
The poem came out while washing his body with a towel. Although not so tall, the beautiful muscles embroidered on the perfectly balanced body were enough to make the needle go over just by looking at it. I felt like I was going to die thinking I couldn't have sex with such a wonderful poem after getting married. I understood the feelings of the women who were having an affair, even though they were not married yet.

“Come here, poppet. ”

Jiyoung tapped the bed and said, the poem hugged Jiyoung and lay on the bed. Then, I put my hand in a thin slip that didn't wear a brassiere and touched my chest. I felt a little less than praise, but it was fun to touch because they were beautiful and big breasts.

I gave a big kiss while stimulating my nipples with my fingers. Jiyoung's career has made her skillful in her skills, including praise, Yumi, fame, and silver. If I sucked my tongue lightly, my tongue and tongue got entangled and bit me with my lips.

“Ahh... ”

Jiyoung let out a hot breath to see if the kiss of the poem and the touch of the chest were okay. The poem kissed the neck, and gradually came down and grabbed his chest with his hands and asked. I licked the tangy breasts of fresh pulp with my tongue and sucked the fruits from the middle.

“Hmmm…. The poetry is good.”

Jiyoung stroked the poem's head and said. When I first had sex, I couldn't find a hole, so I was stupid, and now I know how to make a woman feel good. When I thought the poem had grown like this through his teachings, I was pleased.

“Ugh…. ”

The poem licked my tongue with the whole labia around the clitoris, making sure I sucked enough to suck my chest. Usually women don't like to have oral intercourse because they're ashamed. That was really stupid. I didn't understand it with my own mind that I didn't receive this good.

“Little Sissy, lie down. I'll suck your dick, too.”

Ji-young said, as the poem lay on the bed, Ji-young climbed on top of it and grabbed the enlarged penis with her hand. A warm feeling was conveyed.

Jiyoung licked her penis lightly with her tongue first. You know too well where a man's most sensitive place is, so you tickle the poem's bean, the urinal tool that comes out with your tongue. The penis of the poem flinched to see if it felt pleasant. Jiyoung smiled slightly and sucked his penis out of his mouth.

“Well……. ”

Jiyoung's Pelagio skills were amazing, so the poem felt a sense of exhilaration. I felt the satisfaction and licked Jiyoung's murmur with my fingers. Her penis was very sensitive and had to be handled with great care.

“Sis, I want to put it in now. ”

I had enough affection, and the poem was filled with desire to insert. In fact, the poem was also a man, so I liked inserting it more than loving it.

“Hold on, I have my sister's condom. Let's put that on. ”

Jiyoung, who was sitting on the bed, said, prying the condom next to her.

“Yes? Condoms? ”

The word "condom" suddenly made me look like I didn't know what was going on. If it was the usual ground, he would bend his body with his legs to make it cheaper inside. Suddenly, he didn't understand why he wanted to use condoms.

“I'm in a bit of a dangerous time. It's a big deal if you're pregnant. ”

“I'll take it outside. Sis, don't worry. ”

Thanks to the yin and yang union, I can't tell you that I can't get pregnant even if I have vaginal discharge. I didn't want to have sex with a condom even if I could.

“Sissy, it's safe to wear it, though. You're gonna have sex with another woman, and you can't just give me a reason not to. ”

Jiyoung tried to persuade the poem to put a condom in the penis of the poem.

“Sis, it's really okay. ”

“No. You like to have the pope wrap it up inside, but you can't get pregnant if you don't want to. ”

Jiyoung's eyes narrowed as Jiyoung forced me to wear a condom all of a sudden. Normal ground would never let me pull out my penis to get a vaginal assessment. There must have been something else.

“Sis, that's a little weird. ”

“Ugh, yeah? What, what? ”

Jiyoung flinches at the suspicious words of the poem.

“Is something wrong? ”

“No, nothing happened. ”

As the poem stared, Jiyoung slightly dodged her eyes. I did something else about the poem, so I couldn't take my eyes off it. Of course, I liked the situation even more than the doctor who saw the line. However, Jiyoung also experienced social experience and saw the married people around her, knowing that true love is also useless in front of the economy.

