
While everyone was drinking, he pretended to drink a little, but in fact, he pushed the tea forward.

“Really? Thank you. ”

Usually he refused, but Min Young took the flounder tea and distributed it to Eunji and Hyoju. Everyone was busy enjoying the tea without saying anything.

The poem looked at him with a very happy expression.

“Oh, it was delicious. ”

“I'm glad it was delicious. Then let's start again. How do you want to have this conversation? ”

The poem suppressed the nervous heart and said as calmly as possible.

“This is……. ”

Tea time naturally ended. While everyone was thinking about the drama ambassador, the situation constantly measured the time.

Three o'clock.

“Yawn, aren't you a little tired? ”

“Yeah, I'm a little sleepy, too. ”

Eun-ji replied. The effects of sleeping cars began to slowly appear. You have 20 minutes left before you fall asleep.

The poem was already nervous and my hands and feet were about to tremble. I tried to make a face that wasn't as awkward as possible while squeezing my hand.

“Spring is giving me churning. I have to go out and play on a day like this. Haha.”

The poem turned the causes of sleepless sleep to puberty.

“Yawn, I'm so sleepy. I just want to sleep like this for an hour. ”

Minyoung glanced at the situation while speaking. I was a little cautious.

The situation suddenly made me think that I shouldn't stay sane. I had to pretend to Joe first so I wouldn't be suspected later.


After that, the poem kept yawning and pretending to be sleepy. But I closed my eyes and pretended that it wasn't enough.

“Are you kidding me? ”

“Yes? Oh, no. I didn't fall asleep.”

“Oh, you fell asleep. ”

Min-young laughed as she watched the situation. Silver also covers her mouth with her hands and smiles a little.

3: 15.

Everyone's lost their words. All three of them were already asleep with their eyes closed whether the effects of the car had been effective.

He pretended to be Joe just in case.

3: 25.

The eye-opening poem looked at the women very carefully. Those women who nodded and fell asleep are now completely asleep on the table.

“Eun Ji, Min Young. ”

The poem woke them up, shaking their bodies just in case. But he never woke up dead.

“Is it done?”

A low, dry voice came from the mouth of the poem.

I thought my heart was going to explode. When I saw them sleeping, I was extremely nervous and trembling. It was hard to express my feelings at this moment.

The poem stares at Eunji dazed, carefully placing his hands on Eunji's back. You feel a rough knit, but for the first time, your erected genitals might explode because of the feeling of touching a woman.

The poem swallowed the saliva.

I could barely resist because I wanted to take off the cloak of silver and wash my chest and smell the vagina, but I had the minimum morality not to do so.

However, I couldn't miss this opportunity, so I stroked Eunji's back and touched her feet wearing socks.

“Phew……. ”

I felt a deep breath because the stimulus of touching Eunji was so strong.

The poem carefully picks up the silver lying on the table and lies down on one side of the living room. She closes her eyes and breathes regularly, just amazed at how beautiful she is.

The poem grabs Eunji's hand and wriggles. My hands were incredibly soft like silk. I squeeze the clasps of lovers and my heart bursts.

“Ugh, Eun-ji. ”

Everyone was asleep, and no one could hear them, but calling them Eunji was so shaken that I stuttered.

“Th……. Eun-ji, Bar, do you want to eat? ”

One hand clasps and looks at Eun-si lying down, talking to her.

Though some might think it's silly to look at it, the situation was practicing to develop a little resistance to women and to speak well. Eun-ji, who had been watching for two days before, was the best teaching material.

“Eun-ji, Sa, Sa, Sa, Love, Love. ”

The other one was decent enough to look at, but I stuttered a few times because I was so ashamed to say I love you.

However, after speaking, the sensation of excitement caused my penis to grow painfully.

As I continued to look at Eunji's face and tell her that I love her, my heart trembled like I really like Eunji, and she looked more beautiful and attractive.

Especially my lips that kept my mouth shut kept my eyes closed.

The poem looked around even though no one was home, and kissed Eun's lips. As I felt the soft and luscious lips of the hidden world, Cooper's liquid, which had begun to flow from earlier, was soaked in panties.

It was my first kiss.

It was luscious. I felt the excitement of my heart exploding. I just kissed my mouth, but when I thought how good sex would make me feel, my thirst and thirst for sex grew.

The lipless poem strokes the cheek slightly.

“This is bad. I can't breathe. I think we need to get him ventilated. ”

I continued practicing my lines later. At first, I felt like I was reading a language book, but as I repeated it over and over again, it changed reasonably.

After practicing for a long time, there was only one hour left.

Now I had to finish and execute the preparations I had planned. We need more time. If we wake up early, we're in trouble.

The poet carefully holds the silver lying in his car, resting on his neck, and spills it into his mouth. However, even if I put the tea in my mouth, I couldn't swallow it. I could barely swallow it when I pressed down my neck as I had found it. You let him swallow about half a cup of tea and get him down on the table in a remembered position before laying his silver sheep down.

It was beginning now, but it was going according to plan.

Before laying down the silverware in the living room, I made her lie down on the table in a remembered manner and neatly rearranged her carpet.

I checked the situation thoroughly again just in case. There was nothing particularly strange about it.

“Phew, is that enough? ”

When the six o'clock was right after finding something strange with the hawk's eyes, the poem pretended to lie on the table together. It was because I was sure I would be suspicious if I woke up alone when I was asleep.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

I fixed it because someone was uncomfortable with Eunji.

Have a nice day.

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