All of you, cosmic fortune.

[Adolescence vs. 500 Million]

While sitting on the chair, the poem was thinking about the title of a sudden post.

It was fun just to imagine how happy it would be to be together with Idol.

If you hold hands with that beautiful child, you will be happy every day, not only to live with the envy around you.

“Ahh... ”

The heart of the poem palpitated even as I simply imagined it.

But 500 million was also worth going out with Idol. The remaining balance on the account is 80,000 won, but we still need 20 more days to get the allowance. I get 200,000 won from my parents a month, but I can't even buy a tablet, let alone a popular smartphone, because it is the same money as eating and living everyday life. But with 100 million won, I could have upgraded my computer on my tablet and gone from this narrow high school to my studio.

While imagining things, the poem clicked on the article.

Many people have already commented, but the word dragon pumpkin contest was going on so well that it was not too awkward. There was even a man fighting over it.

[Very funny. What are you guys even thinking about? Blah blah, that doesn't mean anything.]

When I watched the comments and watched the last one, my heart became tired.

“Ha, right. Reality is just a shitty way of thinking about it. ”

A sigh erupted from the poem's mouth. One day, after seeing it was past 3: 00 in the morning, he lay in bed and asked me to sleep. Somehow my eyes are moist. He was too disgraceful.

“You have no dreams, no hope. ”

The computer that pressed Exit will shut down while reading the hard disk hard. Even the noisy cooler stopped, the room was filled with silence.

The city returned to the private military in the province, where it served three years ago. Although the tuition fee for one semester was more than KRW 3 million, my parents were working hard, so I received loans for the school because it was hard to pay that much. Therefore, only the money to repay is now more than 20 million won.

But there was something more pressing. It was that the situation was now a fourth-grade graduate class, and I had never played Toeik, and my grade was less than 3.0. However, I had another dream, so I worked hard, but not that. I just came home after school and spent time playing games or on the internet. No specialization, low academic discipline and no Toeic score. Moreover, this local private university was not just enrolled in high school, but was also a lucky place to go to a famous university in Seoul. He was already 26 years old, but the future was as dark as the night sky.

It has been a month since the first semester of the fourth grade opened, but the situation did not enter the class properly. It's because I don't have much motivation to study because I think I'm in the fourth grade now.

Early in the afternoon, the scene at a nearby Internet cafe launched a game called Legendary League, which is currently popular. Soon after searching for opponents, all five of us and five of our opponents entered the game and everyone picked a character they were confident in. The poem chose a little girl who used fire magic while contemplating.

I focused on the spirit since the game began and played. Like my parents always say, even if I studied like this, it would be easy for me to enter the famous school that I wanted to go to in the past.

The misjudgement of the situation keeps killing the enemy, and the team members start to get angry at the situation.

What are you doing? Why are you going in there alone?]

[You really suck at this. Hey, you just quit the Legend League.]

I felt bad when I saw the chat, but I couldn't say anything back. because he knew he was losing because of him. However, he began to die deliberately because of the very upsetting relationship.

[Heh heh. I keep dying. I'm sorry.]

The poem provoked the same team member to anger by chatting as if it were a mistake, deliberately dying. It's because I was so angry that I couldn't bear not to do this.

Soon after, the game ended with a message of defeat.

Rating 833.

Programmers rated more than 2200 points and those who played normally rated 1200 points, but the situation had only surpassed 800 points.

Yes, the poem was not very good at games.

It is said that all men are born with one peculiarity, and at least that peculiarity has not been found anywhere in the current poem.

“Oh, shit. You should go home.”

I forgot all the lessons, and the poem that ruined me felt like I was playing games returned home.

The high altitude of 250,000 won per month was very poor as the facilities were cheap. There was no TV, no refrigerator. There was only one bed and a desk, and both of them were very small.

I roughly tossed the bag, turned the computer on with my toes, and changed my clothes. He was really disliked when he wore a shirt with a stretchy neck and a puffy trousers. Even so, I wasn't dressed properly. He wore underwater jeans and a wrinkled blue husband who was his favorite fashion, but he was so ugly that he didn't even know the girl because he was shy.

When the computer turned on, I followed a cup of Coke and sat down in the chair and started surfing the internet like yesterday. After scouring through the webtoons and reading articles about IT, I went to all the interesting sites. It's because I had very little time left, it was very free.

The precious time of the poem was meaningless.

“Do I really have to? ”

A blonde man coming up to the waist looks at the man sitting on the chair helplessly and says,

“Toleiman. It's already done. The dice are rolling already. ”

Toleiman looks at the man with intense eyes and turns his gaze out the window. A large planet was embedded in the sky, visible to the naked eye. The Moon looked more than ten times bigger on Earth, but its appearance was so mysterious that it was hard to keep my eyes off it.

“Quezron. You're going to hand it all over to someone who doesn't know who it is? What if he has a bad heart? ”

“That's not gonna happen. Cough.”

The frail man in the chair, called Quezron, continued to cough and smiled helplessly.

“No, I don't know. If man is to inherit all of this, he must act for his own desires. ”

“Of course I think so. So I set up a few devices. Aren't you curious? Only one creature in this universe will have everything I have. Haha.”

Quezron laughs loudly at what is pleasant. Snow white teeth appear in the snow.

“I will oversee the Chosen One, and if he does anything wrong, I will execute him at once. Are you okay?”

“I'd appreciate it if you would. Haha. Do you have any idea who's lucky enough to take over everything in this universe? ”

“With the trillions of people on Larac and many colonized planets, there's a good chance you'll be chosen, isn't there?" ”

“Haha. Is that so? ”

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Thank you for reading.

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