“Sis, tell me the truth. ”

“Ahh... Yeah, I'm actually trying to get you married. ”

Jiyoung, who could not bear the eyes of the poem, confessed. It was better to say it now than to keep it hidden.


At Jiyoung's unthinkable words, I couldn't think of what to say.

“Yes. Standing in.... ”

Jiyoung could not say that she had seen the line, but replied by saying that the place standing was coming in.

“Is that so?"

“Yes... ”

The expression of the poem was a little blurry. I thought that this day would come, but on the one hand, I also thought that this relationship would last forever.

Seeing Jiyoung's expression of apology and answering, I felt a little sad, but the reason for seeing the line was because of her economic power, which made me feel calmer and calmer.

“I'm sorry, Pope. ”

“No, you're my older sister, and you're ready to get married. ”

Jiyoung hugged the poem and said, the poem calmly replied. Until now, Jiyoung had a strong feeling that she wanted to marry herself because she was in love with him, but now she just feels like a sex-sparker who enjoys it until marriage.

Honestly, if I wasn't in a bad mood, I wouldn't be a man. I understood Jiyoung's heart to find a slightly more economical man, but it was a separate matter of feeling bad about it. Many women did not, but many regarded the economic power and family background of men as the top priority. Especially as I got older, that tendency grew, but Jiyoung seemed to be no exception.

The poem felt the flames burning steadily fading. I met Jiyoung for the first time while saving her from him, and I taught her a lot and helped her since then, but it seemed like it was time to break up.

Thinking of separating from Jiyoung, my heart ached a little.

Jiyoung's mind would have seemed uneasy. After paying for the cafe, he said his father's finger was cut off, so he must continue to pay a lot of attention to his parents, and since the family is poor, he probably thought he should give a lot of the income to his parents.

That's why he seemed to want to marry someone a little safer, even though he was dealing with cafes and over 5 million won of expensive cosmetics.

“Then, will you just wrap it up inside today? ”

Jiyoung cautiously said as the expression of the poem was not good. Unlike before, it took me a little to calm down the look on his face.

“Yes, sister. I'm not gonna get pregnant. Don't worry."

Maybe today will be the last time I have sex with Jiyoung.

“Ugh, yeah. Yeah, I'm all parched to talk. Kiss me again, poppet. ”

“Yes, sister. ”

The poem hugged Jiyoung and kissed her, but as before, the love that filled her heart disappeared a lot.

Since then, we loved each other like before and there was a lot of love fluid coming out of Jiyoung, the poem put a large and hard erected penis into Jiyoung's vagina. Physical pleasures filled my whole body, but my mind was not as excited as before. I had never known sex to be so boring when it disappeared.

“Ugh... Okay... Holy cow... ”

However, Jiyoung let out a cheerful groan as to whether she felt good about the poetry's strong piston quality.

“I'll chew.”

The poem shoots semen into Jiyoung's vagina. The yin and yang worked together naturally, and a considerable amount of guitar came through the tool and merged with Magi.

“Ahh... I loved it, papa. ”

Jiyoung pulled the poem and said with a kiss. I have seen the situation since before calibration, but such a good man is really rare. Before calibration, it was a little bad, but after that, it became so cool that I thought it was molded. The beautiful body, the big penis, and the kind and naive personality that cared about women, which was trimmed with exercise, was really my first love. Unfortunately, my parents' economic strength was too low, so I was a little more blinded by the doctor I had seen before considering the income from selling cafes and cosmetics. It cost 5 million won in luxury cosmetics, but I didn't think it would make much money to sell it to the city. It's not like the cosmetics are selling well or selling one a month.

“Sis, I'm going now. ”


Jiyoung wiped the semen in her vagina and the semen attached to the penis of the poem with a toilet paper, the poem said.

“Yes. I have a lot to do... ”

“Ugh, yeah. Yeah, well, I'll call you next time. Holy cow.”

The poem was dressed as Juju Island. I thought it would be hard to come again if I left this house.

