it is wonderful and will be much too your liking. The air and everything about it are simply amazing, now everyone holds hands. Once everyone holds hand I can start the Mass Teleportation." Kayn said lazily

Kayn said this and grabbed Luna and carried her into the air much to her shock. "Haha! relax little luna and enjoy the ride." Everyone soon all held hands. "System, Start mass teleportation and yes, just do it!" He already knew what the system would say.

[Consuming 15,000 SP...Intermission in 5...4...3..2..1 Ding! Mass Teleportation activated.]

whoosh!!!! with a whoosh sound, everyone arrived on the New Planet.

Everyone, seeing the scene change was Happy beyond words. They had heard that this guy came to save them by wiping out the frogmen but to give them a new home they were truly grateful. Some of them were crying, some of them were on their knees kneeling or kowtowing. "This is your planet and my planet. I will call this planet, New Genesis. What do you think?" Everyone cheered, showing that they agreed. Kayn then descended from the sky holding luna who was still in awe.

"Can I learn how to fly? I wanna Fly." Luna said with pleading eyes

"Sure, but to fly you have wait until you're 6, then I will teach you." Luna nodded

"Okay, I will wait then" she then ran off to where her mother was.

Kayn looked at his surroundings and then the people "Start making your homes, there are clean waters and tons of food, plus resources." He then used his Creation ability and made tons of wood, iron and many other ores. Kayn made other tools for them to use, he also made a huge warehouse to store food. Kayn supplied them with weapons like guns, sword, and spears. The food in the area grew fast as is and was enough. Kay still pulled up the system and gave them tons of seeds for different vegetables and fruits. He also gave them some special water that would allow the vegetable and fruits to grow 5 times faster.

The Fox Race was overcome with emotion and show absolute reverence for Kayn. They even wanted to make a statue out of him, made out of Gold. They had tons of ores so it was possible, it was now time for him to head to earth. He could monitor anything that happens on the planet, he even found out recently that he could even change the location of the planet if any dangerous forces discovered it.

Kayn approached Elise after she was done talking to her father. "Elise, I am leaving now but I will be back since this is my home too." Kayn smiled and continued "Elise, you are now in charge." Kayn turned to leave and Elise hesitated for a moment.

"What about the request you wanted at that time." Elise said with some emotion

"Oh yeah, I will ask for that request in the future, sėxy lady." Kayn said with a lecherous smile, he then continued "By the way, how old are you?" Elise was surprised hearing him call her a sėxy lady with a perverted smile.

"I just turned 13, and how old might you be?" Kayn was shocked and thought 'How can a 13-year-old have a body like that? Is logic sleeping on the job? Or Did he just outright Quit?'

"I am 3 years old and single." Kayn said ŀɨċkɨnġ his lips, this cause Elise to blush a little

"I will watch over the village as you said, so I cant mingle now. I can in the future but I have to stabilize this place with my dad who is a scientist." Elise said with her head lower.

"Alright, I will drop in ever here and there, See ya!!" Elise then walked towards the crowd, just as he was about to warp he heard a ding sound in his head.

[Ding! Handing out reward]

*Congratulation you've received-Mysterious Pack

*Congratulation you've received-Disguise Card x10

*Congratulation you've received-Power Pill(Low Grade) x5

[Ding! Host Can Now Upgrade to Version 1]

"Alright, time to go, but first thing first. System Upgrade to Version 1

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