“Sis, I'm going. I'll see you next time. ”

“Come on. Like they're never coming back. ”

Seeing the poem speaking with a blurry smile, Jiyoung said with a slightly worried face. Since I said I was getting married, the situation felt different than usual.

“You're getting married, but I don't think you'll be able to see it. ”

“Sissy……. ”

Jiyoung, who had met an old man, felt that the poem was leaving her. I wanted to catch it right away, but it seemed like it would be better if I thought about the reality. Being a poet and a sex spartner and getting caught by that doctor is gonna be a real disaster.

“I'm going.”

“Yes. Yes. Goodbye."

As the poem opened the door, Jiyoung gazed at the back of the poem without saying a word. As soon as I feel that my relationship with the poem is going to end, I feel like I have a hole in my heart.

“Ahh... ”

I was heartbroken. I had no idea that this would end this way with Jiyoung, who had let go of her pity and taught me many things. Man's life is beyond measure.

I didn't say it was a formal breakup, but I could feel that my distance from my heart was getting further away from my meetings. Even though it was because it was my first breakup, my heart was aching like a heavy stone.

“Ahh... ”

I just kept sighing.

Glug glug!

I was thinking about going home, but I didn't want to go home immediately because my heart felt full. I wanted to comfort myself who was hurt by someone.

The poet called Chan while touching his cell phone. I thought it would comfort me if I was complimented.

[Hello, your 2: 00 is almost here.]

[Can you come out for a second?]

[Is something wrong? Where are you? I'll be right out.]

The voice of the low poem felt something was going on and said in a worrying voice. It was 2: 00 in the morning, and there was no sign of anything bothering Chan.

[I'll be in front of your house in 10 minutes.]

[Yes, I understand. Brother.]

The poem that hung up on praise and phone was lonely walking the dark streets of the night. As time went by, things with Jiyoung made me feel even more awkward. Even though Jiyoung was disappointed as a snob, I still liked her...

Feeling the night breeze, I came to the house of praise, waiting with a worried look on my face with a light teat and a thin cardigan on my shorts.

“Oh, brother. ”

Praise for discovering the poem ran forward.

“Praise.... ”

The poem embraced praise. I feel a little at ease when I feel the fragrant fragrance of praise.

“Brother……. ”

Praise didn't ask me anything, but just patted the poem's back.

“Will you come with me to the motel? ”

Praise, who stroked the poem's back for a long time, said.

“Motel? Compliments. Are you drunk? ”

Suddenly, the poem smiled and said. Thanks to the compliment, my mind was clearly a little more stable than before.

“Oh, no. I just want to go with you. ”

The last time I poured liquor, I replied shyly. I was embarrassed every time I thought about it, but it was also a precious day that led to the situation and myself.

“Should I?”

“Yes, just a moment. I'll get my purse. ”

“No, I have money. Let's just go.”

“But……. ”

“It's okay.”

Taking a hesitant compliment, the poem went to a five-story motel between the residential streets and the main street. The building was quite well shaped and the room was cozy and tidy.

When the poet lay down on the bed, Chan lay beside him and hugged him. I wondered why the situation was so difficult, but I didn't ask on purpose. The poem will tell you when it's time.

“Praise.... ”

I put my hand into the praise of the poem and touched my chest. But the brassiere got stuck. When Chan noticed that, he sat up, took off his tea and brassiere and lay down next to the poem again.

“Thank you.”

“No, brother. ”

As the hymn smiled slightly and said, the poem felt a slight smile. Instead of asking what he called me for, Chan deeply comforted me, knowing that he was struggling. I was touching the heart of praise, so my mind became more and more calm.

The poem attracted praise and sucked the teat into his mouth. I literally sucked my nipple like a baby, not loving it. I didn't want milk. I was close to my instincts for peace of mind. However, even the flattering nipples became stiff.

Chan just kept patting the poet's head, and the poet, who was sucking his nipples, was sleeping in the bed.

He kissed the cheek and invited himself to sleep, as if he were a baby.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

In fact, -1 meant losing Jiyoung. Well, it's not that big of a deal.

Either way, our breakup with Jiyoung is a driving force to get more women.


Unlike before, we just changed it to okay breakups.

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